Fruits are juicy, delicious and nutritious! They come in all shapes, sizes and colors. Fruit riddles are a fun way to engage our brains while learning interesting facts about fruits. In this article, we have compiled 51 riddles about various juicy fruits along with their answers. These brain teasers will tickle your mind and the juicy facts will provide some food for thought! So let’s get started, we have lots of fruits to cover.
List of 51 riddles about juicy fruits with answers:
Riddles about Apples
1. I’m red, round and juicy, monkeys love me in a bunch. Take a guess, what fruit am I? Answer: Apple
2. I’m a fruit that is sweet, my skin can be red or green. Doctors say eating me a day, keeps the doctor away. What am I? Answer: Apple
3. I grow on trees and people like eating me raw. I can be red, green or yellow in color. What fruit am I? Answer: Apple
Riddles about Oranges
4. I’m a citrus fruit that’s round and orange. I’m juicy, sweet and tasty. Peel off my skin and eat me in slices. What am I? Answer: Orange
5. You can break me into segments and I’m a popular juice. I’m spherical and have thick orange skin. What am I? Answer: Orange
6. I’m a sweet and tangy citrus fruit, that comes from warm tropical climates. People squeeze me for juice, and give me in Christmas stockings. What am I? Answer: Orange
Riddles about Bananas
7. I’m long, soft and curved, I grow in bunches and I’m yellow when matured. Monkeys and humans love eating me. What am I? Answer: Banana
8. I come from a tall tropical tree even though I don’t have a shell or peel. I’m yellow when ripe and monkeys love how I taste. What am I? Answer: Banana
9. I’m a long curved yellow fruit that grows in bunches. I’m soft, sweet and loved by kids in their lunches. What am I? Answer: Banana
Riddles about Watermelons
10. I’m a large juicy melon with a thick green rind. You eat my sweet red flesh but throw away my black seeds. What am I? Answer: Watermelon
11. I’m a big, round and juicy fruit, you eat my red flesh and spit out my seeds. I have a thick green outer rind. What fruit am I? Answer: Watermelon
12. People love eating my sweet red flesh at picnics and parities. I’m a large melon with a hard green rind outside. What am I? Answer: Watermelon
Riddles about Grapes
13. I’m a small, round, smooth-skinned berry that grows in clusters on vines. People use me to make wine. What am I? Answer: Grape
14. We grow in bunches on vines and come in green, red, and purple colors. People use us to make jelly, jam, juice, and wine. What are we? Answer: Grapes
15. I’m a small, sweet fruit that grows in bunches on vines. I’m used to make jelly, juice and wine. People also eat me raw. What am I? Answer: Grape
Riddles about Pineapples
16. I have a prickly skin and flesh that’s sweet and yellow. I grow on a plant with pointed leaves in tropical places. What fruit am I? Answer: Pineapple
17. I have a rough, brownish yellow skin and juicy inside. I’m loaded with vitamin C and enjoyed in fruit salads. Cut me into rings to eat me raw. What am I? Answer: Pineapple
18. People enjoy my sweet and tangy tropical fruit raw or grilled. I have a crown of leaves and a tough, spiky skin. What am I? Answer: Pineapple
Riddles about Mangoes
19. I’m an oval tropical fruit with smooth skin that’s yellow, red or green. I have a large pit in the middle and sweet juicy flesh. What am I? Answer: Mango
20. I’m a tropical stone fruit with a yellowish-red skin. I’m juicy, sweet and loved in smoothies, chutney, pickles and ice creams. What fruit am I? Answer: Mango
21. People love my sweet, creamy flesh that surrounds a large flat seed. I come in different colors like green, yellow and red. What tropical fruit am I? Answer: Mango
Riddles about Strawberries
22. I’m red, juicy and conical-shaped. I have tiny seeds dotted all over my edible skin. You can find me in salads, ice creams and desserts. What berry am I? Answer: Strawberry
23. I’m a red heart-shaped fruit with a luscious taste. I have edible seeds on the outside and grow in green leafy patches. What am I? Answer: Strawberry
24. People say I’m the perfect fruit because I’m red, juicy and sweet. I’m small with seeds on the outside. What berry am I that goes great with cream? Answer: Strawberry
Riddles about Blueberries
25. I’m tiny, round and blue-purple in color. You’ll find me inside muffins, pancakes and fruit salads. I’m packed with antioxidants. What berry am I? Answer: Blueberry
26. I’m a small round blue fruit often found in muffins and cereal. You can pick me in the wild and I’m high in antioxidants. What berry am I? Answer: Blueberry
27. We’re little blue-purple berries that grow on bushes. Eat us plain, or add us to smoothies, muffins and jams for a burst of fruit flavor. What are we? Answer: Blueberries
Riddles about Blackberries
28. We’re plump, dark berries that grow on prickly bushes. Pick us in summer and add to desserts for our sweet-tart taste. What are we? Answer: Blackberries
29. People pick me in the wild and use me in pies, jams and desserts. I’m a blackish-purple fruit that stains but tastes sweet. What berry am I? Answer: Blackberry
30. I’m a dark purple berry often found in brambles. I have lots of tiny seeds in a juicy center. You can eat me right off the bush! What am I? Answer: Blackberry
Riddles about Raspberries
31. I’m a pinkish-red berry with a hollow center. I’m quite fragile so handle with care! Eat me fresh or add me into summer treats. What berry am I? Answer: Raspberry
32. We’re sweet red berries that you pick from bushes in summer. Eat us plain or bake us into delicious treats and desserts. What are we? Answer: Raspberries
33. People say I’m delicately sweet and hollow inside. I’m red in color and fuzzy on the outside. What delicate berry am I? Answer: Raspberry
Riddles about Cherries
34. I’m a small red stone fruit often eaten dried. I have a single hard pit inside that you must avoid. What fruit am I? Answer: Cherry
35. My skin can be yellow, red or black when ripe. I have a hard seed inside and a slightly sour taste. You can eat me dried or use me to top desserts. What fruit am I? Answer: Cherry
36. I’m a small round stone fruit with a hard pit inside. I can be red, black, or yellow when ripe. People love eating me in pies and jams. What fruit am I? Answer: Cherry
Riddles about Peaches
37. I’m a soft, fuzzy fruit with yellow or white flesh inside. I have a large hard pit that you must remove before eating me. What juicy fruit am I? Answer: Peach
38. My flesh can be yellow or white with a big seed in the center. People like eating me sliced or in sweet desserts. I have soft, fuzzy skin on the outside. What fruit am I? Answer: Peach
39. I’m round with sweet, delicate flesh on the inside. My velvety skin can be yellow, white or red. What blushing fruit am I? Answer: Peach
Riddles about Plums
40. I’m an oval stone fruit with smooth, purple skin. My flesh can be sweet or tart. Use me in jams, desserts or eat me raw. What fruit am I? Answer: Plum
41. I’m a small, oval-shaped fruit with smooth edible skin. My flesh can be yellow, green or purple. People use me to make jams and fruit preserves. What am I? Answer: Plum
42. People use me to make jams and eat me raw when ripe. I’m an oval stone fruit with smooth skin in colors like red, purple or yellow. What am I? Answer: Plum
Riddles about Pears
43. I’m a sweet, bell-shaped fruit with smooth edible skin. People eat me raw or use me in salads, pies and jams. What fruit am I? Answer: Pear
44. I’m a mild, sweet fruit with a bulbous shape. I’m delicious eaten raw and often canned or dried. My skin is smooth and edible. What fruit am I? Answer: Pear
45. My flesh is crisp and juicy when ripe. I come in many varieties from green to red. People poach me in wine or eat me raw. What elongated fruit am I? Answer: Pear
Riddles about Kiwifruit
46. I’m a fuzzy brown oval fruit with bright green flesh. I originated from New Zealand and contain lots of vitamin C. What am I? Answer: Kiwifruit
47. Under my hairy brown skin lies bright green flesh with tiny black seeds. I’m nutrient dense and my name hints at where I came from. What oval fruit am I? Answer: Kiwifruit
48. I have fuzzy brown skin and green flesh. Cut me open to scoop out my sweet and tangy insides. I contain more vitamin C than oranges. What am I? Answer: Kiwifruit
Riddles about Figs
49. I’m a sweet, tear-drop shaped fruit that grows in pairs. My thin purple skin hides soft, seedy flesh inside. What am I? Answer: Fig
50. I’m an ancient fruit with paper-thin purple skin and red flesh inside. You can eat me fresh off the tree or dried in tasty treats. What sweet fruit am I? Answer: Fig
51. People have been eating me for centuries raw, dried or baked into desserts. I’m a purple teardrop shaped fruit with sweet red flesh and seeds inside. What am I? Answer: Fig
And those were 51 riddles about juicy fruits along with their answers! Did you manage to guess all the fruits correctly before seeing the answers? Fruits come in diverse shapes, sizes, colors and flavors – which makes them an excellent subject for riddles. These brain teasers encourage us to think logically about the characteristics of common fruits we know and love.
Fruits are not only delicious but also extremely nutritious. They are rich sources of fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and various plant compounds. Consuming fruits regularly benefits our health in many ways – they protect our bodies from diseases and help maintain an optimal body weight. Fruits should be a part of everyone’s diet.
We hope you enjoyed solving these fruit riddles. Let us know in the comments below which was your favorite riddle in this list! Feel free to come up with your own clever fruit riddles and share them with family and friends.