Mount Harvard is a prominent fourteener mountain peak in the Sawatch Range of the Rocky Mountains of North America. Situated in Chaffee County, Colorado, United States, with an elevation of 14,421 feet (4,396 m), Mount Harvard is the third highest summit of the Rocky Mountains of North America and the U.S. state of Colorado. Here are 41 riddles and interesting facts to learn more about this iconic mountain peak.
What 14er is the highest peak in the Sawatch Range? Mount Harvard. At 14,421 feet tall, Mount Harvard is the tallest peak in the Sawatch Range of the Rocky Mountains in central Colorado.
Which U.S. state is Mount Harvard located in? Colorado. Mount Harvard is located about 6 miles south of Buena Vista in Chaffee County, Colorado.
What county in Colorado contains Mount Harvard? Chaffee County. Mount Harvard resides within San Isabel National Forest in Chaffee County, west-central Colorado.
What major mountain range does Mount Harvard belong to? The Rocky Mountains. Mount Harvard is part of the Sawatch Range, which is a subsection of the larger Rocky Mountains system.
True or false: Mount Harvard is one of Colorado’s “Fourteeners” (peaks over 14,000 ft). True. At 14,421 ft (4,396 m) tall, Mount Harvard is considered one of Colorado’s famous “Fourteeners.”
Physical Attributes
What is the elevation of Mount Harvard’s summit? 14,421 feet (4,396 meters). The summit of Mount Harvard stands at 14,421 feet above sea level.
How many miles south of Buena Vista is Mount Harvard located? About 6 miles. Mount Harvard sits roughly 6 miles south of the town of Buena Vista, Colorado.
What geological processes formed Mount Harvard? Uplift and glacial erosion. The uplifting of the Rocky Mountains and erosion from ancient glaciers shaped Mount Harvard over millions of years.
What type of rock is Mount Harvard primarily composed of? Metamorphic gneiss. Mount Harvard is made up largely of Precambrian metamorphic gneiss and schist rock.
Which side of Mount Harvard has the least vertical rise? The southwest side. The southwest slope of Mount Harvard has the most gradual rise compared to the other sides.
Climbing Routes
From where does the standard hiking route up Mount Harvard begin? North Cottonwood Creek. The most commonly used route up Mount Harvard starts at North Cottonwood Creek Trailhead.
What is the elevation gain for the standard hiking route? 4,600 feet. Hikers gain about 4,600 feet along the 9-mile standard route up Mount Harvard.
What is the easiest route for climbing Mount Harvard? South Slopes from Frenchman Creek. The gentlest graded route is the South Slopes route from Frenchman Creek Trailhead.
Which route has the shortest distance but steepest incline? East Slopes from Kroenke Lake. The route from Kroenke Lake Trailhead is only 4 miles roundtrip but ascends steeply.
True or false: Mount Harvard has a Class 2 hiking route. True. The South Slopes route is a Class 2 hike, making it the easiest trail to the summit.
Who was the first recorded ascent of Mount Harvard made by? William Libbey. William Libbey, a professor from Princeton University, made the first documented climb in 1869.
What Native American tribes lived near Mount Harvard? Ute people. The land around Mount Harvard was inhabited by the Ute tribes for centuries.
How did Mount Harvard get its name? After Harvard University. It was named in honor of Harvard University around 1869 by settlers and explorers.
In what year was Mount Harvard designated a National Natural Landmark? 1968. In 1968, Mount Harvard was designated a National Natural Landmark by the U.S. National Park Service.
Who named many of mountains in the area, including Mount Harvard? William Henry Jackson. William Henry Jackson, photographer for the Hayden Geological Surveys, named many of the peaks in the 1870s.
What species of pika lives on Mount Harvard? American pika. The American pika, a small mountain-dwelling mammal, inhabits the boulder fields on Mount Harvard.
What is Colorado’s state fish found in creeks near Mount Harvard? Greenback cutthroat trout. Greenback cutthroat trout, Colorado’s official state fish, inhabit waters around Mount Harvard.
Name a bird of prey that nests on cliffs of Mount Harvard. Golden eagles, peregrine falcons. Birds of prey like golden eagles and peregrine falcons nest on Mount Harvard’s sheer cliffs.
What species of big horn sheep live in the Sawatch Range? Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep. Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep graze in alpine areas around peaks like Mount Harvard.
True or false: Pika primarily eat grasses and shrubs. False. The American pika is an herbivore that feeds mainly on greens like clover and willow rather than grasses.
Geography Superlatives
What is the tallest “fourteener” in Colorado? Mount Elbert. At 14,440 feet, Mount Elbert is the highest peak in the entire Rocky Mountains.
Which fourteener is closest to Mount Harvard? Mount Columbia. Mount Columbia is only about 2 miles north of Mount Harvard.
What is the highest mountain summit in the contiguous United States? Mount Whitney. Mount Whitney in California is the highest peak in the lower 48 states at 14,505 feet.
True or false: Pikes Peak is taller than Mount Harvard. False. At 14,115 feet, Pikes Peak is over 300 feet shorter than Mount Harvard.
Which Colorado “fourteener” is farthest from Mount Harvard? Blanca Peak. Blanca Peak in the Sangre de Cristo Range is over 200 miles south of Mount Harvard.
What is the easiest “Class 1” hiking route on Mount Harvard? South Slopes. The South Slopes is a Class 1 trail, the easiest hiking classification.
What class would involve climbing steep rock with handholds? Class 5. Class 5 routes require ropes, harnesses, and climbing skills.
When hiking Mount Harvard, what should you bring? Sunscreen, jacket, map, first aid kit, food, water. Bring essentials like sun protection, layers, navigation, medical supplies, and provisions.
True or false: Altitude sickness only affects people over 50. False. Anyone can develop altitude sickness climbing to elevations over 8,000 feet.
How can you prevent altitude sickness on Mount Harvard? Ascend slowly, stay hydrated, avoid alcohol. Gradual ascent, hydration and avoiding alcohol can help prevent altitude issues.
In what National Forest is Mount Harvard located? San Isabel National Forest. Mount Harvard is within the Leadville Ranger District of San Isabel NF.
What organization manages and protects public lands around Mount Harvard? U.S. Forest Service. As part of San Isabel NF, the U.S. Forest Service oversees Mount Harvard.
True or false: Dogs must be leashed on trails around Mount Harvard. True. Dogs must be leashed in wilderness areas to protect wildlife and nature.
What is a major threat to pika populations in the region? Climate change. Rising temperatures and altered habitats due to climate change threaten the American pika.
Why should you not feed or approach wildlife while hiking? It can harm their health and cause dangerous behavioral changes. Human food and contact can endanger wild animals’ lives.
In conclusion, Mount Harvard offers a challenging climb rewarded by amazing scenery and natural diversity. As one of Colorado’s iconic fourteeners, it attracts hikers and mountaineers of all levels. We should protect Mount Harvard by adhering to environmental rules and minimizing our impact on the mountain. With care, people can enjoy the Rocky Mountain wilderness and natural gifts like Mount Harvard for generations to come.
I hope these 41 riddles about Mount Harvard give you some interesting facts and inspire you to explore more about this amazing Colorado fourteener! Let me know if you have any other questions.