Ultimate frisbee is a fast-paced, non-contact sport played with a flying disc. Two teams compete to score points by passing the disc into the opponent’s end zone. It’s a fun sport that requires agility, coordination, and strategy.
In this article, we have compiled 45 riddles about various aspects of ultimate frisbee. Test your knowledge of this exciting sport by trying to solve these brain teasers! The answers are provided after each riddle, so feel free to skip ahead if you get stumped.
Riddles About Ultimate Frisbee Terms and Equipment
Here are some riddles testing your knowledge of common ultimate frisbee terminology and gear:
Riddle #1: I’m not a canine, but I love chasing discs through the air. What am I?
Answer: A handler. In ultimate, a handler is a player who throws (“handles”) the disc a lot.
Riddle #2: We’re a group of offensive players getting ready to score. Though we stand in the end zone, no touchdown will we record! What are we?
Answer: Stack. An offensive strategy where players line up in the end zone.
Riddle #3: I’m not made of metal but can soar through the sky. Grab me too long, and you may hear the other team cry. What am I?
Answer: A disc/frisbee. Holding it too long results in a “turnover”.
Riddle #4: My surface comes in a spectrum of colors and designs. I sail the greatest when my rim smoothly aligns. What am I?
Answer: An ultimate disc. Good discs have smooth, aligned rims.
Riddle #5: We’re seven little letters, as important as can be. You’ve got to get past us to score, you see! What are we?
Answer: Defense. The defending team tries to prevent scoring.
Riddles About Ultimate Frisbee Rules
How well do you know the rules that govern ultimate frisbee games? Try these riddles:
Riddle #6: I’m a foul you hope you don’t do, or the disc goes back from where it flew. What am I?
Answer: A travel. Illegally moving feet while holding the disc.
Riddle #7: I’m not a time piece, but a game mistake. Do me too often and a turnover you’ll make. What am I?
Answer: A stall. Holding the disc for over 10 seconds results in a turnover.
Riddle #8: Self-refereed is what we ultimately play. Opposing teams discuss infractions in this fair way. What is it?
Answer: Spirit of the game. Players are responsible for fairly enforcing rules.
Riddle #9: Whether a point or yard, I’m not somewhere you step. Cross me with the disc, and the other team is up! What am I?
Answer: An end zone/goal line. Don’t cross it unless you’re trying to score!
Riddle #10: I’m not free from work, rather something you don’t shirk. I keep the game safe, though I’m not made of steel or iron bark. What am I?
Answer: Spirit of the game. Following rules fairly and calling your own infractions.
Riddles About Ultimate Frisbee Strategies
How familiar are you with the strategic concepts used when playing ultimate? Solve these brain teasers:
Riddle #11: I’m not a time or a tee, yet I help offenses start their drive. I also restart play when I’m turned “over” to the other side. What am I?
Answer: A pull/throw-off. It initiates play at start/after scoring.
Riddle #12: Floating left then floating right, the defense I try to beat. Throw me quick before I stall, then down the field I fleet! What am I?
Answer: An offensive cut/cutter. Sharp cuts try to shake defenders.
Riddle #13: I zealously guard my human match. We dance down the field end to end. They try to shake me and lose my attach. What’s the term for me, their defensive friend?
Answer: Mark/match-up defense. Players guard/mark their offensive assignment.
Riddle #14: Zone is what I am, when woman covers space not man. In me defenders cover ground, formation shaped as disc goes round. What am I?
Answer: Zone defense. Players cover zones instead of matchups.
Riddle #15: I help move the disc downfield with pace. But throw me too long — what a waste! I’m best in intervals of twenty or ten; go farther and you won’t see me again. What am I?
Answer: A huck/long throw. It’s most effective in short bursts.
Riddles About Ultimate Frisbee Plays and Positions
These riddles cover some of the player positions and plays you might see on an ultimate field:
Riddle #16: Center of the storm, that’s where you’ll find me, orchestrating the offense, calling plays that ground defenders to the knee. What position am I?
Answer: Handler. They initiate plays/distribute the disc.
Riddle #17: My athletic legs you can’t confine, running every which way to find, thatfloating disc that’s meant for mine! What position am I?
Answer: Cutter. They make sharp cuts to get open for passes.
Riddle #18: Zone, man, it doesn’t matter! Set the force and guard like it’s your own home that shatters! Whether around or down the lane, I’ll be there to disrupt your game! What am I?
Answer: Mark/Defender. They try preventing offensive throws.
Riddle #19: Floating left, floating right, my sharp cuts are quite a sight! The disc comes my way in flashes, grabbing it out of the air with smashing crashes! What am I?
Answer: Deep receiver/wide receiver. They catch long hucks.
Riddle #20: I soar across the entire span, thrown far and fast to outrace the man. At full speed he’s likely to discover, he can’t quite catch up with this …. ?
Answer: Huck. Long throws meant to fly over defenders.
Riddles About Ultimate Frisbee Fields and Dimensions
Think you know the layout of an ultimate playing field? These riddles will test that knowledge:
Riddle #21: Rectangular is my shape, though only 100 yards long I span. I’m broken in two by that pivotal dividing band. What am I?
Answer: Ultimate field. It has central dividing end zones.
Riddle #22: My muddy shoes traverse up and down this field of play. I’m 40 yards across but broken up halfway. What am I?
Answer: Ultimate field. It’s 40 yards wide with central end zones.
Riddle #23: You’ll find me at 18 yards, far from the gripping land. For receivers deep, this line’s where they take a stand. What line am I?
Answer: Brick mark. Deep receivers line up on this 18 yard line during pull plays.
Riddle #24: Nine steps back from the goal line, where handlers begin their attack. What line am I found on?
Answer: The 9-yard dump line. Handlers start here on pull plays.
Riddle #25: Right down the middle the end zone lies, starting on this line each team vies, to breech the other one first, and quench their scoring thirst! What line am I?
Answer: Goal line/front of the end zone. Teams score by crossing disc past it.
Riddles About Ultimate Frisbee Tournaments and Events
If you play ultimate, you likely compete in tournaments and special events. Test your know-how with these riddles:
Riddle #26: Not once, not twice, but three times in a day you’ll see, these mini tourneys that help determine who will stay, and who will go home from the competition at play. What am I?
Answer: Pool play. Early tournament rounds split into pools playing 3 games.
Riddle #27: One tourney to rule them all, this late summer tradition’s call, draws top teams from all around, to battle on hallowed ground. What famous tourney am I?
Answer: Club Nationals. The top club teams compete here in October.
Riddle #28: Summer sun and winter snows, on sandy shores competitors go! Frisbees soaring through sky so blue, while hosts have fun watching you! What event am I?
Answer: Lei-Out. This early-year tournament is played on the beach.
Riddle #29: Our name means celebrate the culture, with song and sweat we test each other. Teams bond along with their endeavor, to emerge from three days together. What tourney are we?
Answer: Potlatch. Teams compete and celebrate together over three days.
Riddle #30: Not a coin but I’m flipped to restart, after halftime when teams switch side of heart. What am I?
Answer: A flip/halftime flip. Disc flip determines which team starts on which side.
Riddles About Ultimate Frisbee Organizations
These riddles cover some key organizations involved with the sport:
Riddle #31: These little letters oversee the game for all. Help resolve disputes and govern fair play for all. What are we?
Answer: W-F-D-F. World Flying Disc Federation is ultimate’s international governing body.
Riddle #32: These three letters guide all players from youth to elderly ages. We set the rules and develop players to show the spirit that rages. Who are we?
Answer: U-S-A-U. USA Ultimate develops rules/programs and oversees the sport domestically.
Riddle #33: These little letters identify me as not being a round disk of plastic. My fabric body and laced corset convey I started this whole game fanatic! What do my letters spell?
Answer: P-E-T-S-C. A petascock/petascake is considered the first frisbee and what sparked invention of discs.
Riddles About the History and Origins of Ultimate
Do you know some key moments from the beginnings of ultimate frisbee? Find out with these brain teasers:
Riddle #34: In the late 60’s we didn’t have contact or refs. Students instead stayed honest using honor you could bet. Where and when was this sport now known as ultimate born?
Answer: Columbia High School in New Jersey, 1967
Riddle #35: Maple wood was my earliest name, not referring to lumber but a school famed, for debuting ultimate as an official high school game. What school is part of history in this claim?
Answer: Maplewood High School had the first school team.
Riddle #36: Before we fought wars, students would instead battle by hucking bee or disc. This old tradition would sow early days of ultimate fris! What Greek/Roman custom does this history reminisce?
Answer: Discophori. Greeks/Romans had disc-hurling customs.
Riddle #37: PDGA and DGA I am not. I govern disc play without outs or batter’s box. I oversee ultimate and other games requiring honesty which competitors reinforce without objection or unfairness even if it causes their loss. What am I?
Answer: Spirit of the Game. Ultimate has no refs and instead relies on this.
How did you do with these 45 ultimate frisbee riddles? Playing this fast-paced disc sport takes quick thinking, rules knowledge, and field awareness. We hope working through these brain teasers helped reinforce some key aspects of the game.
Now get out on an ultimate field and put your skills to use! From fun recreational leagues to intense club tournaments, there are lots of ways to enjoy this challenging team sport. Just be sure to keep that competitive spirit fair and honest!