Cats are mysterious, independent, and often aloof creatures. Their enigmatic nature makes them the perfect subject for riddles! Here are 61 cat riddles with answers that range from silly to serious. Some rhyme, others rely on wordplay, but all are feline-focused fun. See how many you can get right!
Funny cat riddles
These riddles play with the unique traits and behaviors of our furry feline friends. Expect silly puns, curious conundrums, and clever quips.
Riddle 1
Q: What do you call a cat that gets anything it wants?
A: Purr-suasive!
Riddle 2
Q: What do cats like to eat for breakfast?
A: Mice Crispies!
Riddle 3
Q: What do you call a cat that commits crimes?
A: A purr-petrator!
Riddle 4
Q: Why don’t cats play poker in the jungle?
A: Too many cheetahs!
Riddle 5
Q: What do you call a cat that lives in an igloo?
A: A brrr-rito!
Riddle 6
Q: What do you call a cat who solves mysteries?
A: Inpurrgor Poirot!
Riddle 7
Q: What’s a cat’s favorite dessert?
A: Chocolate meow-ousse!
Riddle 8
Q: Why don’t cats like online shopping?
A: They prefer cat-alogues!
Riddle 9
Q: What do you call a cat who always tells the truth?
A: An honest meow-ssenger!
Riddle 10
Q: What’s a cat’s favorite TV show?
A: The Evening Mews!
Clever cat riddles
These mind-bending riddles require logic, lateral thinking, and a little creative imagination. They range from simple to complex, so put your reasoning skills to the test!
Riddle 11
Q: A cat had three kittens: January, March and May. What was the mother’s name?
A: What!
Riddle 12
Q: What has four legs but can’t walk?
A: A cat-erpillar!
Riddle 13
Q: David’s father has three sons: Snap, Crackle, and what’s the name of the third son?
A: David!
Riddle 14
Q: A doctor gives you three pills telling you to take one every half hour. How long will the pills last?
A: One hour.
Riddle 15
Q: What belongs to you but others use it more than you?
A: Your name.
Riddle 16
Q: The more you take away, the larger it becomes. What is it?
A: A hole.
Riddle 17
Q: What can you catch but never throw?
A: A cold.
Riddle 18
Q: What gets wetter the more it dries?
A: A towel.
Riddle 19
Q: What occurs once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years?
A: The letter M.
Riddle 20
Q: What building has the most stories?
A: The library!
Classic cat riddles
These timeless riddles have been passed down through generations. Their staying power speaks to the enduring appeal of our feline friends. How many classic stumpers can you solve?
Riddle 21
Q: No sooner spoken than broken. What is it?
A: Silence.
Riddle 22
Q: What goes up but never comes down?
A: Your age.
Riddle 23
Q: What gets wetter as it dries?
A: A towel.
Riddle 24
Q: What month of the year has 28 days?
A: All of them!
Riddle 25
Q: What is full of holes but still holds water?
A: A sponge.
Riddle 26
Q: What is always in front of you but can’t be seen?
A: The future.
Riddle 27
Q: What can you break, even if you never pick it up or touch it?
A: A promise.
Riddle 28
Q: I have branches, but no fruit, trunk or leaves. What am I?
A: A bank.
Riddle 29
Q: What can travel around the world while staying in a corner?
A: A stamp.
Riddle 30
Q: What gets bigger the more you take away?
A: A hole.
Hard cat riddles
Up for a real challenge? These perplexing riddles will put your thinking skills to the test. Concentrate hard and see if you can outsmart each puzzler.
Riddle 31
Q: A man pushes his car to a hotel and tells the owner he is bankrupt. Why?
A: He was playing Monopoly.
Riddle 32
Q: What is seen in the middle of March and April that can’t be seen at the beginning or end of either month?
A: The letter “R.”
Riddle 33
Q: What word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?
A: Short.
Riddle 34
Q: A clerk at a butcher shop stands five feet ten inches tall and wears size 13 sneakers. What does he weigh?
A: Meat.
Riddle 35
Q: What has to be broken before you can use it?
A: An egg.
Riddle 36
Q: I’m tall when I’m young, and I’m short when I’m old. What am I?
A: A candle.
Riddle 37
Q: What is once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years?
A: The letter M.
Riddle 38
Q: What belongs to you but others use it more than you do?
A: Your name.
Riddle 39
Q: People make me, save me, change me, raise me. What am I?
A: Money.
Riddle 40
Q: The more of this there is, the less you see. What is it?
A: Darkness.
Cat rhyming riddles
These rhyming riddles add a playful, poetic touch. The rhyme and rhythm add to the fun – if you can solve the tricky word puzzles!
Riddle 41
The sight of this makes kitty run.
It fits in your hand and sizzles in the sun.
What is it?
A: Hot sand.
Riddle 42
I’m lighter than a feather, yet no man can hold me for long. What am I?
A: Breath.
Riddle 43
I am taken from a mine, and shut up in a wooden case, from which I am never released, and yet I am used by almost everybody. What am I?
A: A pencil lead.
Riddle 44
Feed me and I will live, give me something to drink and I will die. What am I?
A: Fire.
Riddle 45
I wiggle and cannot see, air moves me for all to see. What am I?
A: A worm.
Riddle 46
The eight of us go forth, not back, to protect our king from a foe’s attack. What are we?
A: Chess pawns.
Riddle 47
What gets broken without being held?
A: A promise.
Riddle 48
What has many keys but can’t open a single lock?
A: A piano.
Riddle 49
What has hands but can’t clap?
A: A clock.
Riddle 50
As soft as silk, as white as milk, as bitter as gall, a thick green wall covers me all. What am I?
A: A walnut in its shell.
Who am I cat riddles
For these interactive riddles, you’ll need to ask yes or no questions to narrow down the possibilities. Take turns and see who can guess the mystery cat first!
Riddle 51
I’m striped orange and black, originally from Asia. Who am I?
A: A tiger.
Riddle 52
I’m a wild cat native to the Americas, known for my speed and ability to climb trees. Who am I?
A: A jaguar.
Riddle 53
I’m a spotted wild cat found in Africa and parts of Asia, best known for my flexible spine. Who am I?
A: A leopard.
Riddle 54
I’m a medium-sized spotted cat found in forests, grasslands, and wetlands worldwide. Who am I?
A: An ocelot.
Riddle 55
I’m the largest cat species in the Americas, with excellent hearing and night vision. Who am I?
A: A cougar/mountain lion.
Riddle 56
I’m the wild ancestor of domestic cats, recognized by my stubby tail. Who am I?
A: An African wildcat.
Riddle 57
I’m the national animal of India, known for my luxurious coat. Who am I?
A: A Bengal tiger.
Riddle 58
I’m the only cat that lives and hunts in groups. Who am I?
A: A lion.
Riddle 59
I’m the fastest land animal, capable of running 75 mph. Who am I?
A: A cheetah.
Riddle 60
I’m the largest small cat species, with tufted ears. Who am I?
A: A bobcat.
Riddle 61
We started with one, and ended with one. How many were there?
A: One!
How did you do with these cat-centric riddles? Cats sure do inspire some clever puzzles! Their independent and mysterious nature makes them the purr-fect subject for riddles of all kinds – funny, tricky, rhyming, or interactive. Whether you’re a riddle whiz or just have feline curiosity, these cat conundrums hopefully provided some quality entertainment. Share your favorites with fellow riddle and cat lovers alike!