Traveling can be an exhilarating and enriching experience. It opens our eyes to new cultures, foods, landscapes, and ways of life. To get your wanderlust going for your next journey, here are 89 riddles about traveling along with their answers.
Traveling Riddles
Riddles about Transportation
1. What has wings but cannot fly, space but no room, and a motor but doesn’t move?
A car
2. What has wheels and flies, but is not an aircraft?
A garbage truck
3. What travels all over the world but stays in the corner?
A stamp
4. I’m tall when I’m young and short when I’m old. What am I?
A candle
5. What flies without wings?
6. What word starts with “t”, ends with “t”, and has “t” in it?
A teapot
7. What has four wheels and flies?
A garbage truck
8. What has a face but no mouth, hands but no arms, tells you the time but doesn’t have a clock?
A dial
9. I have a hundred legs but cannot stand. What am I?
A train
10. What eats, sleeps, and travels?
A car
Riddles about Navigation
11. What has a head, a tail, but no body?
A coin
12. I have cities but no houses, forests but no trees, and water but no fish. What am I?
A map
13. What goes up and down but doesn’t move?
A staircase
14. What can travel around the world while staying in a corner?
A stamp
15. What has hands but can’t clap?
A clock
16. David’s father has three sons: Snap, Crackle, and what’s the name of the third son?
17. What tastes better than it smells?
A tongue
18. What has a neck but no head?
A bottle
19. What has 13 hearts but no organs?
A deck of cards
20. What building has the most stories?
A library
Riddles about Luggage and Packing
21. What is full of holes but can still hold water?
A sponge
22. I’m light as a feather yet the strongest person can’t hold me for long. What am I?
23. What has a bottom at the top?
Your legs
24. What has hands but can’t clap?
A clock
25. What has roots that nobody sees, is taller than trees, up, up it goes, yet never grows?
A mountain
26. What has 4 legs but can’t walk?
A table
27. What starts with P, ends with E, and has thousands of letters?
The post office
28. What has words but never speaks?
A book
29. What has 88 keys but can’t open a single door?
A piano
30. What has a head and a tail but no body?
A coin
Riddles about Food and Drink
31. What is eaten but never swallowed?
Chewed food
32. What has a neck but no head?
A bottle
33. What starts with “e” and ends with “e” but only has one letter?
An envelope
34. What gets wetter the more it dries?
A towel
35. What can you catch but never throw?
A cold
36. What breaks but never falls and what falls but never breaks?
Day breaks and night falls
37. What is black when clean and white when dirty?
A chalkboard
38. What can travel around the world while staying in a corner?
A stamp
39. What has two hands but can’t clap?
A clock
40. What has one eye but can’t see?
A needle
Riddles about People and Culture
41. What is seen in the middle of March and April that can’t be seen in the beginning or end?
The letter “R”
42. What belongs to you but others use it more than you?
Your name
43. When does a person go in front of a car and behind a car at the same time?
When they are crossing the street
44. A doctor and a bus driver are both in love with the same woman, an attractive girl named Sarah. The bus driver had to go on a long bus trip that would last a week. Before he left, he gave Sarah seven apples. Why?
Because an apple a day keeps the doctor away!
45. What word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?
46. A man builds a rectangular home with a square window in each rectangular wall. How many windows are in the home?
Three – only three walls of a rectangular home can face the outside.
47. What occurs once in a minute, twice in a moment and never in one thousand years?
The letter M
48. I shave everyday, but my beard stays the same. What am I?
A barber
49. What English word retains the same pronunciation even after you take away four of its five letters?
50. Think of words ending in -GRY. Angry and hungry are two of them. There are only three words in the English language. What is the third word?
Riddles about Money
51. What is has a head and a tail but no legs?
A coin
52. What has hands but can’t clap?
A clock
53. What gets wetter as it dries?
A towel
54. What has a neck but no head?
A bottle
55. What has a bottom at the top?
Your legs
56. What goes up but never comes down?
Your age
57. What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years?
The letter M
58. What is always behind you but never catches up?
Your past
59. What has four legs but can’t walk?
A table
60. What has words but never speaks?
A book
Riddles about Traveling Abroad
61. What is easy to get into but hard to get out of?
62. What goes through cities and fields, but never moves?
A road
63. What has keys but can’t open locks?
A piano
64. What goes up but never comes down?
Your age
65. What comes down but doesn’t go up?
66. What is broken without being held?
A promise
67. What has a head, a tail, is brown, and has no legs?
A penny
68. What is easy to get into, but hard to get out of?
69. What word is spelled incorrectly in every single dictionary?
70. What belongs to you, but others use it more than you?
Your name
Riddles about Airplanes and Flying
71. What has wings but cannot fly?
A library
72. What flies without wings?
73. What has a face but no mouth, hands but no arms, tells you the time but doesn’t have a clock?
A dial
74. Forward I am heavy, but backward I am not. What am I?
75. What tastes better than it smells?
A tongue
76. What building has the most stories?
The library
77. What is heavy forward but not backward?
78. What goes through towns and over hills but never moves?
A road
79. What has hands but can’t clap?
A clock
80. What has a face but no mouth, hands but no arms, tells you the time but doesn’t have a clock?
A dial
Riddles about Hotels and Accommodations
81. What has 88 keys but can’t open a single door?
A piano
82. What has 4 wheels and flies?
An airplane
83. What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a bed but never sleeps, and has a head but never weeps?
A river
84. What starts with a P, ends with an E, and has thousands of letters?
The post office
85. What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years?
The letter M
86. What goes through cities and fields but never moves?
A road
87. What has a head and a tail but no body?
A coin
88. What has hands but can’t clap?
A clock
89. What has one eye but can’t see?
A needle
Traveling opens our minds and expands our worlds. These riddles encourage us to think creatively, whether we’re on the road or imagining future voyages. How many were you able to get right? Test your wits and get inspired for your next journey with these riddles about all aspects of traveling.