Entertainment is something that brings us joy and amusement. Riddles about entertainment test our knowledge of movies, music, books, games, and more. Let’s explore 107 entertaining riddles with their answers revealed.
Movies and TV Riddles
Movies and TV provide some of the best entertainment. Here are riddles to puzzle film and television fans.
Q: What hangs on the wall, is green or black, and makes images appear?
A: A television.
Q: What has thousands of actors but no brains?
A: A movie.
Q: What room do ghosts avoid?
A: The living room.
Q: What gets wetter the more it dries?
A: A towel.
Q: What has a face and two hands but no arms or legs?
A: A clock.
Q: What gets broken without being held?
A: A promise.
Q: What has a head, a tail, is brown, and has no legs?
A: A penny.
Q: What can you catch but not throw?
A: A cold.
Q: What is full of holes but still holds water?
A: A sponge.
Q: What goes up and down but does not move?
A: Stairs.
Music Riddles
Music is entertaining in its own right. See if you can solve these music riddles.
Q: What has keys but can’t open locks?
A: A piano.
Q: What has a neck but no head?
A: A guitar.
Q: What falls but never breaks?
A: The beat.
Q: What gets played but is meant to be broken?
A: A piñata.
Q: What bounces higher the harder you hit it?
A: A drum.
Q: What makes music but has no songs?
A: An instrument.
Q: What has four strings but is not an instrument?
A: A tennis racket.
Q: What keeps time but has no hands?
A: A metronome.
Q: What wiggles and waggles but can’t run?
A: A tuning fork.
Q: What makes high and low sounds but isn’t an instrument?
A: A siren.
Book and Story Riddles
Books and stories engage our minds. See if you know the answers to these literary riddles.
Q: What is black and white and read all over?
A: A newspaper.
Q: What can travel all around the world without leaving its corner?
A: A stamp.
Q: What has words but never speaks?
A: A book.
Q: What gets wetter as it dries?
A: A towel.
Q: What has a spine but no bones?
A: A book.
Q: What is so fragile that saying its name breaks it?
A: Silence.
Q: What has four fingers and a thumb but is not alive?
A: A glove.
Q: What has a thumb and pages but is not a person?
A: A book.
Q: What is always coming but never arrives?
A: Tomorrow.
Q: What starts with “e” and ends with “e” but only contains one letter?
A: An envelope.
Video Game Riddles
Video games are interactive entertainment. See if you can “play” along with these game riddles.
Q: What has coins but cannot spend them?
A: A slot machine.
Q: What has a head, a tail, is plastic, and is tossed for a game?
A: A coin.
Q: What has roots as nobody sees, is taller than trees, up, up it goes, and yet never grows?
A: A mountain.
Q: What can run but never walks, has a bed but never sleeps, has a mouth but never talks?
A: A river.
Q: What belongs to you but others use it more than you do?
A: Your name.
Q: What gets broken without being held?
A: A promise.
Q: What has many keys but can’t open a single lock?
A: A piano.
Q: What has one eye but can’t see?
A: A needle.
Q: What has hands but can’t clap?
A: A clock.
Q: What has a bank but no money?
A: A river.
Brain Teaser Riddles
Brain teasers give our minds a workout. See if you can figure out the answers.
Q: What 8-letter word can have a letter taken away and it still makes a word. Take another letter away and it still makes a word. Keep on doing that until you have one letter left. What is the word?
A: Starting. Starting, staring, string, sting, sing, sin, in, I.
Q: What word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?
A: Short.
Q: A doctor and a bus driver are both in love with the same woman, an attractive girl named Sarah. The bus driver had to go on a long bus trip that would last a week. Before he left, he gave Sarah seven apples. Why?
A: Because an apple a day keeps the doctor away!
Q: What occurs once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in one thousand years?
A: The letter M.
Q: What belongs to you but is used more by others?
A: Your name.
Q: I have cities but no houses, forests but no trees, and water but no fish. What am I?
A: A map.
Q: What gets wetter as it dries?
A: A towel.
Q: What can fill up a room without taking up space?
A: Light.
Q: What goes up but never comes down?
A: Your age.
Classic Riddles
These timeless riddles have stumped and amused people for ages. See if you know the answers.
Q: What belongs to you but is used more by others?
A: Your name.
Q: What gets wetter the more it dries?
A: A towel.
Q: What goes through towns and over hills but never moves?
A: A road.
Q: What has a head and a tail but no body?
A: A coin.
Q: What has hands but can’t clap?
A: A clock.
Q: What is always coming but never arrives?
A: Tomorrow.
Q: What has a thumb and four fingers but is not alive?
A: A glove.
Q: What has one eye but can’t see?
A: A needle.
Q: What starts with “e” and ends with “e” but only contains one letter?
A: An envelope.
Q: What goes up but never comes down?
A: Your age.
Funny Riddles
Riddles can also make us laugh. See if you think these funny riddles are humorous too.
Q: What do you call a boomerang that doesn’t come back?
A: A stick.
Q: What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire?
A: Frostbite.
Q: What do you call a pig that does karate?
A: A pork chop.
Q: Why did the scarecrow get a promotion?
A: He was outstanding in his field.
Q: Why don’t eggs tell jokes?
A: They’d crack each other up.
Q: How do trees access the internet?
A: They log on.
Q: Why did the traffic light turn red?
A: You would too if you had to change in the middle of the street!
Q: What did one wall say to the other wall?
A: I’ll meet you at the corner.
Q: What do you call a dog magician?
A: A labracadabrador.
Q: Why don’t eggs tell jokes?
A: Because they’d crack each other up.
Q: Why can’t a bicycle stand up on its own?
A: It’s two tired!
Q: What did the little corn say to the mama corn?
A: Where is pop corn?
Q: Why do bees have sticky hair?
A: Because they use honey combs!
Q: Where do cows go on Friday nights?
A: To the moo-vies.
Q: Why was the math book sad?
A: Because it had too many problems.
Q: What did one wall say to the other wall?
A: I’ll meet you at the corner.
Hard Riddles for Adults
Grown-ups like challenging riddles too. See how you fare with these hard riddles.
Q: What word looks the same backward and upside down?
Q: What word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?
A: Short.
Q: What occurs once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in one thousand years?
A: The letter M.
Q: A man was found dead in the desert with nothing but a matchbook on him. How did he die?
A: He dug a hole while waiting for someone to ask how he dug it without tools, and died of thirst.
Q: What 5-letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?
A: Short.
Q: If a rooster lays an egg on top of a pointed roof, which side will the egg roll down?
A: Roosters don’t lay eggs!
Q: What gets broken without being held?
A: A promise.
Q: What has a head, a tail, is brown, and has no legs?
A: A penny.
Q: What has cities but no houses, forests but no trees, and water but no fish?
A: A map.
Q: What has four wheels and flies?
A: A garbage truck.
Riddles about entertainment engage our minds in creative ways. Movies, music, books, games, and more can inspire riddles that challenge our thinking. Easy riddles delight kids while tricky ones test adults.
Math puzzles and funny riddles add variety. Classic riddles have entertained people for ages. We hope you enjoyed this collection of 107 riddles about entertainment with their answers revealed. Challenge your friends and family to see how many they can solve!