Orphans have often been the subject of riddles and brain teasers. Here are 57 riddles about orphans along with their answers.
Definition of an Orphan
Before we get to the riddles, let’s clarify what exactly an orphan is. An orphan is a child whose parents have died, are unknown, or have permanently abandoned them.
Riddles about Orphans
Riddle 1
Q: What happened to the orphan’s parents?
A: They passed away.
Riddle 2
Q: Where does an orphan live?
A: In an orphanage.
Riddle 3
Q: Why was the orphan crying?
A: Because he missed his parents.
Riddle 4
Q: What did the orphan get for Christmas?
A: Lots of gifts from donations.
Riddle 5
Q: Why did the orphan wear old, worn-out clothes?
A: Because he didn’t have parents to buy him nice new clothes.
Riddle 6
Q: Why was the orphan always late for school?
A: He had to walk there alone without his parents taking him.
Riddle 7
Q: Why didn’t the orphan have any pictures of his family?
A: Because he didn’t have a family.
Riddle 8
Q: What did the orphan want more than anything else in the world?
A: To be adopted by a loving family.
Riddle 9
Q: Why did the orphan paint his parents?
A: To imagine what they looked like.
Riddle 10
Q: Why did the orphan stay up late at night?
A: He was afraid of having nightmares about his parents.
Riddle 11
Q: Why didn’t the orphan trust other people?
A: He was afraid they would abandon him like his parents did.
Riddle 12
Q: Why did the orphan always eat his food quickly?
A: He was scared someone would take it away.
Riddle 13
Q: Why did the orphan never celebrate his birthday?
A: He had no family to celebrate with.
Riddle 14
Q: Why did the orphan have difficulty making friends?
A: He was worried about people abandoning him.
Riddle 15
Q: What did the orphan call his parents?
A: Nothing, he didn’t know them.
Riddle 16
Q: Why did the orphan always seem sad?
A: He missed having a loving family.
Riddle 17
Q: Where did the orphan learn to read and write?
A: At the orphanage school.
Riddle 18
Q: What did the orphan never have to clean?
A: His room, he lived in a shared orphanage dorm.
Riddle 19
Q: Why did the orphan not complain about the food?
A: He was just happy to have something to eat.
Riddle 20
Q: Why did the orphan hoard food under his bed?
A: He feared going hungry without parents to feed him.
Riddle 21
Q: Why was the orphan afraid of the dark?
A: It reminded him of lonely nights without his parents.
Riddle 22
Q: Why did the orphan play pretend games?
A: To imagine what having a real family was like.
Riddle 23
Q: Why did the orphan always follow the rules?
A: He didn’t want to seem like a problem child.
Riddle 24
Q: Why did the orphan never ask for anything?
A: He didn’t want to seem ungrateful.
Riddle 25
Q: Why was the orphan nervous about going to school?
A: He worried about being bullied for not having parents.
Riddle 26
Q: What did the orphan call his room?
A: Nothing, it wasn’t really his room.
Riddle 27
Q: Why did the orphan often get into fights?
A: He was angry about being abandoned by his parents.
Riddle 28
Q: Why did the orphan dislike story time?
A: The stories about happy families made him upset.
Riddle 29
Q: What did the orphan never get to do?
A: Go on vacation with his family.
Riddle 30
Q: Why did the orphan have trouble concentrating?
A: He was always thinking of his missing parents.
Riddle 31
Q: Why was the orphan always ready to leave?
A: He never knew when he’d have to go to a new orphanage.
Riddle 32
Q: Why did the orphan treasurer his few belongings?
A: They were all he had in the world.
Riddle 33
Q: Why did the orphan hope to be adopted?
A: To have a family of his own.
Riddle 34
Q: What did the orphan wish for on shooting stars?
A: For his parents to come back.
Riddle 35
Q: Why did the orphan keep searching for details about his parents?
A: He hoped to find them someday.
Riddle 36
Q: Why did the orphan envy his friends?
A: They had loving families when he did not.
Riddle 37
Q: What did the orphan do on mother’s day?
A: Make a card for his imaginary mom.
Riddle 38
Q: Why did the orphan pretend to talk on the phone?
A: He was imagining calling his parents.
Riddle 39
Q: Where did the orphan wish to be most of all?
A: Home with a family.
Riddle 40
Q: Why did the orphan love animals?
A: They comforted him without judging.
Riddle 41
Q: What did the orphan want for his birthday?
A: To be part of a family celebration.
Riddle 42
Q: Why did the orphan stare at families in the park?
A: He wished he could join them.
Riddle 43
Q: What did the orphan pretend when he played house?
A: That he had a mother and father.
Riddle 44
Q: Why did the orphan volunteer at the orphanage?
A: To be close to kids like him.
Riddle 45
Q: Where did the orphan feel safest?
A: Snuggled in his bed at night.
Riddle 46
Q: Why did the orphan become a teacher?
A: To help other orphans like himself.
Riddle 47
Q: What did the orphan never have on his walls?
A: Family photos.
Riddle 48
Q: Why did the orphan love the holidays?
A: He got lots of donated gifts then.
Riddle 49
Q: What did the orphan call his caretakers?
A: Nothing, he saw them as staff not family.
Riddle 50
Q: Why did the orphan soak up every bit of affection?
A: He was starved for love and attention.
Riddle 51
Q: What did the orphan never need to share?
A: His parents’ time.
Riddle 52
Q: Why did the orphan have low self-esteem?
A: Being abandoned gave him a poor self-image.
Riddle 53
Q: What did the orphan learn to do for himself?
A: Everything without parental help.
Riddle 54
Q: Why was the orphan always prepared?
A: He never knew when he’d have to pack up and go.
Riddle 55
Q: What did the orphan cling to at night?
A: His pillow, in place of a parent.
Riddle 56
Q: Why did the orphan have nightmares?
A: His past trauma haunted his dreams.
Riddle 57
Q: What did the orphan wish more than anything?
A: A family to call his own.
Orphans live a difficult life without parents and family. However, many show incredible resilience. These riddles provide insight into the orphan experience. Some common themes include missing parents, longing for a family, and learning independence early out of necessity. Hopefully, the riddles inspire compassion for the many challenges facing parentless children.