The Bible contains many intriguing riddles and puzzles. Riddles encourage critical thinking, require wisdom and discernment to solve, and help us dig deeper into Biblical truths. In this article, we have compiled 101 riddles about the Bible with answers to help both kids and adults learn more about Scripture in a fun and engaging way.
Riddles About Bible Characters
Adam and Eve Riddles
1. I’m the first woman God created. Who am I?
Answer: Eve
2. I’m the first man God created. I lived in the Garden of Eden. Who am I?
Answer: Adam
3. We lived in the Garden of Eden but disobeyed God by eating fruit from the forbidden tree. Who are we?
Answer: Adam and Eve
4. God created me from one of Adam’s ribs. Who am I?
Answer: Eve
5. I’m the son of Adam and Eve who murdered my brother. Who am I?
Answer: Cain
Noah Riddles
6. God told me to build a giant boat and fill it with animals. Who am I?
Answer: Noah
7. I’m the vessel Noah built and filled with animals when God flooded the earth. What am I?
Answer: Noah’s Ark
8. We’re two of each kind of animal that Noah saved from the flood. What are we?
Answer: The animals on Noah’s Ark
9. I’m Noah’s wife. Who am I?
Answer: Naamah
10. We’re Noah’s three sons who helped build the ark. Who are we?
Answer: Shem, Ham and Japheth
Abraham Riddles
11. God asked me to sacrifice my son Isaac, but stopped me at the last moment. Who am I?
Answer: Abraham
12. I’m Abraham’s wife who was unable to have children until God blessed me with Isaac at 90 years old. Who am I?
Answer: Sarah
13. God promised my father Abraham that he would be the father of many nations. Who am I?
Answer: Isaac
14. I’m Abraham’s son he sent away after Sarah demanded it. Who am I?
Answer: Ishmael
Moses Riddles
15. As a baby, I was rescued from the Nile River by Pharaoh’s daughter. I grew up to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. Who am I?
Answer: Moses
16. My brother and I pleaded to Pharaoh to let our people go free. Who am I?
Answer: Aaron
17. God spoke to me through a burning bush and I led the Israelites out of Egypt. What am I?
Answer: Moses’ staff
18. We’re the brother and sister who complained about Moses’ wife. God punished us with leprosy. Who are we?
Answer: Miriam and Aaron
19. I saw God speak to Moses through the burning bush. Who am I?
Answer: Jethro
David Riddles
20. As a boy, I defeated the giant Goliath with just a slingshot. Who am I?
Answer: David
21. I’m the king that David served under. Who am I?
Answer: Saul
22. I’m David’s son who tried to seize his throne. Who am I?
Answer: Absalom
23. David slayed me with a slingshot when I challenged the Israelites. Who am I?
Answer: Goliath
24. I’m the husband David had killed so he could marry my wife Bathsheba. Who am I?
Answer: Uriah the Hittite
Solomon Riddles
25. God granted my request for wisdom to rule Israel well. I built the first temple in Jerusalem. Who am I?
Answer: Solomon
26. I was one of King Solomon’s many wives who turned his heart from God. Who am I?
Answer: One of Solomon’s foreign wives
27. King Solomon threatened to cut me in two to settle an argument between two women. What am I?
Answer: A baby
28. I’m the Queen of Sheba who visited King Solomon and praised his wisdom and wealth. Who am I?
Answer: Queen of Sheba
29. King Solomon had me build the first temple in Jerusalem. Who am I?
Answer: Hiram of Tyre
Elijah Riddles
30. I challenged the prophets of Baal to a contest on Mount Carmel to prove God is the one true God. Who am I?
Answer: Elijah
31. I provided food and shelter for Elijah when he fled from King Ahab and Queen Jezebel. Who am I?
Answer: The widow of Zarephath
32. Elijah struck me with his cloak so I would part, allowing him to cross over on dry land. What am I?
Answer: The Jordan River
33. Elijah challenged the prophets who served me to a contest at Mount Carmel. Who am I?
Answer: Baal
34. I swore to kill Elijah after he embarrassed and killed my prophets. Who am I?
Answer: Queen Jezebel
Elisha Riddles
35. My mentor Elijah threw his cloak on me, choosing me as his successor. God gave me a double portion of his spirit. Who am I?
Answer: Elisha
36. Elisha caused me to float by throwing a stick in my waters. What am I?
Answer: The Jordan River
37. I was the servant of Elisha who tried to profit from his miracles. As punishment, I got leprosy. Who am I?
Answer: Gehazi
38. When Elisha died and was buried, a dead man came back to life after touching my bones. What am I?
Answer: Elisha’s corpse
39. Elisha instructed me to wash in the Jordan river seven times to cure my leprosy. I almost didn’t do it! Who am I?
Answer: Naaman
Esther Riddles
40. I’m the Jewish queen of Persia who saved my people from destruction. Who am I?
Answer: Queen Esther
41. I’m Queen Esther’s cousin who encouraged her to approach the king about Haman’s plot. Who am I?
Answer: Mordecai
42. I’m the villain who plotted to have all the Jews in Persia killed. But my plan backfired! Who am I?
Answer: Haman
43. Queen Esther invited me and Haman to a banquet, where she revealed Haman’s plot. Who am I?
Answer: King Xerxes/Ahasuerus
44. Queen Esther fasted and prayed for me for three days before approaching King Xerxes. What am I?
Answer: The Jews in Persia
Samson Riddles
45. I’m the strongest man in the Bible, but Delilah discovered my weakness. Who am I?
Answer: Samson
46. I’m Samson’s Philistine wife who betrayed him and had my wedding guests try to kill him. Who am I?
Answer: The Timnite woman
47. Samson tied 300 foxes together in pairs with me before setting them loose in the Philistines’ fields. What am I?
Answer: Torches
48. Samson killed 1,000 Philistines with only me to defend himself. What am I?
Answer: The jawbone of a donkey
49. I’m the Philistine woman Samson fell in love with, who betrayed him for money. Who am I?
Answer: Delilah
Ruth and Naomi Riddles
50. I’m the Moabite daughter-in-law of Naomi who went with her to Bethlehem. I later married Boaz. Who am I?
Answer: Ruth
51. I lost my husband and two sons and returned to Bethlehem with my daughter-in-law Ruth. Who am I?
Answer: Naomi
52. I allowed Ruth to glean grain from my fields and later took her as my wife. Who am I?
Answer: Boaz
53. Naomi instructed Ruth to lay at this relative’s feet as a marriage proposal. Who am I?
Answer: Boaz
54. Ruth put this on Boaz’s feet when she proposed to him.
Answer: A blanket or cloak
Riddles About Bible Events
Creation Riddles
55. God created me first before anything else. What am I?
Answer: Heaven/the heavens
56. God formed the first man out of me. What am I?
Answer: Dust from the ground
57. God created me on the first day to separate the day from the night. What am I?
Answer: Light
58. God called me into existence on the third day, allowing plants to grow on land. What am I?
Answer: Dry ground/land
59. God made me and all the sea creatures on the fifth day. What am I?
Answer: The sea
Adam and Eve Riddles
60. God placed me in the middle of the Garden of Eden along with the Tree of Life. What am I?
Answer: The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil
61. God formed me from Adam’s rib. What am I?
Answer: Eve
62. God commanded Adam and Eve not to eat me, but they disobeyed. What am I?
Answer: The forbidden fruit
63. After Adam and Eve sinned, God made me for them to wear. What am I?
Answer: Garments of skin
64. God placed me at the east of the Garden of Eden after Adam and Eve were banished. What am I?
Answer: Cherubim/cherub angels
Cain and Abel Riddles
65. Abel’s sacrifice came from his flock, but Cain brought me as an offering to God.
Answer: Grain/produce from the ground
66. Cain murdered his brother Abel out in me. What am I?
Answer: A field
67. When God punished Cain for killing Abel, Cain worried that whoever found him might put me to death. What am I?
Answer: Cain
68. To protect Cain after Abel’s murder, God put this on him as a mark. What is it?
Answer: A mark from God
69. Cain went to live in me after being banished for murdering Abel. What am I?
Answer: The land of Nod
Noah’s Ark Riddles
70. God told Noah to cover the ark inside and out with me to make it waterproof.
Answer: Pitch/tar
71. Noah brought two of each of these onto the ark.
Answer: Animals
72. God sent this to flood the earth in Noah’s time.
Answer: Rain/floodwaters
73. After the flood, this appeared as a sign of God’s promise to never again flood the whole earth.
Answer: Rainbow
74. Noah sent out this bird three times from the ark to check if the floodwaters had receded.
Answer: A raven or dove
Moses Riddles
75. Moses struck this to provide water for the thirsty Israelites in the desert. What is it?
Answer: A rock
76. God provided this as food for the hungry Israelites in the wilderness.
Answer: Manna
77. The Israelites built this idol while Moses was on Mount Sinai receiving the Ten Commandments.
Answer: The golden calf
78. God gave His commandments to Moses written on these two stone tablets.
Answer: The tablets of stone/Ten Commandments
79. Moses held up this staff to part the Red Sea.
Answer: Moses’ staff
Joshua Riddles
80. Joshua led the Israelites across me on dry ground into the Promised Land. What am I?
Answer: The Jordan River
81. Joshua and the Israelites marched around this city once a day for seven days. On the seventh day they shouted, and the walls fell down flat.
Answer: The walls of Jericho
82. Joshua commanded the sun to stand still over this location during his battle.
Answer: The valley of Aijalon
83. Rahab hid these two Israelite spies on her roof and protected them from the king of Jericho. Who are they?
Answer: Joshua’s spies
84. Rahab hung this red item from her window so her home would be spared during Jericho’s destruction.
Answer: A scarlet cord
Samson Riddles
85. Samson killed 1,000 Philistines with only this as a weapon.
Answer: The jawbone of a donkey
86. Samson used 300 of these animals to burn the Philistines’ crops. What are they?
Answer: Foxes
87. The Philistines poked out Samson’s eyes and bound him with these.
Answer: Bronze shackles
88. Samson knocked down the temple of Dagon by pushing on these two pillars. What are they?
Answer: The central pillars of the temple
89. Delilah cut off Samson’s hair, the secret to his strength. Who did she deliver him to after?
Answer: The Philistines
David and Goliath Riddles
90. Young David picked up these 5 smooth stones from a stream when he went to fight Goliath.
Answer: Stones
91. Goliath threatened David by saying he would feed David’s flesh to these animals.
Answer: The birds and beasts of the field
92. The giant Goliath wore this heavy bronze armor when David fought him.
Answer: Bronze armor/breastplate/greaves/helmet
93. David struck Goliath in the forehead with one of these, knocking him down.
Answer: A stone from his sling
94. After David killed Goliath, he used Goliath’s own this to cut off his head.
Answer: Sword
Daniel Riddles
95. Daniel’s three friends were thrown into this extremely hot furnace as punishment but were unharmed.
Answer: A blazing furnace
96. God shut the mouths of these so they would not hurt Daniel in the lions’ den.
Answer: The lions
97. King Belshazzar saw this hand write a message on the wall during his wild feast.
Answer: A hand (writing on the wall)
98. Daniel interpreted the words written on the wall by this hand during Belshazzar’s feast.
Answer: A human hand
99. Daniel spent a night in this place and was miraculously unharmed.
Answer: A den of lions
Jonah Riddles
100. God told Jonah to preach in this wicked city, but he fled instead.
Answer: Nineveh
101. Jonah spent three days inside this giant sea creature.
Answer: A huge fish/whale
Riddles can be an engaging way to learn about key stories and people in the Bible. Whether you use these Bible riddles for a fun activity with kids or adults, or as a launching point for deeper discussion, may they enhance your appreciation and understanding of God’s Word.