Airplanes are a source of fascination for many people. Their ability to fly through the skies and transport people across long distances is impressive. Airplanes have also become ingrained in popular culture, with many riddles and brain teasers related to aviation. Here are 97 riddles about airplanes, along with their answers, for you to solve and enjoy.
Airplane Riddles
Test your knowledge of aviation with these airplane riddles. See if you can figure out the answers before peeking below.
1. What has wings but can’t fly?
A broken airplane.
2. I have no wings but I can fly. What am I?
An airplane.
3. What stays on the ground but still flies?
A grounded airplane.
4. What has propellers and wings but still can’t fly?
A broken airplane.
5. I see without eyes, hear without ears and can fly without wings. What am I?
An airplane.
6. What has wings and flies, but is not an animal or insect?
An airplane.
7. It flies but it has no wings. What is it?
An airplane.
8. What flies without wings?
An airplane.
9. What soars through the skies but is not a bird?
An airplane.
10. What has wings and an engine but isn’t alive?
An airplane.
11. It has wings and moves fast, but is not a bird. What is it?
An airplane.
12. It flies high with things inside, but it’s not a bird. What could it be?
An airplane.
13. What flies but is not a bird or insect?
An airplane.
14. Although it weighs tons, what flies without wings?
An airplane.
15. What flies without flapping?
An airplane.
16. What goes through the air but is not a bird or insect?
An airplane.
17. What can fly without feathers or wings?
An airplane.
18. Although it soars, it has no feathers. What is it?
An airplane.
19. What has wings and flies, but is not an animal?
An airplane.
20. It soars through the sky but it is not alive. What is it?
An airplane.
21. What goes hundreds of miles per hour but doesn’t have legs?
An airplane.
22. It climbs high in the sky with no feathers or wings. What is it?
An airplane.
23. It flies without wings and soars without worry. What is it?
An airplane.
24. Although it cannot flap, this object can fly. What is it?
An airplane.
25. Without feathers or flapping this object soars high. What is it?
An airplane.
26. It soars above the clouds but has no feathers. What is it?
An airplane.
27. What is the thing that flies but is not alive?
An airplane.
28. What is an object, not a living creature, that can fly?
An airplane.
29. It is not a bird, nor a plane. What flies without wings?
A broken airplane.
30. What has metal wings and soars high without life?
An airplane.
31. It flies overhead though it’s not alive. What could it be?
An airplane.
32. What is the only thing that flies but is not considered alive?
An airplane.
33. With turbine engines it flies, even though it’s not alive. What is it?
An airplane.
34. Although it doesn’t breathe, what object can fly miles high in the air?
An airplane.
35. What flies without wings flapping but cannot be considered a living thing?
An airplane.
36. Miles in the air this winged vessel flies, but living it is not. What am I?
An airplane.
37. A metallic bird that cannot chirp. What is it?
An airplane.
38. No breath or bones, but it soars overhead. What could it be?
An airplane.
39. With no sign of life, it still takes flight. What is it?
An airplane.
40. What flies high but isn’t alive?
An airplane.
41. What has wings but no feathers and flies without flapping?
An airplane.
42. A creature that soars with no beating heart inside. What could it be?
An airplane.
43. What object flies overhead but is not considered a living thing?
An airplane.
44. What man-made device can soar through the clouds?
An airplane.
45. Although it was built, it goes up high. But it’s not alive! What is it?
An airplane.
46. What human creation flies on wings but houses no heart?
An airplane.
47. Built by man, this flying machine houses no heart or brain. What is it?
An airplane.
48. What vessel built by man can sail through the air?
An airplane.
49. Moving fast through the sky, this thing was built but does not breathe. What is it?
An airplane.
50. A winged machine built by man that houses no beating heart inside. What is it?
An airplane.
Funny Airplane Riddles
Add some humor to the mix with these funny and amusing riddles about airplanes.
51. What do you call an airplane with only married couples on it?
A Boeing 7-I-Do!
52. Why don’t airplanes fly in circles?
Because it’s plane to see they fly straight!
53. How does an airplane stay cool?
It opens its window shades!
54. Why did the airplane get sent to his room?
Because he had a bad altitude!
55. How do airplanes stay up in the air?
By using their air brakes!
56. Why was the baby airplane crying?
He wanted his mommyplane!
57. What did one airplane say to the other airplane?
“I’m flight and you’re right!”
58. How do airplanes communicate?
They use flight-to-flight radios!
59. What runs but never walks, flies but has no wings?
The runway of an airport.
60. What kind of bags do airplanes carry?
Air baggage!
61. Why did the paper airplane fly?
It had the right air currents!
62. What airline uses only thick cables to fly?
Air Cable Network
63. How did the airplane propose to his girlfriend?
He gave her an air loir!
64. Where do airplanes eat?
At the airfood airport cafe!
65. Why couldn’t the airplane’s nose stop running?
Because it was fuselage!
66. How do you stop an airplane from flying?
You take away its fuel, that will ground it!
67. What do you call an airplane with no pilot?
A drone!
68. How did the airplane go fishing?
It used its fly rod!
69. Why couldn’t the seaplane taxi to the gate?
Because it needed to flyboat there!
70. Why couldn’t the plane do its homework?
It was flying!
Hard Airplane Riddles
Test your critical thinking skills with these challenging riddles about airplanes.
71. A plane crashes on the border of two countries. Where do you bury the survivors?
You don’t bury survivors!
72. How can a plane fly without moving its wings?
It flies on a windy day and is carried by the wind.
73. I fly all day yet I never leave the ground. What am I?
A runway at an airport.
74. What happened to the pilot who skipped flight school?
He got grounded!
75. The more I fly, the wetter I get. What am I?
An airplane flying through rain.
76. What mode of air travel leaves from a coastal city but never arrives at its inland destination?
A seaplane.
77. A plane crashed between the border of the US and Canada. Where do you bury the survivors?
Nowhere, you don’t bury survivors.
78. What has wings but can’t fly and carries lots of people below deck?
An aircraft carrier.
79. I have lots of doors but no walls. I can fly but I never leave the ground. What am I?
An airport terminal.
80. The more fuel I have, the less I weigh. What am I?
An airplane.
81. What has a cockpit, wings, weighs thousands of pounds but can’t fly?
An airplane replica.
82. I fly higher each time without ever leaving the ground. What am I?
A pilot climbing the stairs to an airplane.
83. The more fuel I have, the less I weigh. What am I?
An airplane.
84. What requires fuel but gets lighter as the tank is filled?
An airplane.
85. When does Friday come before Thursday?
In the dictionary.
86. The more of it you leave behind, the more you take with you. What is it?
87. What building do you leave when entering?
An airport.
88. What flies without wings?
89. Feed me and I grow. Give me water and I die. What am I?
90. What gets wetter the more it dries?
A towel.
Airplane Riddles for Kids
Here are some airplane riddles appropriate for children.
91. What kind of bag does a pilot carry?
A flight bag!
92. Why couldn’t the plane fly?
It was grounded!
93. What do clouds wear under their shorts?
94. What do you call a plane that eats too much?
An airchewer!
95. Why was the helicopter grounded?
It was caught on a chopping spree!
96. What do you call a lazy airplane?
A slow-poke!
97. What do you call an airplane’s naughty child?
A brat prop!
Airplanes capture our imaginations and inspire intrigue. These riddles reflect the marvel, mystique, and even the humor related to airplanes and aviation. How many were you able to solve? Riddles provide fun and engaging ways to stimulate our thinking. So grab a friend or family member and see who can outwit whom in a battle of airplane riddle wits!