Queens are powerful female monarchs that have ruled kingdoms throughout history. Riddles about queens allow us to engage our minds and think critically about their authority, wisdom, and femininity. In this article, we have gathered 109 riddles about queens with answers to entertain and challenge you.
Riddles about queen’s power and authority
These riddles focus on the immense power and authority queens can wield over their kingdoms.
Riddles 1-10
- I am a queen who rules alone, no king sits beside my throne. What am I? Answer: A queen regnant
- I make rules for all the land, my word is law, my command. Bow to me, obey my decree, or it’s off with your head, don’t you see? What am I? Answer: An absolute monarch queen
- With one wave of my hand, I can change the law. One nod of my head could start a war. Armies march at my decree. I rule all that I can see. What am I? Answer: A powerful queen
- Though I wed, I rule on my own. My husband’s only consort to my throne. What am I? Answer: A queen regnant
- No king sits above me, I am supreme. My word is absolute, I reign supreme. What am I? Answer: A queen regnant
- I altered the faith of all my realm, when from Roman Pope, my country I did helm. What am I? Answer: Queen Elizabeth I
- My fists bang upon the table loud, when I rule angry over the crowd. I sent many a head rolling off, you dare not cross me in my wrath. What am I? Answer: Queen Elizabeth I
- My words can move a nation, my people look to me for inspiration. Without a king, on my own I rule, the power is mine, absolute. What am I? Answer: A queen regnant
- No checks bind me, total power I wield. Over lords and commoners my word is law sealed. Bow to my total authority divine, or you shall end up in the tower confined. What am I? Answer: An absolute monarch queen
- Crown atop my head, scepter within my hand. I alone rule over all the land. Ladies bow and lords obey, my rule is law, what I say. What am I? Answer: A queen regnant
Riddles 11-20
- My decree transformed my whole nation, when I made it law to end segregation. Progress came at my command, equality echoes throughout the land. What am I? Answer: Queen Elizabeth II
- Raised up to rule while still a girl, the weight of crown and throne I hurled. An empire’s fate on me did rest, from east to west I stood the test. Who am I? Answer: Queen Victoria
- My ships ruled the waves and took to the skies, my empire stretched from pole to pole wide. The sun never set on my vast domain, where Britain ruled by right to reign. Who am I? Answer: Queen Victoria
- Married to a foreign king, his Catholic faith I did bring. A bloody end met me in time, hated by many for my Catholic crime. Who am I? Answer: Mary, Queen of Scots
- My burning desire to rule unwed, brought turmoil and bloodshed instead. Between cousins war did rage, all for my right to the crown’s stage. Who am I? Answer: Mary, Queen of Scots
- In my sister’s reign, I played a role quite grave, for which she locked me up in tower gave. Yet when she died with no heir birthed, to rule England I came forth. Who am I? Answer: Queen Elizabeth I
- I ruled for decades over all I see, my reign was labeled a Golden Age, with security, prosperity, and naval energy. Literature, music, and theater thrived, as I revived England’s pride. Who am I? Answer: Queen Elizabeth I
- Direct thee to my palace renowned, see all my riches and jewels abound. I lived in luxury that did excel, enjoyed by few, as I ruled so well. Who am I? Answer: Queen Elizabeth I
- Look above at my imposing keep, from which I safely my subjects did reap. None could conquer my mighty tower tall, within my walls I ruled over all. Who am I? Answer: Any powerful queen in a castle
- Within my fortress walls, safe I bide. None can touch me here inside. Mighty gate and soldiers strong, protect me from any who’d do me wrong. What am I? Answer: A queen in a castle
Riddles 21-30
- In my day, a woman ruling was cause for doubt, yet still I rose and fought for crown devout. England I controlled with steady hand, and thwarted those who opposed a woman’s command. Who am I? Answer: Queen Elizabeth I
- I moved with grace through royal ball and court, yet ruthless scheming was my greatest sport. Over lords and suitors my wits prevailed, and on the throne my person I exhaled. Who am I? Answer: Queen Elizabeth I
- My husband died, my father-in-law I married next. His young death brought his son, my step-son, to infect my reign with constant opposition direction. Yet still I managed to rule without connection. Who am I? Answer: Catherine de Medici
- To fortune and power I was born heir, beauty and wealth beyond compare. Four kings I married, two I wed, great influence alive and dead. Paris I made a hub of art, though turmoil racked my sovereign heart. Who am I? Answer: Catherine de Medici
- My ancient city prospered under my long reign. Libraries I had built, knowledge did gain. Egypt’s borders were secured, trade routes reopened. Alexandria’s lighthouse stood, ships coming as I had hoped. Who am I? Answer: Cleopatra
- My beauty and wits were known both near and far, leaders bowed before my gate with gifts they bore. Yet Rome eyed my lands with envy and greed, so to a Roman ruler I made partnership heed. Who am I? Answer: Cleopatra
- For a time my alliance did pay, I kept my throne another day. Yet soon ambition and rivalry seed did sow, leading to disastrous conflict flow. Power had its price which I came to know. Who am I? Answer: Cleopatra
- In my youth my family was deposed quite fast. Exiled we wandered, until chance our throne we passed. A general’s backing gave us power restore. In gratitude, him I married therefore. Who am I? Answer: Cleopatra’s sister – Cleopatra Tryphaena
- My command conquered lands near and far, expanding my empire the greatest by far. United I kept my vast domains, by road and sea travel I did ordain. Who am I? Answer: Queen Hatshepsut
- Woman pharaoh strong, Egypt I ruled long before you were born. Statues and temples for me were built, on throne as king I dared tilt. Who am I? Answer: Queen Hatshepsut
Riddles 31-40
- My family was chased away, when I was but a girl at play. Exiled we stayed, until one fateful day. An army returned us to power, never again chase us did they cower. Who am I? Answer: Cleopatra’s sister – Cleopatra Tryphaena
- In my time, no woman could e’er rule alone. So beside my husband I governed from throne. Yet when he died, I rose up with iron glove. Sole queen regnant I dared become. Who am I? Answer: Queen Isabella of Castile
- I turned the enemies of old into friends anew. Peace abroad I made, while order home I pursued. Patron of learning and arts, my rule was considered just. Chosen by merit I raised, transformed my land robust. Who am I? Answer: Queen Elizabeth I
- My Armada sailed to invade, yet was wrecked by storms and flame. England’s queen stood unafraid, her naval power she did display. Who am I? Answer: King Phillip II of Spain
- In the end, no wind could bring my Armada victory. England’s queen, with her daring and cunning, prevailed o’er me. Her naval force lit up the night, dashing my ambitions in fire’s light. Who am I? Answer: King Phillip II of Spain
- My peaceful reign brought harmony long buried. Factions and faiths, I cleverly did carry. Trade flourished and literature ascended, while theaters and arts I also championed. Who am I? Answer: Queen Elizabeth I
- I elevated my house to heights unknown before. Nations trembled when my fleets sailed to war. Yet in my ageless quest for power and land, I sent my unbeatable Armada to fall from England’s hand. Who am I? Answer: King Phillip II of Spain
- Direct my admiral straight to fight, those English dogs shall see our might. Rule I the waves, for none can best the sovereign of the Spanish Main. Soon England’s queen shall bow to my reign. Who am I? Answer: King Phillip II of Spain
- My peaceful reign brought prosperity within. Patron of poets, writers, plays did spin. Security at home, peace abroad did marker, still they called me Virgin Queen, unwed. Who am I? Answer: Queen Elizabeth I
- Spain’s ships came upon my main, expecting quick dominion gain. Yet I rallied all England ’round its Virgin Queen. My ships sailed forth and vanquished the foe, ending Spanish dreams of overthrow. Who am I? Answer: Queen Elizabeth I
Riddles 41-50
- Direct your fleet against that isle, soon England’s queen shall walk my mile. Teach her to bow before my might, rule of the waves is sovereign right. Soon victory shall be in my sight. Who am I? Answer: King Phillip II of Spain
- Floating fortress tall, none could match my bygone fame at all. My guns ruled the waves for centuries long past, no ship could sail that dared avoid my blast. What am I? Answer: The Spanish Armada
- Four and fifty strong we came to England’s shore, to add its queen to the king of Spain’s mighty war domain. Yet fire and storm dashed all his hopes of gain. Now on seabeds we lie, a warning unheeded plain. What are we? Answer: Sunken ships of the Spanish Armada
- Against the Armada we rode out to fight, sailing from harbor at England’s plight. Fireships at midnight brought their doom near, ending Spanish dreams to rule here. What are we? Answer: English Navy/Royal Navy
- Ordered I the Armada’s mission fruitless contention. Its folly and wreck my naval goals did rend. Yet still mistress I remain of wind and tide. Rule now the waves I shall not abide. Who am I? Answer: Queen Elizabeth I
- Jewels glitter in my crown, riches in my kingdom abound. Suitors travel from lands afar, seeking my hand and fortunes large. Yet content I stay unwed, no consort to rule at my head. Who am I? Answer: Queen Elizabeth I
- I quelled rebellion fierce that raged within. Peace in Ireland I slowly sought to win. Farm and trade brought wealth for all to share, dividing lands so all got their fair share. Who am I? Answer: Queen Elizabeth I
- Direct my ships to sail the foreign main, expand trade and our authority’s domain. Colonies establish new, let England’s flag on distant lands imbue. Increase our riches beyond measure. For glory, God, and golden treasure! Who am I? Answer: Queen Elizabeth I
- Ousted was my family long before, exiled far from England’s familiar shore. Yet support I gained and armies did command, to reclaim my stolen crown upon the land. No queen would rule whilst I drew breath still. Victory and power soon my thirst did fill. Who am I? Answer: Queen Mary I
- Sister! Long I stayed confined by your hand, within the tower without freedom’s command. When finally England’s crown to call my own, no mercy for my rival I have shown. The block and axe shall have their way this time. Now I rule alone by right divine! Who am I? Answer: Queen Elizabeth I
Riddles 51-60
- My ships rule the waves from east to west. The sun never sets on my vast global crest. Empress and queen it’s my destiny to be. Holding the far-flung reins of land and sea. Who am I? Answer: Queen Victoria
- Direct my iron soldiers forth to seize all lands in our just queen’s name. Drums beat and rifles fire as steadily we claim new ground abroad for Crown and motherland. What are we? Answer: British Army/Empire under Queen Victoria
- Floating castles of oak and steel, propelled forth by turbines and steam. Bows slice the waves my empire to speed. Canons ready, no enemy can match my ships’ might at sea. What am I? Answer: Victorian era British navy
- My rails and engines open lands long beyond any pioneer’s dreams. Bridging frontiers from coast to coast, jungles, plains, and heights at my behest. Empress of India, dominion from pole to pole. By rail, my influence and trade divine roll. Who am I? Answer: Queen Victoria
- In my youth, they tried to rule through me unsound. A bold queen I dared prove when crowned. Long years hence, few monarchs reigned so long. An age bears my name mark of power lifelong. Who am i? Answer: Queen Victoria
- Direct your ironclad forth, admiral true. Wave England’s flag o’er oceans blue. Patrol the empire’s vast breadth, protect our interests from foreign threat. Ship secure the sea lanes of trade and war supply. Rule Britannia, trident of the sea am I! What am I? Answer: British navy during Queen Victoria’s reign
- An unknowable eastern realm I once was known. Exotic, inscrutable, treasures yet unshown. But empire’s key I proved to be. Jewel and engine to drive queen’s supremacy. What am I? Answer: India under British Raj and Queen Victoria
- Crown jewel I was, an empire’s brightest gem. Yet freedom’s light in me did condemn their reign in time’s own stem. Who am I? Answer: India under British Raj
- My dear Albert’s passing left me bereft without. Yet still I persevered courage’s route. An empire to govern, people to elevate. Alone I ruled with minimum state. Who am I? Answer: Queen Victoria
- An age of marvels know my name. Across continents, my empire came. In Europe’s wars entanglement to avoid was still my aim. Prosperity and progress mark my long acclaim. Who am I? Answer: Queen Victoria
Riddles 61-70
- Direct your iron tracks over mountains high. Through jungles thick and plains far my trains must ply. From coast to coast our queen’s authority connects. Her people and trade traverse the tracks. What are we? Answer: Railroads built under British Raj and Queen Victoria
- An eastern potentate I was, shrouded in exotic allure. Yet into Britain’s crown jewel I was secured. Their industry awoke resources that slumbered within. Their trade and rails bound me fast to their sovereign’s wheeling. Who am I? Answer: India under British Raj
- Her ships criss-cross the globes tradelines. Telegraphs flash along an empire’s spines. People and goods flow, all for queen’s design. Age of steam and iron, my world does entwine. Who am I? Answer: Queen Victoria
- I sent forth soldiers red, an empire’s bounds to stretch and unfurl. Drums beat as rifle fires, claiming new ground for Crown and queen’s pearl. What are we? Answer: British army under Queen Victoria
- An age I christened by my long reign. Strict morals I did ordain. My people work hard, family life extol. Modest dress and conduct became the height of soul. What am I? Answer: Victorian Era under Queen Victoria
- In my time, few quaked as I strode by. Stern and strong my gaze did ply. I suffered no nonsense or weakly display. By iron example I showed the way. Who am I? Answer: Queen Victoria
- In my day, men thought a woman could not rule alone steadfast. Their doubts I turned on head and proved them wrong quite vast. Who am I? Answer: Queen Victoria
- O’er decades long my empire grew. Its fortunes the world me beckoning knew. Yet in Europe’s wars no role for me in view. Prosperity at home, peace abroad, from foreign strife I still withdrew. Who am I? Answer: Queen Victoria
- My dear Albert’s passing left me heavy deprived. Yet still I persevered on alone with drive. Duty before self became my creed and life. Widowed monarch, still I stayed aloof from strife. Who am I? Answer: Queen Victoria
- A scandalous affair rocked my reign’s propriety. Whispers of Tryst and a handsome officer’s proximity. Court await with breath held at my decree. Reputation or true love – which would set baby free? Who am I? Answer: Queen Victoria
Riddles 71-80
- Crown heavy upon my young girl head. An empire’s fate on my shoulders dread. Mother lost when I was but small. Father old, and duty placed its clarion call. Who am I? Answer: Queen Victoria
- Direct your locomotive crossing the plains long. Hauling forth the bounty queen’s reign prolongs. Corn and cotton, timber and ore. People and trade connect sea to shore. What are you? Answer: Railroad under Queen Victoria
- Floating palace gilded, for travel I was built. Royals cross the ocean waves by steam’s handilt. Who am I? Answer: Luxury steamship under British Empire
- I stood against tyranny’s oppression blight. Shield of the weak, queen champion bright. Who am I? Answer: Queen Victoria
- Direct your words across the wires flow. Dot dot dash, swift messages glow. Telegraph keys click urgent information. Spanning the breadth of queen’s vast nation. What are you? Answer: Telegraph lines under Queen Victoria
- From east to west I stretched on iron rails restless. Bridging frontiers wide, deserts long miles. Mountains I crossed and rivers spanned, opening new lands at queen’s command. What am I? Answer: Railroad under British Empire
- Stern I stood against all injustice deed. Champion I rose for those in need. Who am I? Answer: Queen Victoria
- Riches from afar did come and fill my hall. Tribute of diamonds and silk, goods from all. Kings and lords wait upon my throne. Bow to me, wealth and power I’ve fully grown. Who am I? Answer: Queen Victoria or any powerful Queen
- Rule I may o’er land and sea immense, yet my woman’s heart knows love intense. Albert’s loss leaves me heavy pained. My duty obligation keeps me sustained. Who am I? Answer: Queen Victoria
- An age of wonder know my reign. Across the globe my power and way hold domain. Yet in Europe’s wars no role tempts me. Home prosperity and peace my policy. Who am I? Answer: Queen Victoria
Riddles 81-90
- Neither army nor glory my aim or end. But justice and duty till my life’s end. Who am I? Answer: Queen Victoria
- I sent my soldiers red, the world to paint anew. Drums rolled and rifles fired, claiming new ground my just reign grew. What am I? Answer: British Empire under Queen Victoria
- Knowledge and arts did flourish, rising high above. Theater, writing, and music thrive. While morality strict I did prescribe. Facts and modesty were the heart alive. When was I? Answer: Victorian Era under Queen Victoria
- Direct your locomotive across the wilds far. Virgin territory open in the queen’s name. Her people and trade follow your smoky star. Expanding her reach and fortunes lifelong fame. What are you? Answer: Railroad under British Empire
- Neither fame nor laurels I aspired to reap. But duty’s firm roots strengthened while others did sleep. Who am I? Answer: Queen Victoria
- Stern and strong, few men could equal my iron will. Duty before all, this creed did I instill. Who am I? Answer: Queen Victoria
- The sun never set on my global span vast. O’er continents wide my people and way hold fast. Who am I? Answer: British Empire under Queen Victoria
- Direct my words over wires rhythmic dance. Messages urgent the queen’s ministers glance. Telegraph keys click Morse code well rehearsed. Administering an empire without which we’d be cursed. What are we? Answer: British telegraph operators
- Neither soldier nor glory called out my name. But justice I sought and progress lifelong fame. Who am I? Answer: Queen Victoria
- Heavy the head that held the crown so dear. Duty beyond self, my life creed sincere. Who am I? Answer: Queen Victoria
Riddles 91-100
- Progress and order marked well my reign. Winds of change, yet tradition maintained. Who am I? Answer: Queen Victoria
- Neither soldier nor glory my desire or star. But justice and progress nationwide, near and far. Who am I? Answer: Queen Victoria
- Though an empire’s reins within my hands rested. In Europe’s wars no involvement I wrestled. But prosperity home and peace abroad still bested. Who am I? Answer: Queen Victoria
- Heavy the head that held Britain’s crown through the years. Empire’s fate on my shoulders alone all the tears. Who am I? Answer: Queen Victoria
- I spanned the wild frontiers from coast to coast. Bridging the queen’s lands from remotest to most. Who am I? Answer: Railroad under British Empire
- Click clack my telegraph sings the empire’s song mile. Messages drum beating rhythms the queen’s ministers compile. Administering her lands with communications lifeline. Who am I? Answer: British telegraph
- Neither for riches nor expansion did I vie. But prosperity home, and peace I did try. Who am I? Answer: Queen Victoria
- O’er continents wide, my bounds hold domain. The sun never sets on my sovereign reign. What am I? Answer: British Empire under Queen Victoria
- Soldiers clad in red are we. Marching on the queen’s decree. Drums roll loud as rifles fire conquering new ground ever higher. What are we? Answer: British army under Queen Victoria
- With wealth untold my coffers filled tall. Suitors and nobles all heed my call. Bow to me, for now I rule all. What am I? Answer: Powerful queen
Riddles 101-109
- Neither riches nor glory for me held a shine. But duty’s firm hand and course right and fine. Who am I? Answer: Queen Victoria
- Knowledge, arts, inventions progress swift did yield. Yet modesty’s virtue remained home’s protective shield. When was I? Answer: Victorian era under Queen Victoria
- Ten score years past you must retreat. An empire then spanned from shore to shore replete. The sun never set on its vast global seat. Who ruled its destiny alone from throne? Answer: Queen Victoria
- Duty beyond all was my life’s creed pure. Stern virtues I held steadfast and sure. Who am I? Answer: Queen Victoria
- Riches from far lands fill my chest bright. Bow down to me, for now I rule might. What am I? Answer: A powerful queen
- Knowledge advanced yet morals were strictly maintained. Facts extolled but manners restrained. When was I? Answer: Victorian era under Queen Victoria
- Soldiers clad in red, the queen’s firmest right hand. Capturing new ground, her empire we expand. What are we? Answer: British army under Queen Victoria
- Neither fame nor glory my aim tall. But justice I sought overall. Who am I? Answer: Queen Victoria
- Across continents wide, my bounds stretch vast. The sun never sets on my global mast. What am I? Answer: British Empire under Queen Victoria
- Stubborn and strong, on duty I stood fast. Stern virtues I exhaled to the very last. Who am I? Answer: Queen Victoria
Riddles about queens allow us to imagine and reflect on feminine power and wisdom throughout the ages. While the role of queens has evolved over time, their authority, influence, and example continue to intrigue. We hope you have enjoyed exercising your mind with these 109 riddles about powerful royal women and their reigns. Let us know which riddles about queens were your favorites!