Hotels can be mysterious and intriguing places. They often inspire curiosity and wonder about what goes on behind the scenes. Riddles provide a fun way to explore some of the quirks and details about hotels. Here are 51 riddles about hotels along with their answers to challenge your thinking!
Riddles about Hotel Rooms
Hotel rooms are filled with puzzles. Let’s start with a few riddles about these private spaces.
Riddle 1
What has keys but can’t open locks?
Answer: A piano in a hotel lobby.
Riddle 2
What has numbers but can’t count?
Answer: The room numbers in a hotel hallway.
Riddle 3
What opens everything yet lacks keys?
Answer: The electronic room key cards used in most hotels.
Riddle 4
What gets made up every day but is always the same?
Answer: The hotel beds that housekeepers tidy and make up with fresh linens daily.
Riddle 5
What has space but no room?
Answer: The closet in a hotel room.
Riddle 6
What has a top and bottom but no middle?
Answer: A bunk bed in a hotel room.
Riddle 7
What has hands but can’t clap?
Answer: The clock on the hotel room wall.
Riddle 8
What runs all around a backyard yet never moves?
Answer: The fence around a hotel’s backyard or courtyard.
Riddle 9
What has a face that smiles but has no mouth?
Answer: The mirror in a hotel room.
Riddle 10
What goes up and down but doesn’t move?
Answer: The elevator in a hotel.
Riddles about Hotel Amenities
Let’s move on to a few riddles about some of the convenient amenities found in hotels.
Riddle 11
What has tears but never cries?
Answer: The shower in a hotel bathroom.
Riddle 12
What has a bed but doesn’t sleep or rest?
Answer: The flower bed in front of a hotel.
Riddle 13
What has tines but cannot eat?
Answer: The fork provided in a hotel room.
Riddle 14
What can point in all directions yet cannot reach?
Answer: The hotel barber shop pole.
Riddle 15
What has bubbles but is not a drink?
Answer: The jacuzzi at a hotel spa.
Riddle 16
What machine has keys but no locks?
Answer: The hotel’s guest computer in the business center.
Riddle 17
What has words but never speaks?
Answer: The books in the hotel library.
Riddle 18
What has a back but cannot recline?
Answer: A hotel dining room chair.
Riddle 19
What has a foot but cannot walk?
Answer: The leg of a hotel lobby chair.
Riddle 20
What gets wetter the more it dries?
Answer: A hotel towel.
Riddles about Hotel Staff
The staff at hotels provide excellent service. Here are some riddles centered around them.
Riddle 21
What jumps higher than a building?
Answer: The hotel doorman who hops to open the door.
Riddle 22
What walks all day on its head?
Answer: A hotel maid while making beds and cleaning rooms.
Riddle 23
What has words but never talks?
Answer: The “do not disturb” door hanger.
Riddle 24
What digs holes but never plants anything?
Answer: The hotel front desk clerk who files paperwork.
Riddle 25
What has a face but no head?
Answer: The clock at the hotel front desk.
Riddle 26
What has hands but can’t write or clap?
Answer: The hands on the hotel lobby clock.
Riddle 27
What has numbers but no math?
Answer: The hotel chef’s uniform.
Riddle 28
What has a thumb and fingers but is not alive?
Answer: The white gloves worn by hotel servers.
Riddle 29
What has a bed but doesn’t sleep?
Answer: The flower bed in the hotel lobby tended by staff.
Riddle 30
Who makes it, sells it, but never uses it?
Answer: The hotel chef who cooks the meals.
Riddles about Hotel Guests
What about riddles related to the guests who stay at hotels? Here are some brain teasers centered around them.
Riddle 31
What enters with a suitcase and leaves without it?
Answer: A hotel guest.
Riddle 32
What always asks but never answers?
Answer: The hotel guest who asks questions at the front desk.
Riddle 33
What has a head, a tail but no body?
Answer: A hotel guest waiting in line to check in or check out.
Riddle 34
What belongs to you but is used by others?
Answer: The hotel room while rented out to guests.
Riddle 35
What breaks yet never falls?
Answer: The voice of an angry hotel guest at the front desk.
Riddle 36
What is given and taken at the same time?
Answer: A hotel guest’s freedom in exchange for shelter.
Riddle 37
What is filled with empty space?
Answer: Vacant rooms at a hotel.
Riddle 38
What goes up but never comes down?
Answer: The number of floors a hotel guest rides in the elevator.
Riddle 39
What turns everything around but does not move?
Answer: A hotel guest inserting their key card to enter a room.
Riddle 40
What is often returned but never borrowed?
Answer: Thanks and courtesy shown by polite hotel guests.
Riddles about Hotel Locations
Let’s ponder some riddles connected to where hotels can be found.
Riddle 41
What has cities and streets but no people or cars?
Answer: A Monopoly game board like the ones in hotel game rooms.
Riddle 42
What has forests but no trees, oceans but no water?
Answer: A map like the ones found next to elevators in hotels.
Riddle 43
What has 175 feet yet cannot walk?
Answer: A hotel located at 175 Feet Road address.
Riddle 44
What sits on a desk yet travels the world?
Answer: A hotel telephone next to the bed.
Riddle 45
What has 88 keys yet cannot open a single lock?
Answer: The piano in a hotel lounge that has 88 keys.
Riddle 46
What has a neck but no head or body?
Answer: The gooseneck lamp next to a hotel bed.
Riddle 47
What lives in winter, dies in summer, and grows with its roots upward?
Answer: The icicle on the rooftop of a ski lodge.
Riddle 48
What belongs to you but others use it more than you do?
Answer: Your hotel room when it’s rented out.
Riddle 49
What gets wet with drying?
Answer: A hotel towel.
So there you have it – 51 thought-provoking riddles about the curious world of hotels! Ranging from perplexing questions about hotel rooms, amenities, staff, guests and locations, these brainteasers require logic, creativity and a clever twist of perspective to solve. How many were you able to deduce the correct answer to? Riddles engage our critical thinking, force us to examine concepts from new angles, and bring fun to otherwise ordinary things around us. Next time you stay at a hotel, keep an eye out for new enigmas to ponder!