Farming is an ancient profession that has shaped cultures around the world for thousands of years. From planting and harvesting crops to raising livestock, there’s a lot of fascinating lore and knowledge around agriculture. Riddles can be a fun way to get your brain working and learn something new about farming at the same time. Below are 57 riddles about various aspects of farming, along with the answers.
Riddles About Crops and Growing Conditions
Riddle 1
What crop is easiest to plant?
Answer: Corn – because it has ears!
Riddle 2
I’m tall when I’m young and short when I’m old. What am I?
Answer: Corn
Riddle 3
What do you call a flower that runs everything?
Answer: A dande-lion
Riddle 4
What do you call a nervous pepper?
Answer: A jittery jalapeno
Riddle 5
I have layers, I am round, you can eat me raw or cooked. What am I?
Answer: An onion
Riddle 6
What vegetable was forbidden on ships because it was thought to sink vessels?
Answer: Cabbages
Riddle 7
What food is great for your eyes?
Answer: Corn – it has corneas!
Riddle 8
What do you call a grumpy vegetable?
Answer: A brussel sprout
Riddle 9
I’m a root, I’m sometimes sweet, you can eat me raw or use me to make a treat. What am I?
Answer: A carrot
Riddle 10
What do you call a funny yam?
Answer: A yamusing potato!
Riddle 11
I’m a green veggie that’s great in salads. I have a curly leaf. What am I?
Answer: Kale
Riddle 12
I’m a citrus fruit that rhymes with lemon. What am I?
Answer: A lime
Riddles About Farm Animals
Riddle 13
What do you call a sleeping bull?
Answer: A bull-dozer!
Riddle 14
Why don’t eggs tell jokes?
Answer: They’d crack each other up!
Riddle 15
How does a sheep say bye to another sheep?
Answer: Baa-bye!
Riddle 16
Why don’t chickens wear pants?
Answer: Because their pecker is on their face!
Riddle 17
What do you get if you cross a chicken with a centipede?
Answer: Drumsticks for everyone!
Riddle 18
What do you call a cow who works out?
Answer: A gym moo!
Riddle 19
What do you call cattle with a sense of humor?
Answer: Laughing stock
Riddle 20
What’s a frog’s favorite style of shoes?
Answer: Open toad sandals
Riddle 21
Why are fish so smart?
Answer: Because they live in schools!
Riddle 22
What do you call a pig who knows karate?
Answer: A pork chop!
Riddle 23
Where do cows go for entertainment?
Answer: To the moo-vies!
Riddle 24
What do you call a funny goat?
Answer: A laugh-a-billy goat!
Riddles About Farm Equipment and Structures
Riddle 25
What building on the farm has the most stories?
Answer: The barn, because it’s filled with lofts.
Riddle 26
What kind of nails do carpenters avoid?
Answer: Finger nails!
Riddle 27
What is green, noisy and hops?
Answer: John Deere tractor
Riddle 28
What did the screw say to the nail?
Answer: Let’s stick together!
Riddle 29
What did the sheep say when shearing time came around?
Answer: I’m shearing up for this!
Riddle 30
I have wings but cannot fly, a motor but don’t drive. What am I?
Answer: A windmill
Riddle 31
What does a clock do when it’s hungry?
Answer: It goes back four seconds.
Riddle 32
Which tool is best for cutting wood?
Answer: A saw
Riddle 33
What runs around a farm but doesn’t move?
Answer: A fence
Riddle 34
What building has the most stories on a farm?
Answer: The barn, because it has many lofts!
Riddles About Farming Terms and Lingo
Riddle 35
What do you call a funny plow?
Answer: A silly tiller!
Riddle 36
When is food like the moon?
Answer: When it’s a harvest moon!
Riddle 37
I’m done when I’m balled or squared. Farmers want me dry or prepared. What am I?
Answer: Hay
Riddle 38
I’m a male chicken, but not a hen. What am I?
Answer: A rooster
Riddle 39
What do you call a happy farmer?
Answer: A jolly rancher!
Riddle 40
I’m a nervous canine who guards your flock at night. What am I?
Answer: A sheepdog who’s a scaredy collie!
Riddle 41
What flies without wings?
Answer: Time and farm dust!
Riddle 42
What has a neck but no head?
Answer: A bottle!
Riddle 43
What gets wetter as it dries?
Answer: A towel!
Riddle 44
Mary’s father has 5 daughters – Nana, Nene, Nini, Nono. What is the fifth daughters name?
Answer: Mary!
Riddle 45
What word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?
Answer: Short
Riddles About Farm Locations
Riddle 46
Where do cows go on Saturday nights?
Answer: To the moo-vies!
Riddle 47
What do you call a sad strawberry?
Answer: A blueberry!
Riddle 48
What kind of tree fits in your hand?
Answer: A palm tree!
Riddle 49
What has roots that nobody sees, and is bigger than trees?
Answer: A mountain
Riddle 50
I’m tall when I’m young, short when I’m old. What am I?
Answer: A candle
Riddle 51
What building has the most stories?
Answer: The library!
Riddle 52
What has four wheels and flies?
Answer: A garbage truck
Riddle 53
What goes up and down but doesn’t move?
Answer: Stairs
Just for Fun Farm Riddles
Riddle 54
What do you call a funny chicken?
Answer: A comedi-hen!
Riddle 55
Why did the cowboy buy a dachshund?
Answer: He wanted to get a long little doggy!
Riddle 56
How do you stop an astronaut’s baby from crying?
Answer: You rocket!
Riddle 57
What’s the best thing to put into a pie?
Answer: Your teeth!
I hope you enjoyed this collection of 57 farming riddles with answers! Riddles can teach us a lot about agriculture and rural life in a fun and engaging way. Let me know if you have any other favorite farming, gardening or animal riddles. Happy riddling!