Glasses are an integral part of many people’s lives. For those who wear glasses, they can be a defining accessory and a representation of their personality and style. Glasses also have a long and fascinating history, dating back hundreds of years. They are a rich source of riddles and brainteasers for people of all ages.
Below are 91 riddles of varying difficulty all about glasses and eyesight. Some may make you think twice, while others are sure to stump even the biggest brainiacs. How many can you get right without peeking at the answers? Give it a try and test your wit and wisdom!
Easy riddles about glasses
Let’s start off easy with some riddles that are good for kids and glasses wearers of all ages:
1. What sits on your nose and helps you read? Glasses
2. I help your eyes when things are hard to see. What am I? Glasses
3. I have lenses and frames. I sit on your face to improve your vision. What am I? Glasses
4. Your vision is cloudy, these you must wear. Everything again will be crisp and clear. What am I? Glasses
5. I make things look bigger, especially text. I help people see, I’m something they wear on their… Glasses
6. People use me to read and see. I have lenses set in frames, what am I? Glasses
7. I’m not for fashion, I’m more for function. I help you see better, what am I? Glasses
8. An object worn to improve defective eyesight. What is it? Glasses
9. I help you read the blackboard. I sit on your face and improve your vision. What am I? Glasses
10. I make the blurry clear, I magnify text with my lenses. What do people call these seeing aids? Glasses
Medium riddles about glasses
Let’s kick it up a notch with some medium riddles that will get you thinking:
11. People buy me by the pair and wear me on their face. I help improve vision when eyesight’s not so great. What am I? Glasses
12. I’m clear or dark, thick or thin. I sit over your eyes to help you see. What am I? Glasses
13. Though I don’t have a brain, I help you use yours when reading is causing you pains. What am I? Glasses
14. I magnify things both far and near, helping people see much more clear. What am I? Glasses
15. I’m not jewelry or a fashion piece. I just help you see – I’m glasses for your… Face
16. People don their pairs upon their faces, to help their seeing in different places. What are they? Glasses
17. I come in different sizes, shapes and styles, from classic wayfarers to cat-eye smiles. I help fix your vision when sight becomes flawed. What am I? Glasses
18. Though I don’t have lenses, many lenses I do hold. I help support glasses so vision can be controlled. What am I? Frames
19. I’m clear or I’m shaded, I help filter bright light. I protect your eyes and improve your sight. What am I? Sunglasses
20. I’m not used for reading, I’m for blocking the glare. When it’s sunny outside, it’s me people wear. What am I? Sunglasses
Hard riddles about glasses
Ready for some challenging riddles? Here are some tough ones about glasses to truly test your wit:
21. The person who makes me doesn’t want me, the person who buys me doesn’t use me, and the person who uses me doesn’t know it. What am I? Glasses
22. People buy me before they need me, and sell me after they use me. What am I? Glasses
23. I’m clear as glass but I cannot be seen. Inside my lenses, your vision I clean. What am I? Contact lenses
24. I’m a lens that floats on your eye, I’m so thin and tiny they sometimes make you cry. What am I? Contact lens
25. Though on your eyes I’ll gently rest, inside your eyes I’ll never nest. I’m clear and small and disposable. What am I? Contact lens
26. We’re a pair that go together, meant to work as a team. Though we may look identical, we’re not quite the same. What are we? Lenses
27. I’m a glass disc that helps you see, by bending light refractively. Concave or convex, name the shape of me. What am I? Lens
28. The more you look through me, the less you will see. What am I? Glasses lens
29. Two glass circles held in place, that perch right on your face. Looking through them helps you see, what you couldn’t without them, they are…? Glasses lenses
30. I’m inside your glasses beside my brother or sister. We work together to help your vision be clearer. What am I? Lens
Funny riddles about glasses
Make ’em laugh with these funny and playful riddles about glasses:
31. What do you call a fortune teller who doesn’t use her crystal ball? A person who makes blind _______. Glasses
32. Did you hear about the angry customer? He was hopping __________ because his new glasses broke. Mad
33. Why don’t eggs need glasses? They can ____________ crack them! Eggcelent
34. Why don’t sharks wear glasses? Their vision is ______-cellent! Fin
35. How do glasses cheer you up when you’re sad? They __________ your frown upside down! Turn
36. How do glasses go from column A to column B? They __________ across the page! Read
37. Why couldn’t the alien wear his new glasses? He didn’t have any __________! Ears
38. I improve your vision though I sit upon your face. I also have “legs” without ever walking pace. What am I? Glasses
39. I help you see more clear, though I’m not your eyeball dear. I sit upon your nose, as everyone knows! What am I? Glasses
40. People put me on to see, and take me off to sleep. I help them view the world, and their vision I do keep. What am I? Glasses
Tricky riddles about glasses
These tricky riddles will really put your thinking caps on:
41. The more you take, the more you leave behind. What are they? Footsteps
42. What gets wetter the more it dries? A towel
43. What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, has a bed but never sleeps? A river
44. What goes up but never comes down? Your age
45. What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years? The letter M
46. It belongs to you, but other people use it more than you do. What is it? Your name
47. What gets broken without being held? A promise
48. What has many keys but can’t open a single lock? A piano
49. What has a neck but no head? A bottle
50. What goes up and down but doesn’t move? Stairs
Science riddles about glasses
Learn a little optics with these science-themed riddles about glasses:
51. Converging rays of light pass through me, I make objects seem larger for all to see. What am I? Convex lens
52. I make things seem smaller through refraction. Rays of light spread when passing my way. What kind of lens am I? Concave
53. I use refraction to make objects seem much nearer. Things viewed through me appear very much clearer. What kind of lens am I? Convex
54. Biconvex or planoconvex, I magnify things for you. I’m used in cameras, telescopes, microscopes too. What am I? Convex lens
55. Objects viewed through me look smaller in size. I’m thinner in the middle and thicker round the sides. What kind of lens am I? Concave
56. Whether plastic or glass, I bend the light that does pass. I correct your vision through refractive power – what am I? Eyeglasses lens
57. Caribou antlers, oil droplets in water, even a cup of tea – we bend the light rays refractively. What are we? Lenses
58. Eyepieces, objectives, reticles and more, make up different parts of me for sure. I make tiny things huge. What optical device am I? Microscope
59. With lenses convex I peer into space, magnifying the moon and stars with my face. What am I? Telescope
60. An ophthalmologist will ask you to look through me, testing each eye’s vision acuity. What am I? Eye chart
Classic riddles about glasses
Jog your memory with these classic riddles you may have heard before:
61. What building has the most stories? Library
62. What’s full of holes but still holds water? Sponge
63. What has hands but can’t clap? Clock
64. What has a face but no head? Clock
65. What gets wetter and wetter the more it dries? Towel
66. What has a neck and no head? A bottle
67. What begins with T, ends with T and has T in it? Teapot
68. What has one eye but can’t see? A needle
69. What has four fingers and a thumb but isn’t alive? A glove
70. What has hands but can’t clap? A clock
Silly riddles about glasses
These silly riddles about glasses are just for fun:
71. What do you call an owl wearing glasses? An owl with scholarly __________! Looks
72. Why don’t eggs need glasses? They can already _____________! Crack them
73. What do you call someone who needs glasses but doesn’t have them? Anything you want, they probably can’t __________ who’s saying it! See
74. Why can’t you tell a joke to a shampoo bottle? It has to ___________ first! Concentrate
75. Why did the glasses go to summer school? He needed to get __________! More educated
76. What do you call a dinosaur with glasses? A dino-________! Sore
77. Why don’t eggs need glasses? They can always __________ themselves! Eye-dentify
78. Why do sci-fi characters need glasses? Because they live in the _____________! Future
79. What do you call a glass wearing ghost? A __________ ghoul! Boo-speckled
80. When do glasses make poor shoes? When they need arch ___________! Support
Brain teasers about glasses
Stretch your brain with these mind-bending brain teasers:
81. I have branches, but no fruit, trunk or leaves. What am I? A bank
82. What word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it? Short
83. What belongs to you but others use it more than you? Your name
84. What gets wetter as it dries? A towel
85. What occurs once in every minute, twice in every moment but not once in a thousand years? The letter M
86. What 5-letter word becomes shorter when you add 2 letters to it? Short
87. Mary’s father has 5 daughters – Nana, Nene, Nini, Nono. What is the fifth daughters name? Mary
88. A man was born in 1955. Today is his 18th birthday. How is this possible? He was born in room 1955.
89. If there are 3 apples and you take 2 away, how many do you have? 2
90. How far can a dog walk into the woods? Halfway, then he’s walking out!
91. The more there is, the less you see. What is it? Darkness
Did you get stumped or were you able to “see” the answers? Glasses have a long and fascinating history dating back over 700 years. While originally invented to aid those with poor vision, today they have become a fashion statement and are worn by people of all ages and visual abilities. We use glasses and contact lenses to both correct and enhance our vision.
Riddles allow us to look at the world around us in new and creative ways. They stretch our brains and test our ability to solve problems and think logically. Glasses and eyesight lend themselves well to riddles since they affect how we view and interact with the world.
So next time you put on your glasses or pop in your contacts, think about how they change your perspective and allow you to see things more clearly. You may just come up with a riddle of your own!