Food riddles are a fun and engaging way to challenge your brain and knowledge about different types of foods. In this article, we have collected 65 food riddles ranging from easy to difficult, along with their answers. See how many you can get right!
Easy Food Riddles
Let’s start off with some easy food riddles to warm up!
Riddle 1
What food is made up of only 3 letters but has thousands of calories?
Answer: Pie
Riddle 2
What food can you catch but can’t throw?
Answer: Fish
Riddle 3
What food do you eat the outside of and throw away the inside?
Answer: Corn on the cob
Riddle 4
What food is so delicate that saying its name out loud can break it?
Answer: Silence (for meringue)
Riddle 5
I’m oval in shape, cheesy and yummy. I’m everyone’s favorite food. What am I?
Answer: Pizza
Riddle 6
What food item starts with ‘p’ and ends with ‘e’ and has thousands of letters in it?
Answer: Peas
Riddle 7
What food is hard to swallow but soft to chew?
Answer: Gum
Riddle 8
What food has keys but can’t open any door?
Answer: A piano (piano keys)
Riddle 9
What food is green on the outside but yellow inside?
Answer: Watermelon
Riddle 10
What food item starts with ‘e’ but only has one letter?
Answer: Egg
Medium Food Riddles
Let’s move on to some trickier food riddles that require more critical thinking.
Riddle 11
What food can fly but has no wings?
Answer: A flying fish
Riddle 12
What food is made from lumber and is spreadable?
Answer: Peanut butter (peanuts grow on trees/plants)
Riddle 13
What food is as smart as it is tasty?
Answer: Egghead (slang term for an intelligent person)
Riddle 14
What food has a face but cannot smile?
Answer: Jack-o’-lantern pumpkin
Riddle 15
What food is best when it’s in a shell?
Answer: Taco
Riddle 16
What food is forbidden from entering your plate without permission?
Answer: Peas (say “may I” first)
Riddle 17
What food can you catch but not throw?
Answer: Pancake
Riddle 18
What food has a head and a tail but no body?
Answer: Shrimp
Riddle 19
I’m a food made from milk. I can be sliced, cut into cubes or grated. What am I?
Answer: Cheese
Riddle 20
What food is impossible to eat just one of?
Answer: Potato chip
Difficult Food Riddles
Think you’re a food riddle expert? Try to solve these hard food riddles.
Riddle 21
What kind of food can fly without wings?
Answer: A frisbee
Riddle 22
What food has hands but can’t clap?
Answer: A clock (clockwise and hands)
Riddle 23
What food is happy when you take its picture?
Answer: Cheese (say “cheese” when taking a photo)
Riddle 24
What food can go up a chimney but not down one?
Answer: Smoke (from cooking food)
Riddle 25
What food is best for your muscles after a workout?
Answer: Protein shake
Riddle 26
What food always gets to work before the farmer?
Answer: Rooster for cock-a-doodle-doo wake up alarm
Riddle 27
What’s the slipperiest, most elusive food in the world?
Answer: Banana peel
Riddle 28
What food goes up and down the stairs without using its feet?
Answer: Water in a vertical water fountain
Riddle 29
What kind of food can you serve but never eat?
Answer: Tennis serve in a food fight
Riddle 30
What food is made of water but if water touches it, it dies?
Answer: A snowman
Tricky Food Riddles
Think you’re a master of food riddles? Try to solve these extra tricky brain teasers!
Riddle 31
What food is full of holes but still holds water?
Answer: Sponge or sponge cake
Riddle 32
What food can you eat again and again without ever eating it even once?
Answer: Bubblegum
Riddle 33
What food needs to be cracked and whipped before you can enjoy it?
Answer: Egg for meringue or mousse
Riddle 34
What food has a neck but no head?
Answer: Bottle of wine or champagne
Riddle 35
What food is yours but your friend eats it too?
Answer: Fingers/hands
Riddle 36
What food do you cut with a knife but never eat?
Answer: Wedding cake
Riddle 37
What food helps you see better?
Answer: Carrots for eyesight/vision
Riddle 38
What food looks like half a cat?
Answer: Half moon shaped slice of melon or orange
Riddle 39
What plant gives you food but you can also swing from it?
Answer: Grape vine
Riddle 40
What food am I? I have bark but no bite, trunk but no truck. I can swing but have no limbs.
Answer: Cinnamon
Funny Food Riddles
Make yourself laugh by solving these funny and punny food riddles.
Riddle 41
Why don’t eggs tell jokes?
Answer: They’d crack each other up!
Riddle 42
What do you call an animal that always tells the truth?
Answer: A truthful llama (tuna fish)
Riddle 43
Why can’t you hear a pterodactyl go to the bathroom?
Answer: Because the P is silent
Riddle 44
What kind of award did the dentist receive?
Answer: A little plaque (fish)
Riddle 45
What do you call a fake noodle?
Answer: An impasta!
Riddle 46
Want to hear a pizza joke?
Answer: Nevermind, it’s too cheesy!
Riddle 47
What’s a witch’s favorite food?
Answer: Pump-kin pie!
Riddle 48
Why did the cookie go to the hospital?
Answer: It felt crummy!
Riddle 49
What kind of award did the dentist receive?
Answer: A little plaque (fish)
Riddle 50
What do you get from a pampered cow?
Answer: Spoiled milk!
Kid-Friendly Food Riddles
Here are some fun and easy food riddles for kids to get their brains working.
Riddle 51
What food is hard to swallow but soft to chew?
Answer: Gum
Riddle 52
I’m a yellow circle you can toast, fry or eat as a sandwich. What am I?
Answer: Egg
Riddle 53
I’m green and bumpy on the outside but inside I’m sweet and delicious. What am I?
Answer: Kiwi
Riddle 54
I’m a crunchy fruit that grows on trees and comes in varieties like Granny Smith and Red Delicious. What am I?
Answer: Apple
Riddle 55
I’m orange and grow on the ground. People say I’m great for eyesight. What am I?
Answer: Carrot
Riddle 56
I’m pink and fruity and come from the tropics. What am I?
Answer: Pink grapefruit
Riddle 57
I’m white and lumpy and go great with soups. What am I?
Answer: Potato
Riddle 58
I’m brown and squishy and grow above the ground. People spread me on bread. What am I?
Answer: Peanut butter
Riddle 59
I’m green and leafy and rabbits love to eat me. What am I?
Answer: Lettuce
Riddle 60
I’m red and juicy and rhyme with “hominy”. What am I?
Answer: Strawberry
Classic Food Riddles
Test your knowledge with these classic and commonly known food riddles.
Riddle 61
What has to be broken before you can use it?
Answer: Egg
Riddle 62
What gets wetter the more it dries?
Answer: Towel
Riddle 63
What can you catch but not throw?
Answer: Cold
Riddle 64
What has a neck but no head?
Answer: Bottle
Riddle 65
What has hands but can’t clap?
Answer: Clock
How many of these food riddles were you able to solve? Riddles are a great way to stimulate your mind and think outside the box. Did you have fun trying to decipher the clues and come up with the food answers? See if you can stump your friends and family with these entertaining brain teasers!