Stickball is a classic street game that has been enjoyed by kids for generations. It involves hitting a ball with a stick or broom handle towards a target, and running improvised bases like street curbs or parked cars. Stickball riddles add an extra element of fun and challenge to the game. Here are 51 riddles about stickball to entertain and confuse your friends.
General Stickball Riddles
Riddle 1
I’m a game played with a homemade bat, running the streets is where it’s at. Swinging at a ball that’s pink or spaldeen, what childhood game am I? Answer: Stickball
Riddle 2
We use broom handles or mop sticks, hitting a pink ball that rolls and bounces quick. Running the bases like a major league game, though the rules we make up are never the same. What are we playing? Answer: Stickball
Riddle 3
I’m a bat, a ball, and some chalk lines, played on the streets by kids killing time. No coaches, no umps, or signals to steal, just a Spaldeen, a stick, and the way you feel. What am I? Answer: Stickball
Stickball Equipment Riddles
Riddle 4
I’m long and skinny, made of wood or maybe a broom, I help you hit the ball and round the bases soon. What am I? Answer: Stickball bat
Riddle 5
Small, pink and bouncy as can be, you hit me with your stick then run with glee. What am I? Answer: Spaldeen ball
Riddle 6
Chalk in hand I draw the lines, for first, second, third, home design. No need for me in a baseball field, in stickball I mark where you must yield. What am I? Answer: Chalk/chalk lines
Game Play Riddles
Riddle 7
I’m the place you start each play, first base in stickball in a way. What am I? Answer: Home plate
Riddle 8
A car or a curb can fill my role, in stickball I’m the first base goal. What am I? Answer: First base
Riddle 9
Second stop on your journey round, this stickball base is often found. On the street it’s something you shouldn’t hit, when running bases it marks where you can quit. What am I? Answer: Second base
Riddle 10
Third stop before you return home, sometimes I’m marked by a fire hydrant or traffic cone. Get here safely and it’s a job well done, in stickball terms, what base am I? Answer: Third base
Riddle 11
A hit sky high that seems to never come down, in stickball we call this kind of hit what? Answer: A Ballie
Riddle 12
Kicked far but not on purpose we swear, this stickball mistake wins the fielders a scare. What is it? Answer: A Doozy
Riddle 13
A powerful hit that can’t be defended, out of the park over a wall or fence. Clear the stands! In stickball what did we just do? Answer: A Tape Measure
Riddle 14
Can’t catch the pink ball when it takes a big hop, the ball slips through my legs and my teammates all stop. What just happened in this stickball blunder? Answer: Between the legs
Riddle 15
Don’t need to run on this I’m surely out, the ball bounced off my bat with a deafening clout. In stickball terms what happened no doubt? Answer: Caught a Marble
Scoring Riddles
Riddle 16
In stickball it’s one point to touch this sack, if the ball beats you there your team might cry alack. What is it? Answer: First base
Riddle 17
Two points if you can touch me fast, though running sideways makes sure the ball gets past. What second base stickball scoring am I? Answer: Second base
Riddle 18
A triple score if I’m touched by your shoe, but from second base I might be too far to you. What stickball base am I in the scoring rules? Answer: Third base
Riddle 19
The biggest score is when here you step, a home run for you and your team will pep. In stickball what’s this highest scoring spot? Answer: Home plate
Strategy Riddles
Riddle 20
Don’t need to wait for a signal or call, in stickball I can just go whenever I want. What am I? Answer: Stealing a base
Riddle 21
Running backward just to confuse the defense, a stickball tactic with a funny pretense. What is this move called? Answer: Running in Reverse
Riddle 22
Trying to fake a tag that never took place, a stickball bluff to win the scoring race. What strategic fakeout might get you an edge? Answer: Phantom Tag
Riddle 23
Hitting the ball right where they ain’t, stickball tactic that’s part of the game. What is it? Answer: Hitting Through the Hole
Positions Riddles
Riddle 24
I hit the ball with stick swinging hard, driving my friends in with my hit toward the yard. What batter am I in stickball? Answer: The Hitter
Riddle 25
Out in the field I protect from the batter, trying to catch that crazy pink sphere. What defender am I? Answer: Fielder
Riddle 26
No mask or gear to protect me from harm, with bare hands I catch so runners stay calm. Who am I the brave stickball guardian? Answer: Catcher
Riddle 27
I squat down waiting for the pitch, no signals to give just gotta catch. What position handles the throw back? Answer: Catcher
Terms Riddles
Riddle 28
A powerful hit that soars far away, goes out of sight in stickball we say. What term is used? Answer: Tape Measure
Riddle 29
Blocking the base so they can’t have it, with my foot I trap so they’ll fit. What stickball tactic for outs am I? Answer: Pickoff
Riddle 30
Hard hit gone wrong, the ball bounces back at me in a blur. In stickball what bad result? Answer: Caught a Marble
Riddle 31
When the spaldeen takes a crazy hop, right through my legs it goes plop. What error did I just accomplish? Answer: Ball Through the Legs
Riddle 32
A mighty swing but I missed it completely, my friends will tease me about this stickball defeat. What happened to me? Answer: Swung and Missed
Rules Riddles
Riddle 33
Games can last twenty one or more, first to this many wins and can’t score anymore. What’s the magic number in stickball? Answer: 21
Riddle 34
To start play again I’m always needed, with chalk or tape I have to be receeded. What must be redrawn? Answer: Foul Lines
Riddle 35
Two misses and the stick gets passed, swing and miss too much, striking out comes fast. How many swings do batters get? Answer: 3
Riddle 36
Step outside the line when running to score, in stickball this results in an automatic what? Answer: Out
Riddle 37
Hit down the wrong side and it’s a violation, stickball calls this a “boundary” privation. What is it termed? Answer: Foul Ball
Rhyming Riddles
Riddle 38
Pink rubber ball and wooden bat, chalk lines marked where you’re at. Run the bases but don’t take a fall, what childhood game includes it all? Answer: Stickball
Riddle 39
Spherical and bouncy, it’s sphere or orb, we hit this ball with our stick stickball! Answer: Pink rubber ball/Spaldeen
Riddle 40
Brother’s old mop or a rake from the shed, we use these sticks to hit the ball instead. Answer: Stickball bat
Riddle 41
First, second, third is how we go, run the bases round in a row. Home again to score a point, stickball round we anoint! Answer: Bases
Riddle 42
Crack that whip and pinky sails, friends cheer as over the line it soars. Home run power on display, what fun stickball hit is this way? Answer: Tape measure
Who Am I Riddles
Riddle 43
I’m the ball you hit way up high, bouncing pink against the bright blue sky. The stickball sphere that brings such joy, who am I girl or boy? Answer: Spaldeen
Riddle 44
I’m long and wooden like a stick or pole, I help you hit the ball and round the bases whole. I’m a key stickball tool, who am I fool? Answer: Stickball bat
Riddle 45
I’m the place you start and the place you score, first and last base here’s what I’m for. Home is where you begin and end, in stickball who am I friend? Answer: Home plate
Riddle 46
First stop on your journey round, just one point if I’m where you’re bound. A car or a curb I’ll happily be, in stickball who’s first base me? Answer: First base
Riddle 47
Second stop as you make your way, two points if here you decide to stay. Dodge the ball don’t get caught, as second base what’s my fort? Answer: Second base
Riddle 48
Triple points if you can reach me, though from second base it might not be. Third stop on your merry chase, as third base who’s my place? Answer: Third base
Riddle 49
Out in the field protecting the goods, trying to catch that ball where it stands. Defender of hits and runs, in the outfield I’m which one? Answer: Fielder
Riddle 50
With fast feet ready to spring, running the bases my main thing. Scoring for all I’m worth, as a runner what’s my mirth? Answer: Runner
Riddle 51
Behind the batter waiting with hope, barehanded I try to help us cope. No mask or glove I use my wits, as catcher who’s the ball I’ll catch? Answer: Catcher
Stickball is a timeless street game that brings back fond childhood memories for many. These 51 riddles cover all the basics of stickball, from equipment, to positions, rules and strategy. Solving the riddles requires some knowledge about the game, but the clues rhyming patterns and answers should help jog your memory. Stickball riddles are great nostalgic fun for playing the game, challenging friends, or just reminiscing about those long ago summer days playing with homemade bats and balls in the street.