Cars are a ubiquitous part of modern life. We use them to get around, for work, and for play. For car lovers, they are a passion. Riddles that involve cars and other automobiles can engage our interest in these vehicles in an entertaining way. Here are 55 riddles about cars just for adults, with the answers provided as well.
Car Riddles – The Questions
Below are 55 car riddles written specifically for adults. Give them a try before looking at the answers!
1. What do you call a dog that sniffs cars?
2. I have four wheels and a motor, but no engine. Electricity keeps me running. What am I?
3. What do you call a parade of Ford cars?
4. I’m something you always take on a road trip, that you hope you’ll never actually use. What am I?
5. What car is like a tropical fish tank?
6. If three cats can catch three mice in three minutes, how many cars can catch 200 mice in 200 minutes?
7. What key won’t open any door?
8. What is it called when two Honda Civics crash into each other?
9. What is the best way to make a small fortune in the auto industry?
10. What kind of car does Mickey Mouse’s wife drive?
11. Why don’t cars run well when they’re cold?
12. How do you find where a flea has bitten a car?
13. What do you call a flower that runs on gasoline?
14. What do you call it when a car can write a novel?
15. What do you call cheese that isn’t yours?
16. What is it called when a car prices itself?
17. Why don’t eggs tell car jokes?
18. What do you call a fish car that needs gas?
19. Why can’t bicycles stand on their own?
20. What did the policeman say to his tummy?
21. What kind of car does a sheep drive?
22. Why don’t cars like driving in the rain?
23. How do you fit four elephants into a car?
24. What is the least spoken language in the world?
25. What is it called when two Toyota Priuses crash into each other?
26. Why couldn’t the bicycle stand up by itself?
27. What kind of car does a ghost drive?
28. What do you call cheese that doesn’t belong to you?
29. Why don’t cars like to race on Sundays?
30. What do you call a three-wheeled car?
31. Why are they called apartments when they are all stuck together?
32. What do you call a fish car that needs water?
33. What do you call a parade of Volkswagen Beetles?
34. Why did the police officer pull over the ghost driver?
35. What do you call a flower that runs on sunlight?
36. What do you call a deer who can fit in your car?
37. What do you call a vehicle Charlie Chaplin would drive?
38. Why don’t cars ever get tired?
39. How do you make a car float?
40. Why don’t omelets tell car jokes?
41. What do you call a parade of Mini Coopers?
42. Why don’t cars like driving at night?
43. What do you call a fish car that’s out of luck?
44. What did the buffalo say when his son left for college?
45. Why can’t you hear a pterodactyl go to the bathroom?
46. What did the left eye say to the right eye?
47. What do you call a deer who can fit in your hand?
48. What is the best way to see a fish car?
49. Why did BMW stop making bicycles?
50. How does a train eat?
51. What do you call a three-wheeled motorcycle?
52. Why do cars hate driving behind bikes?
53. Why don’t eggs tell motorcycle jokes?
54. What’s the difference between a bad golfer and a bad car driver?
55. What do you call a fish car that needs a wash?
Answers to the Car Riddles
Ready for the answers? Here they are:
1. A carburetor.
2. An electric car.
3. A Ford Focus.
4. A spare tire.
5. A Volkswagen Beetle.
6. Three cars can catch 200 mice in 200 minutes.
7. A car key.
8. A Honda civic duty.
9. Start off with a large fortune.
10. A Minnie van.
11. They can’t get going until they warm up.
12. Check the car for flea bites.
13. A petalcar.
14. It has auto biography.
15. Nacho cheese.
16. It’s auto pricing.
17. They’d crack up.
18. A fish tank needing gas.
19. They’re two tired.
20. “You’re under a vest!”
21. A lamborghini.
22. It makes them all wet.
23. Two in the front, two in the back.
24. Sign language.
25. A Toyota Pious collision.
26. It was two tired.
27. A phantom.
28. Stolen cheese.
29. They prefer a drag race instead.
30. A tricycle.
31. Because they’re not detached!
32. A fish tank needing water.
33. A Volkswagen Bugle march.
34. He didn’t have a license.
35. A solar power.
36. A compact deer.
37. A jalopy.
38. They’re always wheelie tired.
39. Fill it with root beer, ginger ale, orange soda, and cream soda.
40. They’d get poached.
41. A Mini parade.
42. They’re afraid of the headlights.
43. An unlucky carp.
44. Bison.
45. Because the “P” is silent.
46. Between you and me, something smells!
47. A fawn.
48. Sea it in a fish tank.
49. They kept getting two tired.
50. It goes chew, chew!
51. A two tired cycle.
52. They don’t like being overtaken.
53. Their jokes fall flat.
54. The bad golfer hits a few bad shots. The bad driver makes a few bad crashes.
55. A carp wash.
How did you do with these car riddles? Automobiles are ingrained in our everyday lives, so they make for great riddle topics that most adults can appreciate. Riddles are not just for kids – clever wordplay and double meanings can entertain and challenge adults too. Hopefully you enjoyed these car-themed riddles and their amusing answers. Let us know if you have any other fun car riddles for fellow adults!