Teachers and students have a special relationship. Teachers impart knowledge and wisdom, while students soak it up. The classroom is full of learning, laughter, challenges and rewards. Riddles about teachers and students allow us to explore this relationship in a fun way. Below are 99 riddles that will get students and teachers thinking and connecting.
Riddles about teachers
Let’s start with some riddles about teachers:
Riddle 1
What does a teacher do after school is out for summer vacation?
Answer: She marks time!
Riddle 2
Why was the teacher wearing sunglasses?
Answer: Because her students were so bright!
Riddle 3
What’s the first thing a teacher does in the morning?
Answer: Wakes the class!
Riddle 4
Why do teachers like their jobs?
Answer: Because the hours are school hours!
Riddle 5
Why did the teacher wear shades?
Answer: Because her class was so bright!
Riddle 6
What does a teacher write on the blackboard at the start of a lesson?
Answer: The date!
Riddle 7
Why was the math teacher late to work?
Answer: She took the rhombus!
Riddle 8
Why was the English teacher upset when she got to class?
Answer: Because all of her students were tense!
Riddle 9
What is a gym teacher’s favorite snack?
Answer: Protein bars!
Riddle 10
Why did all the students love their science teacher?
Answer: He had a lot of chemistry knowledge!
Riddles about students
Now let’s look at some riddles about students:
Riddle 11
What do you call friends who do homework together?
Answer: Study buddies!
Riddle 12
When do students study?
Answer: In their spare time!
Riddle 13
Why did the student bring scissors to class?
Answer: He wanted to cut class!
Riddle 14
What did the late student tell his teacher?
Answer: Sorry I’m tardy!
Riddle 15
Which students are always on time?
Answer: The early birds!
Riddle 16
Why was there no homework today?
Answer: The dog ate my homework!
Riddle 17
How does a new student make friends?
Answer: She goes to introduce herself and puts her best foot forward!
Riddle 18
Which students sit front row?
Answer: The teacher’s pets!
Riddle 19
Where do poor students excel?
Answer: In their classes!
Riddle 20
When does a student smile?
Answer: When school gets out for the day!
Riddles about school
Let’s look at some riddles about school in general:
Riddle 21
What is small, noisy and doesn’t stay in one place for long?
Answer: A class on a field trip!
Riddle 22
What does every student need when they go back to school?
Answer: New school supplies!
Riddle 23
Where do students learn math?
Answer: In their math class, of course!
Riddle 24
What is a school’s favorite pet?
Answer: School fish!
Riddle 25
Why did summer vacation have to end?
Answer: Because it was time to go back to school!
Riddle 26
What has keys but can’t open locks?
Answer: A piano!
Riddle 27
What is worn on graduation day?
Answer: A cap and gown!
Riddle 28
Where do pencils go for fun?
Answer: Pencil-vania!
Riddle 29
Why did the ruler use bad language?
Answer: He wanted to measure his words!
Riddle 30
Why was everyone nice to the new student?
Answer: They wanted to make her feel welcome!
Riddles about subjects
Some riddles about common school subjects:
Riddle 31
What is black, white and spread all over the classroom?
Answer: Newspaper!
Riddle 32
What is full of holes but still holds water?
Answer: A sponge!
Riddle 33
What has a foot but no legs?
Answer: A ruler!
Riddle 34
What has a face and two hands but no arms or legs?
Answer: A clock!
Riddle 35
What gets sharper the more you use it?
Answer: A pencil!
Riddle 36
What has a neck but no head?
Answer: A bottle!
Riddle 37
What has words but never speaks?
Answer: A book!
Riddle 38
What has a spine but no bones?
Answer: A book!
Riddle 39
What has rings but no fingers?
Answer: A binder!
Riddle 40
What has a space but no room?
Answer: A keyboard!
Riddles about school staff
Riddles about other school staff:
Riddle 41
What does a janitor say when school is out for summer?
Answer: Have a clean vacation!
Riddle 42
Why was the principal happy?
Answer: The school had outstanding students!
Riddle 43
Why was the school nurse so cheerful?
Answer: She had a lot of patients!
Riddle 44
What does the librarian tell students when the library closes?
Answer: Alright, book it, time to go!
Riddle 45
Why was the lunch lady upset?
Answer: All the students made a meal of her food!
Riddle 46
Why was the counselor laughing?
Answer: Her job has its perks!
Riddle 47
Where does a school secretary spend the summer?
Answer: At her desk!
Riddle 48
Why did the coach blow the whistle?
Answer: To get the team’s attention!
Riddle 49
What does the gym teacher say to students before a fitness test?
Answer: Get ready, get set, fitness!
Riddle 50
Why was the band teacher worried about his job?
Answer: His students were blowing it!
Riddles about school facilities
Riddles about places and facilities in schools:
Riddle 51
What is the noisiest room in school?
Answer: The cafeteria!
Riddle 52
Where do pencils go for fun?
Answer: Pencil-vania!
Riddle 53
What room has no doors, no windows, no floors but lots of walls?
Answer: A mushroom!
Riddle 54
What has a stage but no scripts or actors?
Answer: The school auditorium!
Riddle 55
Where in a school are you always above everyone else?
Answer: On the roof!
Riddle 56
What has stairs but isn’t a building?
Answer: A slide!
Riddle 57
Where do books sleep?
Answer: Under their covers!
Riddle 58
What gets bigger the more you take away?
Answer: A hole!
Riddle 59
Where does Friday come before Thursday?
Answer: In the dictionary!
Riddle 60
Where can you find roads without cars, forests without trees and cities without houses?
Answer: On a map!
Riddles about school activities
Riddles about common school activities and events:
Riddle 61
What event marks the end of the school year?
Answer: Graduation!
Riddle 62
When do students dance and have fun at school?
Answer: At prom!
Riddle 63
What school event has costumes, candy and carved pumpkins?
Answer: Halloween parties!
Riddle 64
What sporting event takes place between rival schools?
Answer: A football game!
Riddle 65
What event showcases performing arts like choir, band and theatre?
Answer: Spring concert!
Riddle 66
Where do you see parent-teacher conferences?
Answer: At the school!
Riddle 67
What event has cake, presents and birthday games?
Answer: A classroom birthday party!
Riddle 68
What special event has a mischievous elf who moves around?
Answer: The Elf on the Shelf during Christmas!
Riddle 69
What school event raises money by students doing laps?
Answer: A jog-a-thon!
Riddle 70
What event showcases science experiments and projects?
Answer: The science fair!
Riddles about teachers and students
Some riddles about the teacher-student relationship:
Riddle 71
What runs all around a school but never moves?
Answer: The hallway!
Riddle 72
What has a head and a tail but no body?
Answer: A coin!
Riddle 73
I have cities but no houses, forests but no trees, and water but no fish. What am I?
Answer: A map!
Riddle 74
What belongs to you but other people use it more than you?
Answer: Your name!
Riddle 75
What gets wetter the more it dries?
Answer: A towel!
Riddle 76
What has four wheels and flies?
Answer: A garbage truck!
Riddle 77
What has hands but can’t clap?
Answer: A clock!
Riddle 78
What has a neck but no head?
Answer: A bottle!
Riddle 79
What gets wetter as it dries?
Answer: A towel!
Riddle 80
What has many keys but can’t open any locks?
Answer: A piano!
Riddles about school supplies
Riddles about common school supplies:
Riddle 81
What has a point but no end?
Answer: A pencil!
Riddle 82
What has words but never speaks?
Answer: A book!
Riddle 83
What has a spine but no bones?
Answer: A book!
Riddle 84
What has a cover but no pages?
Answer: A pillow!
Riddle 85
What has a face but no head?
Answer: A clock!
Riddle 86
What gets sharper the more you use it?
Answer: A pencil!
Riddle 87
What has hands but can’t write?
Answer: A clock!
Riddle 88
What has a tongue but can’t talk?
Answer: A shoe!
Riddle 89
What has a head, a tail, but no body?
Answer: A coin!
Riddle 90
What has rings but no fingers?
Answer: A binder!
Riddles about school rules
Riddle 91
What’s not allowed at school but starts with G?
Answer: Gum!
Riddle 92
What noisy insect is banned from class?
Answer: Cell phones!
Riddle 93
What isn’t allowed in exams but starts with C?
Answer: Cheating!
Riddle 94
What late student may get detention?
Answer: A tardy one!
Riddle 95
What school behavior may get you suspended?
Answer: Bullying!
Riddle 96
What banned word starts with F?
Answer: Profanity!
Riddle 97
What inappropriate behavior may get you expelled?
Answer: Fighting!
Riddle 98
What should you do if you don’t understand in class?
Answer: Raise your hand and ask the teacher!
Riddle 99
What is the golden rule students should follow?
Answer: Treat others the way you want to be treated!
I hope you enjoyed these 99 riddles about teachers, students and school! Riddles are a fun way for students and teachers to challenge each other and make connections. They allow us to look at the classroom experience in a creative light. Next time you’re in school, try sharing a few riddles with your classmates and teachers. See if they can solve the puzzles and brain teasers about school life!