Riddles can be a fun way to challenge your brain and learn more about the natural world around you. In this article, we have collected 63 riddles about vegetables and fruits, along with the answers. See how many you can get right!
Riddles about Vegetables
Riddle 1
I’m long and green, some say I help you see. What am I?
Answer: Cucumber
Riddle 2
I’m round and red, you eat me raw or cooked. What am I?
Answer: Tomato
Riddle 3
I’m a root that’s orange, sometimes made into fries. What am I?
Answer: Carrot
Riddle 4
I’m green or purple, ball-shaped, and grow off vines. What am I?
Answer: Eggplant
Riddle 5
I’m a green veggie birds love to eat. What am I?
Answer: Lettuce
Riddle 6
I’m green and leafy, you can cook me or put me in a salad. What am I?
Answer: Spinach
Riddle 7
I’m white and long, eaten cooked or raw. What am I?
Answer: Onion
Riddle 8
I’m orange and grow underground, great for roasting or fries. What am I?
Answer: Potato
Riddle 9
I’m green, bumpy, and prickly if not peeled. What am I?
Answer: Zucchini
Riddle 10
I’m a green veggie used in stir fries. What am I?
Answer: Broccoli
Riddle 11
I’m white and grow under the ground, you can eat me raw or cooked. What am I?
Answer: Turnip
Riddle 12
I’m a root vegetable known for my vibrant purple color. What am I?
Answer: Beet
Riddle 13
I’m a green, leafy vegetable that looks like lettuce. What am I?
Answer: Kale
Riddle 14
I’m green and look like a tiny cabbage, perfect for corned beef. What am I?
Answer: Brussel sprout
Riddle 15
I’m green, white, or purple, and ball-shaped. You can steam, mash, or roast me. What am I?
Answer: Cauliflower
Riddle 16
I’m long, green, and stringy – some people don’t like me. What am I?
Answer: Green bean
Riddle 17
I’m a yellow and green summer squash shaped like a UFO. What am I?
Answer: Pattypan squash
Riddle 18
I’m green and bumpy, with spikes all over. What am I?
Answer: Artichoke
Riddle 19
I’m a root veggie known for its caramelized sweetness when roasted. What am I?
Answer: Parsnip
Riddle 20
I’m a crunchy, watery veggie often eaten raw with ranch. What am I?
Answer: Celery
Riddle 21
I’m green and look like a mini tree – broccoli is my cousin. What am I?
Answer: Asparagus
Riddle 22
I’m a purple root vegetable that’s delicious roasted or mashed. What am I?
Answer: Sweet potato
Riddle 23
I’m a green veggie that grows from a edible white bulb. What am I?
Answer: Leek
Riddle 24
I’m white and wavy, you eat me cooked or raw. What am I?
Answer: Cabbage
Riddle 25
I’m a crunchy tuber, beige on the outside and white inside. What am I?
Answer: Jicama
Riddle 26
I’m a green, round veggie with layers you peel. What am I?
Answer: Onion
Riddle 27
I’m a yellow summer squash, great for grilling. What am I?
Answer: Yellow squash
Riddle 28
I’m a green veggie with lots of vitamin C. What am I?
Answer: Bell pepper
Riddle 29
I’m long and green, flexible and stringless. What am I?
Answer: Snap peas
Riddle 30
I’m white with green stalks, crunchy and full of potassium. What am I?
Answer: Bok choy
Riddle 31
I’m small, white, and ball-shaped – you can eat me raw or cooked. What am I?
Answer: Pearl onion
Riddle 32
I’m green, leafy, and often stuffed with rice and meat. What am I?
Answer: Grape leaf
Riddles about Fruits
Riddle 33
I’m yellow and comes in bunches, great for smoothies. What am I?
Answer: Banana
Riddle 34
I’m red, juicy and grow on vines. What am I?
Answer: Watermelon
Riddle 35
I’m green on the outside, red on the inside with black seeds. What am I?
Answer: Pomegranate
Riddle 36
I’m orange, sweet and rhyme with tangerine. What am I?
Answer: Clementine
Riddle 37
I’m yellow with a thick skin, delicious juicy fruit inside. What am I?
Answer: Pineapple
Riddle 38
I’m a green tropical fruit with creamy flesh inside. What am I?
Answer: Avocado
Riddle 39
I’m an orange citrus fruit, great for juice and zest. What am I?
Answer: Orange
Riddle 40
I’m yellow and pear-shaped, sometimes called an alligator pear. What am I?
Answer: Pear
Riddle 41
I’m small, blue and full of antioxidants. What am I?
Answer: Blueberry
Riddle 42
I’m fuzzy and brown on the outside, white and sweet on the inside. What am I?
Answer: Peach
Riddle 43
I’m red, heart-shaped and perfect for dipping in chocolate. What am I?
Answer: Strawberry
Riddle 44
I’m small, purple and often dried into raisins. What am I?
Answer: Grape
Riddle 45
I’m a tropical fruit with a yellow interior and scaly green exterior. What am I?
Answer: Kiwi
Riddle 46
I’m green and tart, great for pies. What am I?
Answer: Granny Smith apple
Riddle 47
I’m yellow and shaped like a star, perfect for baking. What am I?
Answer: Starfruit
Riddle 48
I’m large and prickly on the outside, with red fruit on the inside. What am I?
Answer: Durian
Riddle 49
I’m an orange citrus fruit known for fighting scurvy. What am I?
Answer: Orange
Riddle 50
I’m small, yellow, and sour – great for lemonade. What am I?
Answer: Lemon
Riddle 51
I’m a white and brown nut that grows on trees. What am I?
Answer: Coconut
Riddle 52
I’m red and heart-shaped, sometimes found in chocolate boxes. What am I?
Answer: Cherry
Riddle 53
I’m green, sour and great for pies. What am I?
Answer: Lime
Riddle 54
I’m small and red with a leafy green top. What am I?
Answer: Strawberry
Riddle 55
I’m yellow and wax-coated, great with peanut butter. What am I?
Answer: Banana
Riddle 56
I’m a fuzzy peach-colored fruit containing a large pit. What am I?
Answer: Nectarine
Riddle 57
I’m a yellow stone fruit, tart yet sweet. What am I?
Answer: Apricot
Riddle 58
I’m purple and ovular, often dried for raisins. What am I?
Answer: Plum
Riddle 59
I’m a black and purple stone fruit, a drupe like plums and cherries. What am I?
Answer: Black plums
Riddle 60
I’m green and sour, often made into a condiment. What am I?
Answer: Lime
Riddle 61
I’m yellow with a thick rind, great for adding zest. What am I?
Answer: Lemon
Riddle 62
I’m small, red, and grow in clusters on vines. What am I?
Answer: Red grapes
Riddle 63
I’m green on the outside and yellow on the inside, great for juice. What am I?
Answer: Honeydew melon
How did you do with these vegetable and fruit riddles? Riddles are a fun way to learn more about produce you encounter every day. Next time you’re at the farmer’s market or grocery store, see if you can stump your friends and family with one of these brain teasers.
Fruits and vegetables play an important role in our diet and health. Eating a variety of colorful produce provides vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants. So go ahead and challenge yourself to try a new fruit or veggie next time you have the chance.
We hope you enjoyed these riddles and their answers. Let us know if you have any other fun riddles about fruits and veggies that should be added to this list!
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