Days of the week riddles are fun brain teasers that challenge you to think logically and make clever connections to solve the puzzle. They require some lateral thinking and creative problem-solving skills. In this comprehensive collection, we have gathered 107 riddles about the days of the week along with their answers to test your logic, wit and reasoning abilities.
Days of the Week Riddles
Here are 107 riddles about the days of the week for you to solve:
- What day of the week do eggs hate the most?
- What day makes you very angry?
- If yesterday was Friday, what day would tomorrow be?
- I’m a day of the week that sounds like a bird. What day am I?
- What’s the laziest day of the week?
- I’m the first day of the work week. What day am I?
- I’m the day after a holiday. What day am I?
- I’m the day before Saturday. What day am I?
- I’m the day between Tuesday and Thursday. What day am I?
- Sunday and I are weekend days. What day am I?
- I’m the fifth day of the work week. What day am I?
- Monday, Tuesday, ____, Thursday, Friday. What day goes in the blank?
- What’s the first day of the week?
- I’m three days after Monday. What day am I?
- I’m two days before Friday. What day am I?
- Sunday follows me. What day am I?
- Friday comes before me. What day am I?
- I’m exactly between Tuesday and Friday. What day am I?
- Monday is one day before me. What day am I?
- I’m the last day of the work week. What day am I?
- I’m the second day of the work week. What day am I?
- I’m the day after Wednesday. What day am I?
- Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, ____, Thursday. What day goes in the blank?
- I’m four days after Sunday. What day am I?
- Wednesday is my neighbor. Am I Tuesday or Thursday?
- Monday comes right after me. What day am I?
- Saturday and I bookend the week. What day am I?
- I’m smack dab in the middle of the week. What day am I?
- I’m two weekdays after Tuesday. What day am I?
- I’m the last weekday before the weekend. What day am I?
- Sunday, ____, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. What’s the missing day?
- I’m before Thursday but after Tuesday. What day am I?
- The weekend always starts with me. What day am I?
- I’m three days before Wednesday. What day am I?
- Friday and I are the last two days of the work week. What day am I?
- I’m the weekday right after Monday. What day am I?
- Saturday comes the day after me. What day am I?
- I’m exactly between Sunday and Thursday. What day am I?
- The work week ends with me. What day am I?
- I’m the weekday between Tuesday and Thursday. What day am I?
- I’m the third day of the work week. What day am I?
- I’m the sixth day of the week. What day am I?
- I’m the day smack dab in the middle of Monday and Sunday. What day am I?
- I’m three weekdays after Monday. What day am I?
- Monday, ____, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. What goes in the blank?
- I’m one weekday before Saturday. What day am I?
- The weekend ends with me. What day am I?
- I’m exactly between Thursday and Saturday. What day am I?
- I’m four days before Friday. What day am I?
- Tuesday and Thursday are my weekday neighbors. What day am I?
- I’m the fourth day of the week. What day am I?
- I’m the weekday after Thursday. What day am I?
- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, ____, Friday. What goes in the blank?
- Sunday and Saturday sandwich me. What day am I?
- I’m two weekdays before Saturday. What day am I?
- I’m one weekday after Tuesday. What day am I?
- I’m the first weekday of the week. What day am I?
- I’m the day before Friday. What day am I?
- I’m exactly between Wednesday and Saturday. What day am I?
- I’m three days after Tuesday. What day am I?
- I’m two days after Sunday. What day am I?
- I’m the weekday before Thursday. What day am I?
- Sunday, ____, ____, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. What are the missing days?
- I’m the last day of the weekend. What day am I?
- Tuesday is before me but Thursday is after me. What day am I?
- I’m the second day of the weekend. What day am I?
- Monday, Tuesday, ____, ____, Friday. What are the missing days?
- I’m between Friday and Sunday. What day am I?
- I’m four days before Monday. What day am I?
- I’m one day after Monday. What day am I?
- I’m three weekdays before Friday. What day am I?
- The work week starts with me. What day am I?
- Sunday, Monday, ____, ____, ____, Saturday. Fill in the blanks.
- I’m the weekday right before Saturday. What day am I?
- I’m the third day of the weekend. What day am I?
- Wednesday and Friday are my weekday neighbors. What day am I?
- Sunday, ____, ____, Thursday, ____. Fill in the blanks.
- I’m two days before Thursday. What day am I?
- I’m the fifth weekday of the week. What day am I?
- I’m one weekday after Wednesday. What day am I?
- I’m the last day of the weekend and the week. What day am I?
- I’m three weekdays before Monday. What day am I?
- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, ____, ____. Fill in the blanks.
- I’m one day before Sunday. What day am I?
- I’m the weekday between Monday and Wednesday. What day am I?
- I’m four days after Tuesday. What day am I?
- Sunday, ____, ____, ____, Saturday. Fill in the blanks.
- Thursday and Saturday sandwich me. What day am I?
- I’m the weekday right after Thursday. What day am I?
- I’m one day before Saturday. What day am I?
- I’m the second weekday of the week. What day am I?
- I’m the weekday right before Friday. What day am I?
- Sunday, ____, ____, Thursday, ____, ____. Fill in the blanks.
- I’m wedged between Sunday and Tuesday. What day am I?
- I’m three days before Saturday. What day am I?
- I’m four weekdays before Saturday. What day am I?
- Monday, ____, Wednesday, ____, Friday. Fill in the blanks.
- I’m the sixth day of the week. What day am I?
- I’m two weekdays after Wednesday. What day am I?
- I’m one weekday before Thursday. What day am I?
- I’m the fourth weekday of the week. What day am I?
- Monday, ____, ____, Thursday, ____. What are the missing days?
- I’m one day after Sunday. What day am I?
- I’m sandwiched between Tuesday and Thursday. What day am I?
- I’m two weekdays before Wednesday. What day am I?
- I’m the third weekday of the week. What day am I?
- Sunday, Monday, ____, Wednesday, ____. Fill in the blanks.
- I’m three days after Wednesday. What day am I?
- I’m the weekday before Tuesday. What day am I?
- I’m the fifth day of the week. What day am I?
- I’m one weekday before Monday. What day am I?
- Monday, Tuesday, ____, ____, Saturday. Fill in the blanks.
- Sunday comes right before me. What day am I?
- I’m between Monday and Wednesday. What day am I?
- I’m three days before Thursday. What day am I?
- I’m the second day of the weekend. What day am I?
- Sunday, ____, ____, Thursday, Friday.
- I’m sandwiched between Wednesday and Friday. What day am I?
- The weekend starts after me. What day am I?
- I’m four days before Sunday. What day am I?
Answers to the Riddles
Here are the answers to the 107 riddles about days of the week:
- Friday
- Monday
- Sunday
- Tuesday
- Saturday
- Monday
- Monday
- Friday
- Wednesday
- Saturday
- Thursday
- Wednesday
- Sunday
- Thursday
- Wednesday
- Saturday
- Sunday
- Wednesday
- Tuesday
- Friday
- Tuesday
- Thursday
- Saturday
- Thursday
- Wednesday
- Sunday
- Sunday
- Wednesday
- Friday
- Wednesday
- Wednesday
- Friday
- Wednesday
- Thursday
- Tuesday
- Friday
- Thursday
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Tuesday
- Saturday
- Wednesday
- Thursday
- Friday
- Monday
- Sunday
- Thursday
- Friday
- Wednesday
- Wednesday
- Friday
- Thursday
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Monday
- Thursday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday, Thursday
- Sunday
- Tuesday, Wednesday
- Saturday
- Tuesday, Thursday
- Saturday
- Thursday
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Thursday
- Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
- Friday
- Tuesday
- Monday
- Saturday
- Friday
- Thursday
- Tuesday
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday, Friday
- Saturday
- Wednesday
- Thursday
- Monday, Wednesday, Friday
- Saturday
- Friday
- Wednesday
- Thursday
- Tuesday
- Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
- Monday
- Wednesday
- Saturday
- Monday, Tuesday, Friday
- Saturday
- Wednesday
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Thursday
- Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday
- Saturday
- Tuesday
- Saturday
- Monday, Wednesday, Friday
- Thursday
- Friday
- Wednesday
- Thursday
- Monday
- Sunday, Monday, Thursday, Saturday
- Monday
- Wednesday
- Monday
- Sunday
- Thursday
- Friday
- Thursday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Sunday, Tuesday, Friday
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Monday
- Wednesday
- Saturday
- Friday
- Thursday
- Sunday
We hope you enjoyed this collection of 107 riddles about the days of the week. These logical puzzles are great for exercising your brain, improving your concentration and testing your wit. The key to cracking these riddles is making clever associations between the clues and the possible days of the week. Did you get them all right? Let us know in the comments how many you were able to solve correctly.
Riddles help build critical thinking and problem-solving skills. The process of deducing the answer based on the limited information provided engages different parts of the brain. Solving riddles boosts memory, cognitive skills, flexibility and speed of processing. So grab some friends or family and try solving these day of the week puzzles together for some fun brain exercise.