Fruits make for great riddle topics. Who doesn’t love a juicy riddle? Below are 93 riddles about some common and some not-so-common fruits. See if you can guess the fruit before reading the answer!
Riddles about apples
Let’s start with some riddles about one of the most popular fruits – apples!
Riddle 1
I’m red, round, and grows on trees. Take a bite and you’ll find seeds. What am I?
Answer: An apple
Riddle 2
I’m a fruit that’s as American as apple pie. You can eat me raw or cook me in a pie. I can be red, green, or yellow. What am I?
Answer: An apple
Riddle 3
People say I’ll keep the doctor away. I’m round, crunchy and sweet. What fruit am I?
Answer: An apple
Riddles about bananas
Let’s move on to some riddles about bananas:
Riddle 4
I’m long, yellow, and grow in bunches. Monkeys and humans both love to eat me. What am I?
Answer: A banana
Riddle 5
I’m a long, curved fruit that grows in tropical countries. I can be eaten raw or used in smoothies, breads, and desserts. What am I?
Answer: A banana
Riddle 6
I’m a fruit that is sweet and bright yellow. I grow in bunches and monkeys love eating me. What am I?
Answer: A banana
Riddles about oranges
Let’s squeeze out some riddles about oranges:
Riddle 7
I’m round and orange. You can split me into slices and drink my juice. What am I?
Answer: An orange
Riddle 8
I’m a citrus fruit that grows on trees in warm climates. People juice me for a healthy drink. What am I?
Answer: An orange
Riddle 9
I’m a circle fruit that’s bright orange. Peel off my skin for tasty slices you can eat. What am I?
Answer: An orange
Riddles about grapes
Let’s continue with some riddles about grapes:
Riddle 10
I’m a small, round, purple fruit that grows in bunches on vines. People use me to make wine. What am I?
Answer: A grape
Riddle 11
We grow in clusters on vines. We can be green, red, or purple. People use us to make jelly, jam, juice, and wine. What are we?
Answer: Grapes
Riddle 12
I’m a tiny, oval fruit. People use me to make jelly and wine. I can be green, red or black. What am I?
Answer: A grape
Riddles about strawberries
Let’s move on to some sweet riddles about strawberries:
Riddle 13
I’m red and covered in seeds. I’m juicy, sweet and delicious in the summer. What am I?
Answer: A strawberry
Riddle 14
I’m small, red and have green leaves on top. People like covering me in chocolate. What fruit am I?
Answer: A strawberry
Riddle 15
I’m a little red fruit with seeds on the outside. People say I’m sweet as can be. What am I?
Answer: A strawberry
Riddles about pineapples
Let’s move on to some tropical riddles about pineapples:
Riddle 16
I have a tough, spiky skin and juicy fruit inside. I’m tropical and taste sweet and tangy. What am I?
Answer: A pineapple
Riddle 17
I’m a tropical fruit with a crown of spiky leaves. My flesh is sweet and people often eat me on pizza. What am I?
Answer: A pineapple
Riddle 18
I’m from Hawaii and have a rough, brown exterior with juicy, yellow flesh. People say I’m the symbol of hospitality. What am I?
Answer: A pineapple
Riddles about watermelons
Let’s have some fun with riddles about watermelons:
Riddle 19
I’m a large green fruit with pink or red flesh. People eat me in slices or make me into juice. What am I?
Answer: A watermelon
Riddle 20
I’m big and round with a green rind. Cut me open to find my red flesh that’s oh so sweet. What am I?
Answer: A watermelon
Riddle 21
I’m a juicy melon with a thick green rind. My flesh can be red or yellow. People love eating me in the summer. What am I?
Answer: A watermelon
Riddles about lemons
When life gives you lemons, make up riddles! Here are some about lemons:
Riddle 22
I’m yellow and sour. People use me to flavor food and drinks. What am I?
Answer: A lemon
Riddle 23
I’m an oval yellow citrus fruit. Squeeze me to make lemonade or put me on your fish. What am I?
Answer: A lemon
Riddle 24
I’m yellow and sour, and people use my juice in tea, water, and cocktails. What am I?
Answer: A lemon
Riddles about limes
When you want that zesty, tart flavor, reach for limes! Here are some riddles:
Riddle 25
I’m smaller and greener than a lemon. People squeeze me to make margaritas and other drinks tangy. What am I?
Answer: A lime
Riddle 26
I look like a small green lemon. Bartenders use me to add flavor to cocktails. What am I?
Answer: A lime
Riddle 27
I’m a sour, green citrus fruit that’s smaller than a lemon. I’m used to add flavor in cooking and cocktails. What am I?
Answer: A lime
Riddles about peaches
Nothing says summer like biting into a juicy, ripe peach! Let’s do some riddles about peaches:
Riddle 28
I’m a stone fruit with fuzzy, yellow-orange skin and sweet juicy flesh. Georgia says I’m the best. What am I?
Answer: A peach
Riddle 29
I’m a summer fruit with velvety skin. I can be yellow, white or red inside. My flesh is delicious and juicy when I’m ripe. What am I?
Answer: A peach
Riddle 30
I’m a delicious fruit with a fuzzy peel and a pit in the middle. I come in many varieties and am a summertime treat. What am I?
Answer: A peach
Riddles about pears
Let’s continue with some sweet and juicy riddles about pears:
Riddle 31
I’m shaped like an apple but am an elongated fruit with a buttery flesh. I can be green, red or brown. What am I?
Answer: A pear
Riddle 32
I’m a sweet, mild fruit that’s shaped like an apple with a narrow bottom. I come in many varieties like Bosc, Bartlett and Anjou. What am I?
Answer: A pear
Riddle 33
I’m a fall fruit that’s slightly firmer than an apple. People poach me and use me in tarts. I have a round bottom and a long neck. What am I?
Answer: A pear
Riddles about plums
Let’s move on to some puzzling plum riddles:
Riddle 34
I’m an oval stone fruit that can be red, purple, or yellow. Eat me fresh or dried as a prune. What am I?
Answer: A plum
Riddle 35
I’m a small, oval fruit with smooth skin that can be red, purple or yellow. My flesh is juicy and sweet. What am I?
Answer: A plum
Riddle 36
I’m a stone fruit with a groove down one side. I can be yellow, red, or purple on the outside. My flesh is sweet and I have a pit in the middle. What am I?
Answer: A plum
Riddles about cherries
These riddles about cherries will really make you think!
Riddle 37
I’m a small red fruit that grows in bunches. People pit me before eating me or using me in pies. What am I?
Answer: A cherry
Riddle 38
I’m a small, round red fruit with a pit inside. I’m very sweet and often used in desserts. What am I?
Answer: A cherry
Riddle 39
I’m a small, round, red stone fruit. Birds love eating me off of trees. People love eating me fresh or in pie. What am I?
Answer: A cherry
Riddles about apricots
Let’s continue with some perplexing riddles about apricots:
Riddle 40
I’m an orange fruit that looks like a small peach. People eat me dried or fresh off the tree. What am I?
Answer: An apricot
Riddle 41
I’m an orange stone fruit that is closely related to the peach. Eat me fresh or make me into jam. What am I?
Answer: An apricot
Riddle 42
I’m a fuzzy, orange fruit with a large pit inside. I’m a cousin of the peach but much smaller. What am I?
Answer: An apricot
Riddles about mangoes
Let’s take things tropical again with some mango riddles:
Riddle 43
I’m an oval tropical fruit with smooth, orange-yellow skin. My flesh is juicy, sweet and colorful. What am I?
Answer: A mango
Riddle 44
I’m a tropical fruit with a large pit. My flesh can be yellow, orange or green. People love using me to make smoothies. What am I?
Answer: A mango
Riddle 45
I’m a tropical fruit with smooth, colorful skin. Inside I have sweet, juicy flesh and a large flat seed. What am I?
Answer: A mango
Riddles about kiwis
Let’s get fuzzy again with some kiwi riddles:
Riddle 46
I’m a small, oval fruit with brown fuzzy skin. My green flesh is sweet and tangy. I originate from New Zealand. What am I?
Answer: A kiwi
Riddle 47
I’m a brown fuzzy fruit from Down Under. Cut me open to find my bright green flesh and edible black seeds. What am I?
Answer: A kiwi
Riddle 48
I’m a brown, furry fruit with bright green flesh. People often describe my flavor as sweet and tangy. I come from New Zealand. What am I?
Answer: A kiwi
Riddles about figs
Let’s get figgy with it! Here are some riddles about figs:
Riddle 49
I’m a puffy fruit that can be purple, brown or black. My flesh is pinkish and filled with edible seeds. What am I?
Answer: A fig
Riddle 50
I’m a pear-shaped fruit with purple, brown or black skin. When ripe I’m soft with sweet, seed-filled flesh. What am I?
Answer: A fig
Riddle 51
I’m an ancient teardrop-shaped fruit with either green or purple skin. My flesh is dotted with crunchy seeds. What am I?
Answer: A fig
Riddles about avocados
Let’s go green again with some avocado riddles:
Riddle 52
I’m a green fruit with bumpy skin and a large pit. People love eating me mashed up in guacamole. What am I?
Answer: An avocado
Riddle 53I’m a green fruit with a big seed inside me. You can eat me in salads or as guacamole. What am I?
Answer: An avocado
Riddle 54
I’m a green, pear-shaped fruit with a large pit. My flesh is creamy and delicious on toast or in salads. What am I?
Answer: An avocado
Riddles about coconuts
Let’s go tropical one more time with some riddles about coconuts:
Riddle 55
I’m a large brown nut that grows on palm trees. Crack open my hard shell to drink my milk and eat my white meat. What am I?
Answer: A coconut
Riddle 56
I’m a large, hard-shelled fruit that people often drink the milk of. I have fibrous meat and grow on palm trees. What am I?
Answer: A coconut
Riddle 57
I’m a brown, hairy nut you can find floating in the sea. Break open my shell to find the sweet milk and meat inside. What am I?
Answer: A coconut
Riddles about cantaloupe
These riddles about cantaloupe will really make you melon-choly!
Riddle 58
I’m a melon with orange flesh and a tough, netted rind. People often eat me for breakfast. What am I?
Answer: Cantaloupe
Riddle 59
I’m a sweet melon with a rough, tan rind. My flesh is orange and people often eat me with breakfast. What am I?
Answer: Cantaloupe
Riddle 60
I’m a round melon with a ribbed, tan skin. My orange flesh is sweet and perfect for fruit salads. What am I?
Answer: Cantaloupe
Riddles about honeydew
Let’s get sticky with some honeydew riddles:
Riddle 61
I’m a green melon with a smooth rind. Cut me open to find my light green, sweet flesh. What am I?
Answer: Honeydew
Riddle 62
I’m a sweet, light green melon with a pale rind. People often eat me for breakfast or in fruit salads. What am I?
Answer: Honeydew
Riddle 63
I’m a greenish melon with a smooth, creamy rind. My flesh is light green, juicy and super sweet. What am I?
Answer: Honeydew
Riddles about guava
Let’s go tropical one more time with some guava riddles:
Riddle 64
I’m an oval fruit with green or yellow skin. My pink flesh is sweet and full of edible seeds. People use me to make juice, desserts and preserves. What am I?
Answer: Guava
Riddle 65
I’m a tropical fruit with pink or white flesh. I have lots of small, hard seeds that you can eat. What am I?
Answer: Guava
Riddle 66
I’m a sweet, fragrant fruit that grows in the tropics. My skin can be yellow, green or red. Inside I have pink flesh with tiny edible seeds. What am I?
Answer: Guava
Riddles about pomegranates
These riddles about pomegranates will leave your head spinning!
Riddle 67
I’m a red fruit packed with hundreds of edible ruby seeds. People juice me to drink or add me to salads. What am I?
Answer: Pomegranate
Riddle 68
I’m a red fruit with a tough leathery skin. Break me open to find hundreds of juicy crimson seeds. What am I?
Answer: Pomegranate
Riddle 69
I’m a round red fruit full of glistening ruby seeds. People either eat me as is or use me to make juice. What am I?
Answer: Pomegranate
Riddles about blackberries
Let’s wrap up with some riddles about blackberries:
Riddle 70
I’m a small dark purple fruit that grows on prickly vines. I stain your fingers when you pick me. What am I?
Answer: Blackberry
Riddle 71
I’m a little black fruit that grows on brambly bushes. I’m sweet and juicy but tough to pick. What am I?
Answer: Blackberry
Riddle 72
I’m a tiny, dark purple fruit that grows on thorny vines. People make me into jams, pies, and sometimes wine. What am I?
Answer: Blackberry
Riddles about raspberries
Raspberries are so fun they deserve their own set of riddles:
Riddle 73
I’m a small red berry with a hollow center. I’m very delicate so handle with care. What am I?
Answer: Raspberry
Riddle 74
I’m a red berry that you pick from prickly bushes. Eat me fresh or use me in desserts. What am I?
Answer: Raspberry
Riddle 75
I’m a little red fruit that’s hollow on the inside. People love eating me fresh or baking me into sweets. What am I?
Answer: Raspberry
Riddles about blueberries
Last call for berry riddles – this time about blueberries!
Riddle 76
I’m small, round and blue. Eat me fresh or bake me into muffins and pies. What am I?
Answer: Blueberry
Riddle 77
I’m a tiny blue fruit often found in muffins and pancakes. People say I’m packed with antioxidants. What am I?
Answer: Blueberry
Riddle 78
I’m a berry that grows on bushy plants. I can be picked fresh or found dried in cereals and baked goods. My color matches the sky. What am I?
Answer: Blueberry
Riddles about currants
Let’s zest things up with some riddles about currants:
Riddle 79
I’m a tiny raisin-like fruit that grows in bunches on a small bush. I can be black, red or white. People use me in baked goods. What am I?
Answer: Currant
Riddle 80
I look like a miniature raisin but taste tangy and tart. Cook me into jams and baking or zest me up into a drink. What am I?
Answer: Currant
Riddle 81
I’m a tiny dried fruit that grows in clusters on bushes. I come in red, black and white varieties. People use me to make jams, jellies and juices. What am I?
Answer: Currant
Riddles about cranberries
Don’t get into a jam over these cranberry riddles:
Riddle 82
I’m a small red berry that grows in bogs. People often eat me at Thanksgiving accompanied by sauce. What am I?
Answer: Cranberry
Riddle 83
I’m a small red fruit that’s very tart. I grow in wet bogs and am famously paired with turkey. What am I?
Answer: Cranberry
Riddle 84
I’m a little red berry that grows in marshes and bogs. People crave me paired with sauce at Thanksgiving. What am I?
Answer: Cranberry
Riddles about clementines
Let’s get zesty again with some clementine riddles:
Riddle 85
I’m a small citrus fruit that’s easy to peel. I’m sweet and juicy and seedless inside. What am I?
Answer: Clementine
Riddle 86
I’m a miniature orange with a zipper-like skin. I’m sweeter than a regular orange and easy to split into segments. What am I?
Answer: Clementine
Riddle 87
I’m a tiny, sweet orange that comes in a box at Christmas time. Peel me easily and I’m segmented into ready-to-eat pieces. What am I?
Answer: Clementine
Riddles about kumquats
These kumquat riddles are sure to stump you!
Riddle 88
I look like a tiny orange but you eat my sweet skin and sour fruit. I’m often pickled or made into marmalade. What am I?
Answer: Kumquat
Riddle 89
I’m a miniature citrus fruit with a sweet, edible skin and sour flesh. People use me whole to make preserves. What am I?
Answer: Kumquat
Riddle 90
I’m a tiny citrus fruit that you eat skin and all. I look like a miniature orange on the outside but have mouth-puckering tart flesh inside. What am I?
Answer: Kumquat
Riddles about lychees
These lychee riddles will give your brain a fun twist:
Riddle 91
I have a brittle, red shell encasing sweet, gelatinous, white flesh. I originate from tropical Southeast Asia. What am I?
Answer: Lychee
Riddle 92
I’m an exotic tropical fruit with a tough, bumpy red peel and translucent white flesh. People say I taste like a grape. What am I?
Answer: Lychee
Riddle 93
I’m a tropical fruit with a rough red rind and sweet, pearly white flesh. I’m originally from Asia and am related to the rambutan. What am I?
Answer: Lychee
How’d you do with these fruit riddles? Some of these are common fruits, while others like lychees and kumquats may have stumped you. Fruits make for fun riddles because they’re colorful, sweet treats that we all know and love. Share these fruit riddles with your friends and family and see how well they can guess the fruit. And if you have any other fruit riddles, feel free to add them!