Spring is a wonderful time of year when nature comes back to life after the long winter. The warmer weather, blooming flowers, and return of animals makes spring a favorite season for many. Enjoy these 75 fun riddles about spring!
Spring Riddles
Riddles About Flowers
1. What has petals and comes in many bright colors? Flowers
2. I’m a pretty bud that grows on a bush. People cut me to put in a vase. What am I? A rose
3. I’m a colorful spring flower that begins with ‘t’. People love picking me in fields. What am I? A tulip
4. I’m a spring flower that grows from a bulb. I come in purple, yellow, and white. What am I? A daffodil
5. People wear me in their hair. I’m round with lots of thin petals. What spring flower am I? A daisy
6. I’m a spring flower that grows in wetlands. My petals form an umbrella shape. What am I? A calla lily
7. I’m a cluster of small, fragrant flowers that grows on trees in the spring. What am I? Blossoms
8. People give me to their loved ones on Valentine’s Day. I’m red and have thorns on my stem. What am I? A rose
9. I’m a spring flower that has sword-shaped leaves and bright stalks of tiny blossoms. What am I? An iris
10. People wear my colors on St. Patrick’s Day. I’m a spring flower that comes in blue, purple, pink, and white. What am I? A violet
Riddles About the Weather
11. When spring arrives, this white stuff melts away. What is it? Snow
12. On a spring day, you may need to wear this accessory made of clear plastic or fabric. What is it? Raincoat
13. The weather gets much warmer in the spring. Snow and ice begin to turn into this liquid. What is it? Water
14. On a sunny spring day, this hot star shines bright in the sky. What is it? The sun
15. Little droplets of water that fall from the sky. What am I describing? Rain
16. After a spring rain shower, this colorful arc can sometimes be seen in the sky. What is it? A rainbow
17. In the spring, temperatures get warmer and plants start growing. What season comes after spring? Summer
18. Thunder, lightning, and rain showers happen during this spring weather event. A storm
19. On a spring day, a gentle breeze may blow these things through the air. Fallen leaves
20. On a clear night, you can see these twinkling in the spring sky. Stars
Riddles About Baby Animals
21. Fluffy and yellow, I peep and hop after my mother. What am I? A baby chick
22. I’m an adorable baby goat born in the spring. What am I? A kid
23. Striped and fuzzy, I follow my mother in a line. What springtime baby animal am I? A baby skunk
24. I’m a spring baby deer with wobbly legs and white spots. What am I? A fawn
25. You’ll see my nest up high in springtime trees. My mom feeds me worms from sunrise to sunset. What am I? A baby bird
26. Born tiny and hairless, I drink milk from my mother until I grow fur. What am I? A baby rabbit
27. Black and yellow, I hatch from a tiny egg. Soon I’ll be flying from flower to flower. What am I? A baby bee (or larva)
28. Curious and clumsy, I tumble around the farmyard on wobbly legs. What am I? A baby calf
29. Down by the pond you’ll see my large family swimming in a line. We hatch from eggs that mom laid in the spring. What are we? Baby ducks
30. You’ll often find me high up in trees, safe in a cozy nest. My mother feeds me worms as I grow. What am I? A baby bird (or nestling)
Riddles About Gardening and Planting
31. Dig a hole, plant me deep, give me water, and watch me creep. What am I? A seed
32. I’m green and leafy, grown in rows out in the garden. Carrots and lettuce are two types of me. What am I? A vegetable
33. Water and sun help me sprout in springtime soil. Lettuce, spinach, and beans are all types of me. What am I? A plant
34. My fruits grow on bushes and I’m full of tiny seeds. Strawberries and raspberries are two juicy examples. What am I? A berry
35. I’m filled with yummy segments and vitamin C. You can peel my yellow, orange, or green skin. What spring fruit am I? An orange
36. People use my long green stalk to make sweet iced tea. What am I? Mint
37. I’m a green veggie with floppy leaves that people often eat raw in salads. What am I? Lettuce
38. Scrape away my brown skin and I’m white inside. Rabbits and bunnies love to nibble on me in spring. What am I? A carrot
39. Bright and sweet, we grow on the vine. Pick us in summer to make a delicious pie. What are we? Rhubarb
40. Plant me in the spring after the frost is gone. Water and care for me all summer long. Then in fall you’ll have my red fruit for eating and baking. What am I? A tomato
Riddles About Spring Activities
41. White fluffy bundles that sometimes decorate trees in spring. We’re fun to shake loose and send drifting down. What are we? Cottonwood tree seeds
42. Tiny winged insects that live in colonies and drink flower nectar. We get busy collecting pollen in the spring. What are we? Bees
43. Down my curvy path of banked snow you’ll slide on a flat wooden board. What fun spring activity am I? Snow tubing
44. White puffy clouds dot the bright blue spring sky as you lie on your back gazing upward. What relaxing activity are you doing? Cloud watching
45. The ice melts on the lake as the weather warms up. Down at the dock, we get the boats ready for the season. What springtime activity is starting up soon? Boating
46. The ground becomes visible again as the snow melts away. It’s time to clean up all those fallen sticks and leaves. What yearly spring chore is that? Yard work
47. The grass grows lush and green as spring rains arrive. It’s time to mow it short again. What spring chore? Mowing the lawn
48. Butterflies and bees gather to sip nectar from these lovely cup-shaped spring flowers. What are they? Tulips
49. This fun springtime activity involves filling colorful baskets with chocolate eggs and candy that kids hunt for outdoors. What is it? An Easter egg hunt
50. Baseball season starts up again in the spring. “Play ball!” What sport? Baseball
Riddles About Spring Holidays and Events
51. I’m a spring holiday where people celebrate Jesus rising from the dead. There are often Easter egg hunts and big family meals. What holiday am I? Easter
52. Wear something green! In March, we celebrate the Irish on this fun spring holiday. What is it? St. Patrick’s Day
53. Cherry blossom festivals happen in spring when these flowering trees burst into bloom. What beautiful trees are being celebrated? Cherry blossom trees
54. In April, the rain brings May flowers. This saying reminds us that April showers bring this colorful season. What is it? Spring
55. On the first day of this spring month, play tricks and tell jokes. What month is it? April
56. He wears a white beard and flies around bringing candy and toys on one spring night. Who is he? Santa Claus
57. Pooh bear celebrates by eating lots of honey. His human friend Christopher Robin receives gifts. What spring holiday is it? Winnie the Pooh’s birthday (or Easter)
58. I’m a spring holiday where people give flowers, candy, and cards to loved ones. What is this romantic holiday? Valentine’s Day
59. In March, this iconic structure gets taken down as spring arrives. What are we saying goodbye to? The ice palace from the winter carnival
60. This parade with colorful spring flowers happens every year in Pasadena, California. What is it called? The Rose Parade
Riddles About Spring Sounds
61. Bees buzzing from flower to flower as they collect pollen make this spring sound. What is it? Buzzing
62. Melting snow rushing down into streams makes this spring sound. What is it? Gurgling water
63. Hopping through the meadows, we make this sound in the spring air. What is it? Chirping
64. Sitting on a high tree branch, I sing a beautiful song in the spring breeze. What bird am I? A songbird or robin
65. Peep peep! We chicks make this sound as we follow our mother hen around the yard. What is the sound? Peeping
66. Buzzzzz – this insect makes an annoying droning sound as it flies around flowers collecting pollen. What is it? A bee
67. This large bird spreads its wings and makes a loud honking sound as it flies north for spring. What is it? A goose
68. This striped insect makes a high-pitched whining sound in spring as it searches for a mate. What is it? A mosquito
69. This bug makes a raspy trilling sound by rubbing its wings together to attract a partner. What is it? A cicada
70. This reptile thaws out after the long winter and looks for a partner, making a slow snapping sound with its shell. What is it? A turtle
Riddles About Spring Foods
71. We’re cold, sweet treats on a stick that you eat in the springtime. What are we? Popsicles
72. I’m yellow, sweet, and grow on tall stalks. You can eat me on the cob or off. What spring veggie am I? Corn
73. A refreshing beverage made from lemons that people love sipping during spring. What is it? Lemonade
74. Red, ripe, and ready to eat – I’m a sweet spring fruit grown on vines. What am I? A strawberry
75. The spring breeze brings the smell of burgers and hot dogs cooking outside. What popular warm weather food are people cooking? Barbecue
Spring is such a fun season, full of change and new life. I hope you enjoyed thinking about spring flowers, baby animals, seasonal foods, activities, holidays, sounds, and more with these riddles! Let me know if you have any other fun spring riddles for next time.