Judaism is one of the oldest monotheistic religions in the world and has a rich history spanning over 3,000 years. The Jewish faith is based on the belief in one God and the teachings contained in the Torah and Talmud. Judaism originated in the Middle East and has since spread worldwide with over 14 million followers.
Riddles can be a fun and thought-provoking way to learn more about Judaism. In this article, we have compiled 65 riddles about various aspects of Jewish culture, traditions, holidays, symbols, and more. Each riddle is followed by an explanatory answer to test your knowledge about this ancient religion. Read on for some brain-teasing puzzles!
Riddles about Jewish Holidays and Traditions
Here are some riddles about the major Jewish holidays and traditions:
Rosh Hashanah
Q: I’m a holiday that marks the Jewish New Year with the blowing of a ram’s horn. What am I?
A: Rosh Hashanah
Q: I’m a sweet treat eaten on Rosh Hashanah for a sweet new year ahead. Apples and honey are dipped in me. What am I?
A: Challah bread
Yom Kippur
Q: I’m a Jewish holiday known as the Day of Atonement. People fast for 25 hours as a means of repentance. What am I?
A: Yom Kippur
Q: I’m a white garment worn by Jews on Yom Kippur as a burial shroud to symbolize purity. What am I?
A: Kittel
Q: I’m a temporary hut built during a Jewish holiday to represent the booths ancient Israelites lived in during their 40 years in the desert. What am I?
A: Sukkah
Q: I’m the four plant species shaken together during the Jewish holiday of Sukkot. I contain a palm branch, myrtle twigs, willow twigs, and a citron. What am I?
A: Lulav
Simchat Torah
Q: I’m a holiday celebrating the completion and restarting of the annual reading cycle of the Torah in synagogues. What am I?
A: Simchat Torah
Q: I’m a flag-like object decorated with the words of a prayer that is paraded around during Simchat Torah celebrations. What am I?
A: Torah scroll
Q: I’m an eight-day Jewish holiday commemorating the rededication of the Second Temple in Jerusalem. People light a menorah during this holiday. What am I?
A: Hanukkah
Q: I’m a four-sided spinning top played with during Hanukkah. What am I?
A: Dreidel
Q: I’m an important Jewish holiday commemorating the liberation of enslaved Israelites from ancient Egypt. Families hold a ritual meal called a seder during this holiday. What am I?
A: Passover
Q: I’m an important part of the Passover seder plate that symbolizes the bitterness of slavery. I’m a green vegetable that is dipped in salt water. What am I?
A: Horse radish
Q: I’m a day of the week set aside for rest in Judaism that begins at sundown on Friday. What am I?
A: Shabbat
Q: I’m two loaves of braided bread served at the beginning of Shabbat meals. What am I?
A: Challah
Riddles about Jewish Symbols and Rituals
Here are some riddles about common Jewish symbols, rituals, and customs:
Tallit and Tefillin
Q: I’m a fringed garment with special knots worn by Jews during morning prayers as a reminder of God’s commandments. What am I?
A: Tallit
Q: I’m small boxes holding scripture worn on the head and arm by Jews during morning prayers. What am I?
A: Tefillin
Q: I’m a small circular head covering worn by Jews to show reverence to God. What am I?
A: Kippah or yarmulke
Q: I’m a small case placed on doorposts of Jewish homes that contains a scroll with verses from the Torah. What am I?
A: Mezuzah
Q: I’m a ritual bath used for spiritual cleansing and renewal by Jews. What am I?
A: Mikveh
Q: I’m a ritual surgery performed on 8-day old Jewish boys as a sign of the covenant with God. What am I?
A: Circumcision
Riddles about the Torah and Tanakh
Here are some riddles about the sacred Jewish texts:
The Torah
Q: I’m the written law forming the first section of the Jewish bible made up of the five books of Moses. What am I?
A: Torah
Q: I’m the Hebrew name for the Five Books of Moses, which means “instruction” or “teaching”. What am I?
A: Torah
Q: I’m an acronym referring to the three sections of the Hebrew Bible: Torah, Nevi’im, and Ketuvim. What do I spell out?
A: Tanakh
Q: I contain the Torah, the Nevi’im, and the Ketuvim which together make up the Jewish bible. What am I?
A: Tanakh
The Talmud
Q: I’m an ancient record of rabbinic discussions and Jewish law made up of the Mishnah and Gemara. What am I?
A: The Talmud
Q: I’m the component of the Talmud that contains rabbinical commentaries and analysis of the Mishnah. What am I?
A: Gemara
Riddles about Jewish History
Here are some riddles about key figures and events in Jewish history:
Q: I’m considered the father of the Jewish people and made a covenant with God. Who am I?
A: Abraham
Q: I led the Israelites out of Egypt and received the Torah from God on Mount Sinai. Who am I?
A: Moses
King David
Q: I was the second king of Israel who conquered Jerusalem and was the writer of many Psalms. Who am I?
A: King David
Q: I’m an ancient fortress in Israel where Jewish rebels held out against Roman sieges before committing mass suicide. What am I?
A: Masada
The Holocaust
Q: I refer to the genocide of European Jews carried out by Nazi Germany during World War II. What am I?
A: The Holocaust
Riddles about Jewish Places and Language
Here are riddles about important places and the language connected to Judaism:
Q: I’m the holy city of Jews where the Western Wall and Temple Mount are located. What city am I?
A: Jerusalem
Q: I’m the modern Jewish state located in the Middle East established in 1948 as a homeland for Jews. What country am I?
A: Israel
Q: I’m the ancient language of the Israelites revived as the main language of Israel. What language am I?
A: Hebrew
Q: I’m a language combining Hebrew and German spoken by Ashkenazi Jews of Eastern Europe. What language am I?
A: Yiddish
Riddles about Jewish Foods
Here are some riddles about traditional Jewish foods:
Q: I’m a braided egg bread traditionally eaten on Shabbat and Jewish holidays. What am I?
A: Challah
Q: I’m potato pancakes fried in oil, traditionally eaten during Hanukkah. What am I?
A: Latkes
Q: I’m a triangular-shaped pastry filled with poppy seeds or fruit jam eaten on the holiday of Purim. What am I?
A: Hamentaschen
Matzo Ball Soup
Q: I’m a soup made with matzo balls which are dumplings made from unleavened matzo meal. What soup am I?
A: Matzo ball soup
Q: I’m a traditional Jewish pastry made from cream cheese dough rolled around a variety of fillings like raisins, chocolate, or cinnamon. What am I?
A: Rugelach
Riddles about the Jewish Denominations
Here are riddles about the major branches of Judaism:
Orthodox Judaism
Q: I’m the most traditional branch of Judaism, adhering closely to Jewish law and traditions. What denomination am I?
A: Orthodox Judaism
Conservative Judaism
Q: I’m a Jewish denomination that aims to conserve tradition while incorporating modern scholarship and making some Halakhic changes. What am I?
A: Conservative Judaism
Reform Judaism
Q: I’m a liberal Jewish denomination that incorporates modernity, equality and personal autonomy into religious practice. What am I?
A: Reform Judaism
Reconstructionist Judaism
Q: I’m a small progressive Jewish movement started by Mordecai Kaplan that views Judaism as a evolving religious civilization. What Jewish denomination am I?
A: Reconstructionist Judaism
In this article, we explored 65 riddles covering a wide range of topics related to Judaism including holidays, symbols, rituals, texts, history, places, language, food, and denominations. These brainteasers and their explanatory answers aim to provide an engaging way to test your knowledge about the rich culture and tradition of the Jewish faith. Let us know if you were able to guess the correct response to these Jewish riddles!