Cars are a big part of our everyday lives. They get us from point A to point B, and for many people they are more than just transportation – they are a hobby and a passion. Riddles are a great way to challenge your brain and have some fun. Here are 89 riddles about cars with the answers provided.
Car Riddles
What has four wheels and flies? A garbage truck
What kind of car can fly? A plane car or flying car
What do you call a dog that loves fast cars? A petroleum retriever
What do you call a flower that loves cars? A petunia
What do you call a car that eats other cars? A Carnivore
What do you call a car that loves to read books? A Novelty Vehicle
Why don’t cars ever go hungry? Because they have auto-matic transmissions
What did the car say when it got tired? I’m exhausted
Why did the car roll down the hill? It was tired
What kind of car does Mickey Mouse’s wife drive? A Minnie van
Why don’t cars ever get flat tires in the desert? Because of all the cacti
Why did the car lose the race? It ran out of gas
What did one car say to the other during the race? I’m tired!
What do you call a parade of Cadillacs? A Cadillac-ade
Why are bad cars always depressed? They’ve got the blues
How does a car stay healthy? It gets car-dio training
How do cars get clean? They take car washes
What did the car say to the bicycle? Want a ride?
What do you call a flower that runs on gas? A petrolium
What do you call a flower that loves auto racing? A petunia
Why was the car so angry? It blew a gasket
What did the mother car say to her child? Put your seat belt on
How does a car count to 100? It goes from 0 to 60, and then turns over.
What kind of car does a sheep drive? Their SuBAHHru
What do you call a line of rabbits marching backwards? A receding hareline.
What do you call a flower that runs on batteries? A volt-erium
What’s the loudest pet in the world? A trumpet.
What automobile makes wishes come true? A Dodge Challenger
What runs but never gets tired? A Car
What gets whiter the dirtier it gets? A blackboard
What kind of car does a ghost drive? A Boo-ick
What do you call a flower that’s in a car accident? A chrash-anthmum
What do you call a flower that’s a traffic hazard? A bumper car-nation
What do you call a line of cars playing music? A horn section
Why are Fords the wettest cars? Because they have Mustang convertibles
How do cars swim underwater? They use their scUBA gears
Why don’t eggs tell each other jokes? They’d crack each other up.
What do you call a dog magician? A labracadabrador.
What do you call a flower that’s been in a car accident? A Chrash-anthermum.
What car is always bright and cheerful? The Happy Honda.
Why are red cars the saddest? Because they’ve got the blues.
What do you call a line of guys waiting for their car to be washed? Auto-mobiles
What do you call a flower that likes drag racing? A dra-ga-lily
What do you call a flower that’s been abandoned in a parking lot? An Iris forlorn
What do you call a parade of Jeeps? A jeeptillion.
What do you call a flower that’s a traffic hazard? A bumper car-nation.
What kind of car does Mickey Mouse’s wife drive? A minnie van.
What do you call a flower that’s been in a car accident? A chrash-anthermum.
What car is always bright and cheerful? The Happy Honda.
Why are red cars the saddest? Because they’ve got the blues.
What do you call a line of guys waiting for their car to be washed? Auto-mobiles
What do you call a flower that likes drag racing? A dra-ga-lily
What do you call a flower that’s been abandoned in a parking lot? An Iris forlorn
What do you call a parade of Jeeps? A jeeptillion.
What runs but never gets tired? A Car
What automobile makes wishes come true? A Dodge Challenger
What makes time fly? A jet plane
What kind of car does a ghost drive? A Boo-ick
What does a baby computer call his father? Data
What did one elevator say to another elevator? I think I’m coming down with something!
What do you call a parade of Corvettes? A Corvette-cade.
Why don’t eggs tell each other jokes? They’d crack each other up.
What do you call two birds in love? Tweethearts!
What streets do ghosts haunt? Dead ends!
What do you call a flower that’s been in a car accident? A chrash-anthermum
What kind of car does a sheep drive? Their SuBAHHru
What do you call a flower that’s a traffic hazard? A bumper car-nation
What do you call a parade of Cadillacs? A Cadillac-ade
Why are bad cars always depressed? They’ve got the blues
How does a car stay healthy? It gets car-dio training
How do cars get clean? They take car washes
We hope you enjoyed those 89 riddles about cars! Riddles are a fun way to challenge your mind and think outside the box. Cars make for great riddle topics because they are so familiar to us all. Let us know if you have any other car riddles that should be added to our list! Driving safe and buckling up is important, but so is exercising your mind and having fun. We hope these car riddles put a smile on your face and get your mental wheels spinning.