Ironman and duathlon races combine multiple disciplines into one epic event. Competitors must have incredible endurance and conditioning to make it through the swim, bike ride, and run that comprise these races. While training for and competing in ironman and duathlon events, participants often ponder intriguing questions and riddles related to the sports. Below are 59 such riddles for athletes and fans alike to test their wit and knowledge.
1. What has two wheels but doesn’t always go fast?
Answer: A participant’s bike in the ironman or duathlon event if they have mechanical issues or get tired on the course.
2. What goes up but never comes down during a race?
Answer: Your race bib number.
3. What has a big appetite but never gains weight?
Answer: An athlete burning tons of calories over the 140.6 or other long-course miles.
4. What has a lot of pull but isn’t very demanding?
Answer: The buoys marking the swim course since you don’t have to pull them, just follow or go around them.
5. What bends but doesn’t break during training?
Answer: Your body adapting to the heavy workload.
6. What did the Gatorade say when the athlete finished the run?
Answer: Boy am I exhausted!
7. Why do ironman athletes make great detectives?
Answer: Because they will go the extra mile to crack a case!
8. Why do sprint duathletes eat so quickly?
Answer: They always race to finish!
9. What did one race medal say to the other?
Answer: We go well together by hanging around athletes’ necks!
10. What building has the most stories in an ironman village?
Answer: The athlete hotel, with competitors sharing tales before and after the epic race.
11. Why can’t you trust an atom during a triathlon?
Answer: They make up everything!
12. What is an astronaut’s favorite part of race day?
Answer: The countdown!
13. Why do runners make great astronomers?
Answer: Because they are always looking up at the stars and moon while out training very early or late!
14. What do you call the best swimmer in a duathlon race?
Answer: A runner who can swim!
15. Why do cyclists make great wedding guests?
Answer: They always toast the bride and groom as they raise their water bottles!
16. Why can’t a nose be 12 inches long?
Answer: Because then it would be a foot!
17. What building on race day has the most stories?
Answer: The medical tent with athletes sharing injury tales.
18. Why was the wetsuit of the triathlete always telling lies?
Answer: It was a fibber suit!
19. What day of the week do frogmen train for ironman swimming most often?
Answer: Leap days with the extra 24 hours!
20. What circus performers would do well as triathletes?
Answer: Clowns with all the colorful wigs, makeup, and outfits they could race in at the finish line!
21. Why was the course clock angry?
Answer: Someone was blocking its face!
22. What award does the best finisher win on a hot day?
Answer: The chili pepper for conquering the spicy conditions!
23. Why do bicycle seats never get vacation days?
Answer: They were hired to work on the weekends!
24. Why do many athletes go barefoot during the run?
Answer: To give their shoes some breathing room since their feet swell in the heat!
25. Where do all the athletes shower after the race?
Answer: At the power wash behind the finish line!
26. Why does the medical tent also serve as Lost and Found?
Answer: Because the athletes lose parts of their limbs and minds when pushing to the limit!
27. Why do all world champions train in a cardboard box?
Answer: Because they need some practice thinking outside it!
28. What goes all over a park but never moves?
Answer: The run course as competitors loop it repeatedly!
29. What kind of shorts can cause a crash mid-race?
Answer: Cut-offs coming loose and snagging bike components!
30. How does a triathlete change a light bulb?
Answer: They don’t. That’s what the race crew is for!
31. Why did Ironman leave his bike outside while eating lunch?
Answer: He needed a place to park his cycle!
32. What exercise machine is useful in all three triathlon disciplines?
Answer: A ladder to help swim, bike, and run form!
33. Why can’t bikes stand up by themselves?
Answer: They’re two-tired!
34. What do you call ten arthropods in a road cycling paceline?
Answer: A ten tick peloton!
35. What miscellaneous item would a duathlete put in their Transition 1 bag?
Answer: A giant ice cream cone, for a Sundae finish at the end of the race!
36. Why can’t a leopard hide while training for an iron-distance triathlon?
Answer: Because he’s always spotted!
37. Why do transition volunteers spin in circles while working?
Answer: They want to give the athletes a dizzying experience as they grab gear and refuel!
38. What do you call 23 stand up paddleboarders training in stormy weather?
Answer: A paddle battle!
39. How does an injured triathlete call for help mid-race?
Answer: They hip Hop, because their thigh Popped!
40. What is a runner’s favorite musical note?
Answer: Calve sharp!
41. Why do athletes like racing at sunrise?
Answer: It gives them that golden glow at the finish line!
42. Why did the runner go to a cattle farm right before the race?
Answer: To carb load by eating cow chips!
43. When does an athlete feel like a secret spy?
Answer: When wearing a wet suit!
44. What is a slug’s favorite race to spectate?
Answer: The Tadpole Trot with all those mini amphibian critters!
45. Why do athletes prefer flying kites over sailing yachts?
Answer: They value a high over a tide!
46. How do triathletes know what the weather will bring?
Answer: They feel it in their quads, calves, core, and more!
47. What kind of watch does a runner wear mid-race?
Answer: A stop watch to time interval training repeats!
48. What insect is a motivation coach during finishes?
Answer: A flea whispering “you can do it” in competitors’ ears!
49. Why do athletes eat cereal on race day?
Answer: To remind themselves there’s no milk at aid stations!
50. What do frogs say to racers passing by?
Answer: Times fun when you’re having flies!
51. Why do bikes fall over when parked?
Answer: They are two-tired!
52. What kind of shoes do sleepy runners wear?
Answer: Slippers to slide along slowly!
53. Why don’t eggs tell each other jokes?
Answer: They might crack each other up!
54. How does a triathlete catch a squirrel mid-run?
Answer: Climb a tree and act like a nut!
55. Why don’t bicycles ever get tired?
Answer: Because they have two wheels!
56. What do you call a funny bike?
Answer: A hilarious cycle!
57. Why do runners make great builders?
Answer: Because they have steel calves for kicking down walls!
58. Why was the competitor fixated on winter weather during the race?
Answer: They were focused on beating the heat, which required thinking cold!
59. Why do finishers cry at the end of an ironman or long course race?
Answer: Because they couldn’t believe they salt through the whole event!
I hope you enjoyed testing your wit against these 59 riddles about ironman and duathlon racing! The multi-sport endeavors challenge the mind as well as the body, giving participants plenty to ponder. Let me know if you have any other clever riddles for the next long training day!