Christmas is a joyous time filled with friends, family, food, and fun. It’s also the perfect opportunity to challenge your loved ones with some holiday-themed riddles! Riddles engage the mind, spark conversation, and add an extra element of entertainment to any Christmas gathering. Below are 89 riddles all about Christmas with their answers provided. Test your own knowledge or share them with others this season!
Christmas Riddles
Q: What falls at the North Pole but never gets hurt?
A: Snow
Q: What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire?
A: Frostbite
Q: What do snowmen eat for breakfast?
A: Snowflakes
Q: Why was the snowman looking through the carrots?
A: He was picking his nose!
Q: Why are Christmas trees so bad at sewing?
A: They always drop their needles!
Q: What do you get when you cross a snowman with a dog?
A: Frost bite!
Q: What does a gingerbread man put on his bed?
A: A cookie sheet!
Q: Why does Scrooge love reindeer so much?
A: Because every buck is deer to him!
Q: Why is Christmas just like your job?
A: You do all the work and the fat guy with the suit gets all the credit
Q: What do you call an obnoxious reindeer?
A: Rudeolph!
Q: Why was Santa’s little helper depressed?
A: Because he had low elf esteem.
Q: What do you get when you cross an archer with a gift-wrapper?
A: Ribbon hood.
Q: What do you call people who are afraid of Santa Claus?
A: Claustrophobic.
Q: How do sheep say Merry Christmas in Mexico?
A: Fleece Navidad!
Q: What is every parent’s favorite Christmas Carol?
A: Silent Night!
Q: Why was Santa’s little helper depressed?
A: Because he had low elf esteem.
Q: What do snowmen eat for breakfast?
A: Snowflakes.
Q: Where do mistletoe go to become famous?
A: Holly-wood!
Q: What do you call an elf who sings?
A: A wrapper!
Q: What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire?
A: Frostbite.
Q: What does Miley Cyrus have at Christmas?
A: Twerky!
Q: Who delivers presents to baby sharks at Christmas?
A: Santa Jaws!
Q: What says “Oh Oh Oh”?
A: Santa walking backwards!
Q: What do you call a broke Santa?
A: Saint-a Claus
Q: Why did Scrooge keep a pet lamb?
A: To fleece Navidad!
Q: Why is Christmas just like a day at the office?
A: You do all the work and the fat guy in the suit gets all the credit.
Q: Why did Santa’s helper quit his job?
A: He didn’t want to work for a man with only one reindeer!
Q: Which of Santa’s reindeer has bad manners?
A: Rude-olph!
Q: Why is Christmas just like your job?
A: You do all the work and the fat guy with the suit gets all the credit.
Q: Why are Christmas trees so bad at sewing?
A: Because they always drop their needles.
Q: Why couldn’t the reindeer play games?
A: Because they had no deer ideas!
Q: What’s every elf’s favorite type of music?
A: Wrap!
Q: What do you get when you cross a snowman with a dog?
A: Frost bite!
Q: Why does Santa have three gardens?
A: So he can ho-ho-ho!
Q: What kind of motorcycle does Santa ride?
A: A Holly Davidson!
Q: Why do Santa’s reindeer stop working over the holidays?
A: Because they’re on a buckin’ Christmas break!
Q: What do reindeer hang on their Christmas trees?
A: Horn-aments!
Q: What does Miley Cyrus have at Christmas?
A: Twerky!
Q: Why was Santa’s little helper depressed?
A: Because he had low elf esteem.
Q: What does Santa do with fat elves?
A: He sends them to an elf farm.
Q: Why couldn’t Santa’s reindeer play games?
A: Because they had no deer ideas!
Q: Why does Santa Claus go down the chimney on Christmas Eve?
A: Because it soots him!
Q: What do you get if you eat Christmas decorations?
A: Tinselitis!
Q: What do you call a kid who doesn’t believe in Santa?
A: A rebel without a Claus!
Q: What do you call a snowman party?
A: A snowball!
Q: Why does Santa have three gardens?
A: So he can ho-ho-ho!
Q: Why did Santa put a clock in his sleigh?
A: He wanted to see time fly!
Q: Why does Santa go down the chimney on Christmas Eve?
A: Because it soots him!
Q: Why are Christmas trees very bad at knitting?
A: Because they always drop their needles!
Q: What’s the most popular Christmas wine?
A: ‘I don’t care, I’ll drink anything’!
Holiday Food Riddles
Q: What did Adam say the day before Christmas?
A: “It’s Christmas, Eve!”
Q: What does a gingerbread man use to make his bed?
A: Cookie sheets!
Q: Why can’t Christmas candy take a walk?
A: Because it has no feet!
Q: What do you get when you cross a bell with a skunk?
A: Jingle Smells!
Q: Why did no one bid for Rudolph and the other eight reindeer on eBay?
A: Because they were two deer!
Q: What do snowmen eat for breakfast?
A: Snowflakes
Q: What do you get if you cross Santa with a duck?
A: A Christmas Quacker!
Q: Why are Christmas trees so bad at knitting?
A: Because they always drop their needles!
Q: How much did Santa pay to park his sleigh?
A: Nothing! It was on the house!
Q: What does a gingerbread man use to make his bed?
A: Cookie sheets!
Around the Christmas Tree Riddles
Q: What does Santa suffer from if he gets stuck in a chimney?
A: Claus-trophobia!
Q: What do you call an old snowman?
A: Water!
Q: Why are Christmas trees very bad at knitting?
A: They always drop their needles!
Q: Why did Santa’s helper quit his job?
A: He didn’t want to work for a man with only one reindeer!
Q: Where does a snowman keep his money?
A: In a snow bank!
Q: What do you call a broke Santa?
A: Saint-a Claus!
Q: Why does Santa have 3 gardens?
A: So he can ho-ho-ho!
Q: What does Santa do with fat elves?
A: He sends them to an elf farm!
Q: Why did the gingerbread man go to the doctor?
A: He was feeling crummy!
Q: Who delivers presents to baby sharks at Christmas?
A: Santa Jaws!
Q: Why does Santa have 3 gardens?
A: So he can ho-ho-ho!
Q: What sound does a SpaceX rocket make when it takes off on Christmas day?
A: Starlink, starlink, starlink!
We hope you enjoyed these 89 Christmas riddles and their entertaining answers! Holiday riddles are a great way to have fun, spend quality time together, exercise your brain, and get everyone into the festive spirit. Gather your friends and family and see how many riddles they can get right. There are holiday-themed brain teasers here for all ages and difficulty levels. Have a very merry and riddle-filled Christmas!