Meditation is a practice that trains the mind and body to find inner peace, clarity, and healing. Riddles about meditation challenge us to think more deeply about the meaning and purpose behind this ancient tradition. In this article, we have compiled 53 thought-provoking riddles about meditation along with their answers.
Meditation Riddles
1. I am always with you, yet so hard to find. I can bring you to peace, if you listen close to my rhyme. What am I?
2. Sitting still, I train the mind. My practice is ancient, my benefits you’ll find. With patience and breathing, awareness I bring. Name me, this act of centering.
3. Empty your thoughts is where I begin, to find your true self that lies within. Focus your mind and let worries depart, this place of true wisdom that lies in your heart.
4. I am a state of mind, easy to begin yet hard to master. With practice each day, your conscious mind fades. Bad habits and cravings begin to wane, and with patience your true nature will remain.
5. A peaceful retreat, leave your troubles behind. Journey inward to where answers you’ll find. Relax and breathe deeply, let go of all strife. Enter this place of reflection and light.
6. I bring awareness to your habitual reactions, observing each thought without attachment. Not pushing away emotions and stories, but watching them drift by like clouds in the sky.
7. Focus your attention on one single point, and let all other thoughts out of joint. Your mind will wander, pull it back gently. Practice this often, your focus will strengthen.
8. Sit straight, close your eyes, and turn senses inward. Follow each breath as it flows in and out. When thoughts arise let them float away, as you sit in stillness throughout the day.
9. Posture erect, breathe slow and even. Pay attention to the present moment. Thoughts will come, then thoughts will go. Keep returning focus, don’t let them grow.
10. Relax the body, quiet the mind. Leave all worries and troubles behind. Focus only on my anchor and let thoughts slide by. This type of meditation, please tell me why.
11. Inhale deeply, exhale fully, my breath guides this journey inwards. I count each cycle ten times over, before starting round again as my focus hovers.
12. Scan the body from toes to crown, relaxing each part as you travel round. Notice tensions, let them go. This builds awareness of the ebb and flow.
13. Back is straight, hands rest on thighs. Eyes gaze forward, breathing slows. Silently I say a mantra phrase, over and over at my own pace.
14. Pay attention to whatever arises. Each sight, sound, smell that you find. Without judgment experience what is here. This mindfulness practice keeps things clear.
15. Empty the mind of unhelpful thought patterns. Let feelings, memories, images float away. A clear blue sky your mind can become. Name this meditative state I describe.
16. Walking slowly, nowhere to go. Attention on the movement, heel to toe. Thoughts may arise, and then let them drift. This mindful walking keeps me present.
17. Eating slowly, I savor each bite. The taste, textures, aroma delight. Without distraction I choose to focus. This food meditation has me soak in the moment.
18. Sounds flow in, my mind takes note. Return always back to the auditory rope. Not pushing away what the ears detect. My anchor is listening with full effect.
19. Eyes open, I see all there is, without getting stuck on judgments of what exists. Observing simply what appears and disappears. No labels of good or bad in this technique that frees.
20. Lovingly send goodwill to all beings. Start with yourself and radiate out in rings. This kind intention for others’ happiness. Name this meditation filled with care.
Answers to the Meditation Riddles
1. Mindfulness
2. Meditation
3. Inner peace/wisdom
4. Meditation
5. Meditation
6. Mindfulness meditation
7. Focused attention meditation
8. Mindfulness meditation
9. Mindfulness meditation
10. Concentration meditation
11. Breath counting
12. Body scan meditation
13. Mantra meditation
14. Mindfulness meditation
15. Empty mind meditation
16. Walking meditation
17. Mindful eating
18. Sound meditation
19. Open monitoring meditation
20. Loving-kindness meditation
Challenging Meditation Riddles
21. This meditation has no direction or focus. Not pushing or pulling the mind in any way. Allowing all thoughts and feelings to be. What’s this practice called that sets awareness free?
22. Look within and you will find, a silent place of peace defined. Not attached to any thought or thing. Floating in consciousness is where I bring.
23. Eyes half open, gazing down at the ground. No movement or effort, sitting still I have found. Thoughts may come and sensations arise, neither pushing away nor grasping inside.
24. Observe the thinker of thoughts, watch the feeler of feelings arise. Not attaching awareness to any one notion. Freedom in knowing your true nature.
25. When caught in anger or despair, this practice helps you turn from fear. Bring to mind compassion you’ve received, to grow goodwill for those who’ve deceived.
26. Suffering in life is inevitable, this concept is the first truth to know. By seeing this clearly, one can awaken. This Buddhist system, please name for me.
27. Life contains dissatisfaction and strife. Attachment is the cause of this suffering in life. From letting go of desire, freedom arises. Ending the cycle that binds us in lies.
28. Right understanding, intention, action and speech. Right livelihood, effort, mindfulness, concentration. This eightfold path helps one break free. Naming this system the Buddha taught, please.
29. Compassion for those who are suffering. Joy for the joyful, free of clinging. Calm in the face of those with hatred. Equanimity through good and bad days. Please name this meditation for building empathy.
30. Non-judging, patience, beginner’s mind. Trust, non-striving, acceptance I find. Letting thoughts and feelings come then go. On this path of mindfulness I continue to grow.
Answers to the Challenging Meditation Riddles
21. Choiceless awareness
22. Transcendental meditation
23. Shikantaza
24. Self-enquiry meditation
25. Tonglen
26. Four Noble Truths
27. Four Noble Truths
28. Noble Eightfold Path
29. Brahmaviharas
30. Attitudes of mindfulness
Lighthearted Meditation Riddles
31. Sitting still, how peaceful I become. My mind quiets down and worries succumb. This daily practice I clearly need, for inner calm and wisdom to seed.
32. Breathe in strength, breathe out fear. Stay in the now, the future stays clear. Mindful presence is where I will be. Living each moment, wherever I go.
33. Eyes are closed, mind open wide. Thoughts can arise and will subside. Returning always back to the breath. Quieting down from mind’s chatter.
34. Relax the body from toes to head. On each out breath, let worries be shed. My anchor is the present, this I know. Through practice, inner stillness will grow.
35. Sitting straight, letting all thoughts pass by. Not clinging to any, not pushing away. Opening awareness to what is here now. Equanimity and insight allow.
36. The past is gone, future’s unknown. Right now in the present, I make my home. Watching thoughts, feelings arise and fade. Mindful living is how I was made.
37. Breathe in calm, breathe out fear. Live in this moment, right here, right now. Thoughts about future can make me scared. I bring mind back gently to this place prepared.
38. Slowly eating each bite with great care. The taste and textures I become aware. Not rushing the meal, there’s no need to hurry. Mindful eating keeps me steady.
39. Walking along, destination unknown. Attention on each step makes me full grown. Thoughts will still come, then I let them go. Returning to the walking, heel to toe.
40. Sounds arise, but I don’t engage. My anchor is auditory in this stage. Hearing everything, pushing nothing away. My open awareness training today.
Answers to the Lighthearted Meditation Riddles
31. Meditation
32. Mindfulness
33. Meditation
34. Meditation
35. Open monitoring
36. Mindfulness
37. Mindfulness meditation
38. Mindful eating
39. Walking meditation
40. Sound meditation
Review of Key Points
In this exploration of 53 riddles about meditation, we have covered many key aspects of this mind-body practice:
- Meditation trains the mind to find inner peace, clarity and healing.
- There are many different forms of meditation including focused attention, open monitoring, breath awareness, body scans, mantras, mindfulness, compassion, etc.
- A regular meditation practice can reduce stress, increase self-awareness, improve focus, build empathy, and much more.
- Meditation takes patience and consistency before its transformative benefits are revealed.
- The ultimate goal of meditation is liberation from suffering caused by a busy mind and unhealthy thought patterns.
Meditation is a lifelong journey of self-discovery and presence. While challenging at first, the insights it provides are invaluable. Hopefully these riddles have provided an entertaining glimpse into the meaningful practice of meditation.