Betrayal is a painful human experience that evokes deep emotions. Riddles about betrayal make us think carefully about trust, loyalty, and relationships. In this article, we have collected 71 riddles about betrayal along with their answers. Some are simple and others more complex. See how many you can get right!
Riddles about betrayal
1. What belongs to you but other people use it more than you?
Your name
2. I have cities with no people, rivers with no water, and forests with no trees. What am I?
A map
3. What gets broken without being held?
A promise
4. What is taken before it is given?
5. What goes up but never comes down?
Your age
6. I can run but not walk. Wherever I go, thought follows close behind. What am I?
A nose
7. What is seen in the middle of March and April that can’t be seen at the beginning or end of either month?
The letter “R”
8. What tastes better than it smells?
A tongue
9. You heard me before, yet you hear me again. Then I die, until you call me again. What am I?
An echo
10. What is so fragile that saying its name breaks it?
11. I have keys but no locks and space but no room. What am I?
A keyboard
12. I run over fields and woods all day. Under the bed at night I sit not alone. My tongue hangs out, up and to the rear, awaiting to be filled in the morning. What am I?
A shoe
13. You can catch me but cannot throw me; what am I?
A cold
14. What has hands but can not clap?
A clock
15. What has a neck but no head?
A bottle
16. What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years?
The letter M
17. What goes up and down but does not move?
18. The more it dries, the wetter it gets. What is it?
A towel
19. What has a face and two hands but no arms and legs?
A clock
20. What has a thumb and fingers but is not alive?
A glove
21. What goes up when rain comes down?
An umbrella
22. What has a head, a tail, but no body?
A coin
23. What gets wetter the more it dries?
A towel
24. What has to be broken before it can be used?
An egg
25. What belongs to you but is used more by others?
Your name
26. I am not alive but I grow; I don’t have lungs but I need air; I don’t have a mouth but water kills me. What am I?
27. What starts with P, ends with E, and has thousands of letters?
Post office
28. What is cut on a table, but is never eaten?
A deck of cards
29. I am weightless but can be seen. Put me in a bucket, and I’ll make it lighter. What am I?
A hole
30. What has a ring but no finger?
A phone
31. What can you catch but never throw?
A cold
32. Which letter of the alphabet has the most water?
The letter “C”
33. What has four legs but can’t walk?
A table
34. What is broken every time it’s spoken?
35. What is full of holes but holds water?
A sponge
36. What month of the year has 28 days?
All of them
37. What is always coming but never arrives?
38. What goes up but never comes down?
Your age
39. What does man love more than life, hate more than death or mortal strife; that which contented men desire; the poor have, the rich require; and all contented men aspire?
40. You can’t keep this until you have given it?
Your word
41. What gets wet while drying?
A towel
42. The more you take, the more you leave behind. What are they?
43. What goes up but never comes down?
Your age
44. I have branches, but no fruit, trunk or leaves. What am I?
A bank
45. What is broken every time it’s spoken?
46. What is so fragile that saying its name breaks it?
47. It belongs to you, but other people use it more than you do. What is it?
Your name
48. People buy me to eat, but never eat me. What am I?
A plate
49. What gets wetter and wetter the more it dries?
A towel
50. David’s father has three sons: Snap, Crackle and _____?
51. What appears once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years?
The letter M
52. What word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?
53. If I drink, I die. If I eat, I am fine. What am I?
54. What is full of holes but can still hold water?
A sponge
55. What question can you never answer yes to?
“Are you asleep?”
56. What is always coming but never arrives?
57. What can you break, even if you never pick it up or touch it?
A promise
58. I have keys but no locks. I have a space but no room. You can enter, but can’t go outside. What am I?
A keyboard
59. What has many keys but can’t open a single lock?
A piano
60. What has many teeth but can’t bite?
A comb
61. What building has the most stories?
The library
62. What tastes better than it smells?
A tongue
63. Poor people have it. Rich people need it. If you eat it you die. What is it?
64. What gets whiter the dirtier it gets?
A chalkboard
65. What is broken every time it’s spoken?
66. I am lighter than air but a million men cannot lift me up. What am I?
67. What is always coming but never arrives?
68. You answer me, although I never ask you questions. What am I?
A telephone
69. The more you take away, the larger I become. What am I?
A hole
70. What gets wetter and wetter the more it dries?
A towel
71. What has a neck but no head, and wears a cap?
A bottle
Betrayal riddles force us to think deeply about trust and relationships. Some have simple answers that rely on wordplay, while others are more philosophical in nature. How we answer them reveals a lot about our perspectives on loyalty and integrity. Deception and dishonesty are at the heart of betrayal. Riddles can teach us to be wary of false appearances and broken promises. The best relationships are built on communication, empathy and truthfulness. Riddles encourage us to value those qualities.