Hanukkah is a fun and festive Jewish holiday that celebrates the rededication of the Second Temple in Jerusalem in the 2nd century BCE. It’s a time for games, gifts, and getting together with family and friends. Riddles are a great way to get people thinking and add some extra fun to your Hanukkah celebrations. Here are 75 riddles about Hanukkah to puzzle and delight.
Riddles About Hanukkah Traditions
The Menorah
1. What has branches but no leaves and gives Hanukkah its light?
Answer: The menorah
2. I’m a candelabrum lit for eight nights straight, a Hanukkah tradition that’s truly first-rate.
Answer: Menorah
3. Nine branches I do sport, for Hanukkah candles I support.
Answer: Hanukkiah (the special nine branched menorah used on Hanukkah)
4. I’m a tasty Hanukkah treat that you fry up in oil and love to eat.
Answer: Latkes (potato pancakes)
5. Shredded and grated, I’m potatoes deliciously plated. Fried up in oil, I’m a Hanukkah treat that brings smiles to all.
Answer: Latkes
6. Potatoes, onions, and oil galore, fried up crunchy to Hanukkah’s core.
Answer: Latkes
7. I’m a four-sided top that you play with on Hanukkah, spin me right and your gold you may double-ah!
Answer: Dreidel
8. When you play with me, you hope to get “gimmel” and win the lottery.
Answer: Dreidel
9. I’m a Hanukkah game played with chocolate coins, spin me round and round, avoiding “shin” purloins.
Answer: Dreidel
10. We’re coins for Hanukkah made of foil or chocolate, win us while playing dreidel – now isn’t that dandy?
Answer: Gelt
11. Whether chocolate or real, we’re coins that you get when you spin a dreidel.
Answer: Gelt
12. Gold wrapped in silver, we’re given on Hanukkah and add to the glitter.
Answer: Gelt (Chocolate coins)
Riddles About Hanukkah History & Events
13. We were a Jewish army that recaptured Jerusalem back in one sixty-three BCE.
Answer: The Maccabees
14. Led by Judah, we fought against oppression, for religious freedom we strived and succeeded with much progression.
Answer: The Maccabees
15. Brave Jewish warriors were we, fighting for liberty triumphantly.
Answer: The Maccabees
16. In Jerusalem I once stood, a holy Jewish temple understood.
Answer: The Second Temple
17. Destroyed and rebuilt I’ve been, a place for Jewish worship within.
Answer: The Temple in Jerusalem
18. An ancient house of worship of Jewish acclaim, ceremonies and offerings were my once lively game.
Answer: The Temple
19. After me the Maccabees went searching, religious freedom and the right to be Jewish emerging.
Answer: Rededicating the Temple
20. The Maccabees fought for me and their identity, resulting in a miracle of lights festively.
Answer: Rededicating the temple
21. Ceremoniously making something sacred again was my aim, a purpose the Maccabees proudly did claim.
Answer: Rededication
22. There was only enough of me to last one day, yet I burned for eight nights anyway.
Answer: Oil (for the lamp)
23. One night I should have lasted, but for eight I steadfastly persisted.
Answer: The oil
24. A little made me last a lot, my burning bright the Maccabees’ fortune did plot.
Answer: The oil from the Temple
25. Against religious oppression we fought hard and fast, so Jewish identity and freedom would last.
Answer: The Maccabean Revolt
26. When the Greeks tried to destroy our Jewish ways, we stood up and revolted over eight important days.
Answer: The Maccabean revolt
27. For religious freedom we zealously strived, in history our victory miraculously survived.
Answer: The revolt of the Maccabees
28. A Greek king was I, who restricted Jewish worship most heinously.
Answer: Antiochus IV Epiphanes
29. Against me the heroic Maccabees revolted, my oppressive decrees they staunchly combatted.
Answer: Antiochus IV
30. A Seleucid ruler of great vanity, whose persecutions sparked the Maccabean fervency.
Answer: Antiochus Epiphanes
Riddles About Hanukkah Symbols
31. What has branches eight but candles nine? This Hanukkah menorah so divinely.
Answer: The Hanukkiah
32. I’m a nine-branched candelabrum lit during each Hanukkah night, my extra holder exalts the shamash candle burning oh so bright.
Answer: The Hanukkiah
33. On Hanukkah, the special menorah to light, I’m the one with nine candles glowing bright.
Answer: The Hanukkiah
34. I’m the “helper” candle that lights all the rest, honored with a special spot on the hanukkiah’s crest.
Answer: The shamash
35. Extra candle that sits a bit higher, I help light the others with my fiery pyre.
Answer: Shamash
36. Central candle who lights the way, for all other flames on the hanukkiah I lay.
Answer: Shamash candle
Star of David
37. I’m a six-pointed star that represents Judaism’s seal, displayed proudly for Hanukkah and how Israel does feel.
Answer: Star of David
38. A hexagram am I, two triangles combined, a symbol of Judaism throughout time.
Answer: Star of David
39. With six points in a magical dance, I’m a Jewish symbol at a traditional glance.
Answer: Star of David
Riddles about Hanukkah Food
40. Shredded potato pancake, in hot oil I do sizzle. Topped with apple sauce or sour cream, I’m a Hanukkah treat that’s sure to dazzle.
Answer: Latke
41. Potato grated, onion mixed in too, fried up in oil for a crispy Hanukkah brew.
Answer: Latkes
42. We’re potato pancakes, crispy and hot, the perfect Hanukkah treat, or so we’re often taught!
Answer: Latkes
43. Round, filled treats we surely are, fried up hot for Hanukkah by far.
Answer: Sufganiyot (jelly donuts)
44. Jelly filled donuts of sweet Hanukkah lore, we’re tastiest when our centers ooze out more!
Answer: Sufganiyot
45. Balls of fried dough filled up with jelly, eating us on Hanukkah will make your belly very happy!
Answer: Sufganiyot
46. A festive Hanukkah dish made of meat, I’m slow cooked till tender and oh so sweet!
Answer: Brisket
47. Beef or lamb, I’m a hardy cut for the wintry Hanukkah rut.
Answer: Brisket
48. For Hanukkah I’m cooked nice and slow, till my tougher meat gets a melt-in-your-mouth glow.
Answer: Brisket
49. Braided bread that makes eating a celebration, dip me in olive oil for a sacred sensation.
Answer: Challah
50. Twisting strands of dough then baked just right, I’m served at many a Hanukkah Friday night.
Answer: Challah bread
51. Egg bread in strands woven round, eating me on Hanukkah makes a joyful sound.
Answer: Challah
General Hanukkah Riddles
52. Eight nights long I shine and glow, rejoicing over miracles from long ago.
Answer: Hanukkah
53. Latkes and dreidels are parts of my flair, the Festival of Lights illuminates with care.
Answer: Hanukkah
54. Occurring in the Hebrew month of Kislev quite, I’m the Jewish Festival of Lights burning oh so bright.
Answer: Hanukkah
55. Maccabees, menorahs, miracles and more, those are just some things that I have in store.
Answer: Hanukkah
56. Kindling candles for eight nights consecutively is part of my tradition festively.
Answer: Hanukkah
57. December celebrations I’m often confused with, but Jewish not Christian is my true origin myth.
Answer: Hanukkah
58. Fried treats like latkes and sufganiyot I bring, along with spinning dreidels and songs I merrily sing.
Answer: Hanukkah
59. Winning chocolate gelt while playing dreidel’s a hoot, all part of my eight day celebration to boot!
Answer: Hanukkah
60. Gift giving for eight nights is one of my perks, along with lighting candles and eating oily treats.
Answer: Hanukkah
61. Miracles, lights, and dedication I recall, but my name itself means “rededication” most of all.
Answer: Hanukkah
62. Details of my history may sometimes be debated, but celebrating miracles is what I’m elated!
Answer: Hanukkah
63. December parties with family and friends are at my core, so fun and togetherness I aim to have in store.
Answer: Hanukkah
64. Festival of Lights I’m proudly called by fame, but Festival of Dedication’s also my name.
Answer: Hanukkah
Hanukkah Riddles for Kids
65. I’m a four-sided spinning top played at Hanukkah with glee, winning chocolate or money if “gimel” lands for me!
Answer: Dreidel
66. Triangle pancakes fried up just right, delicious we are when we’re crunchy and light!
Answer: Latkes
67. I’m a fun Hanukkah game that you play for treats, just spin me right and hope that gimmel you’ll meet!
Answer: Dreidel
68. Delicious jelly doughnuts without a doubt, eating us makes Hanukkah fun with a shout!
Answer: Sufganiyot
69. Shaped like a star I shine so bright, on flags and symbols I fill Jews with delight.
Answer: Star of David
70. I’m a candelabra with places for nine, eight candles plus the shamash who helps them shine.
Answer: Hanukkiah
71. Lit for eight days and nights every year, I’m a candleholder that spreads Hanukkah’s cheer.
Answer: The menorah
72. Potato shredded and onion mixed within, fried up in oil to a golden brown grin.
Answer: Latkes
73. Though chocolate or money, I’m a prize worth getting, win me while playing dreidel – what a fun betting!
Answer: Gelt
74. Eight special nights we light up one by one, celebrating history, faith, and lots of fun!
Answer: Hanukkah
75. I’m a holiday that lasts for over a week, with spinning tops, yummy treats, and gifts if you’re meek!
Answer: Hanukkah
Riddles are a great way to engage with the history, traditions, and symbols of Hanukkah. They allow children and adults alike to exercise their creative thinking skills. Use these Hanukkah riddles as a fun activity or game at your holiday parties or gatherings. The familiar clues give hints about different aspects of the Festival of Lights, from the miracles it celebrates to the iconic foods, games and decorations. Learning through puzzles and word play makes education interactive. So light your menorah, spin your dreidels, and enjoy these 75 Hanukkah riddles throughout the eight special nights!