Vegetables make for great riddle topics. They come in all shapes, sizes, colors and textures which allows for creative wordplay. Vegetable riddles can be fun brain teasers for kids and adults alike. In this article, we have compiled 85 riddles that cover a wide variety of vegetables. See how many you can get right!
Opening Questions
Here are some quick answers to common questions about vegetable riddles:
What are vegetable riddles?
Vegetable riddles are riddles that describe a vegetable using wordplay, puns and descriptive phrasing. The reader must guess what vegetable is being described.
Why are vegetable riddles fun?
Vegetable riddles are fun because vegetables have many different characteristics that can be used in creative ways to describe them. The riddles allow for funny puns, rhymes, comparisons and more. Solving them engages one’s mind and vocabulary.
Who would enjoy vegetable riddles?
Vegetable riddles can be enjoyed by children and adults. They exercise the brain, build vocabulary and provide amusement for all ages. Families can solve them together, making for great dinner table conversation.
Do you need prior knowledge to solve vegetable riddles?
Some basic knowledge about vegetables helps in solving the riddles, but creative clues can be constructed to make the riddles solvable even without in-depth vegetable familiarity. The riddles can also be an opportunity to learn new facts about vegetables.
85 Vegetable Riddles
1. I’m long and skinny, usually white or brown. People often dip me in hummus or ranch. What am I?
2. I’m round and red, grown on a vine. You can eat me plain, make me into sauce, or put me on a sandwich. What am I?
3. I’m a green veggie that looks like a small tree. I’m crunchy and delicious dipped in ranch. What am I?
4. I’m a root vegetable that’s long and orange. People say I’m good for your eyesight. What am I?
5. I grow under the ground and have brown, crackly skin. Inside I’m white and very starchy. What am I?
6. I’m a green, leafy vegetable often used in salads. I can also be cooked but get bitter if overdone. What am I?
7. I’m a vegetable that grows on the cob. I start out pale yellow and turn light brown when cooked. What am I?
8. I’m a green vegetable with layers that looks like an onion but tastes sweeter. What am I?
9. I’m a root vegetable with purple skin and white flesh. I turn everything I’m cooked with purple. What am I?
10. I’m a green, bell-shaped vegetable with white ribs. I’m quite bitter when eaten raw. What am I?
11. I’m a vegetable named after a famous artist. I’m actually a flower bud that can be white, green or purple. What am I?
12. I’m a crunchy, watery vegetable with red, green or yellow stalks. I’m often eaten raw with dip or on a salad. What am I?
13. I’m a green, leafy vegetable also called rocket or roquette. I have a bitter, peppery taste. What am I?
14. I’m a root vegetable known for my funny shape. I’m long and skinny with bushy green leaves on top. What am I?
15. I’m a green, bulb-shaped vegetable with thick stalks. I’m often cooked in soups or stir fries. What am I?
Bok choy
16. I’m a green, leafy vegetable with curly edges. I’m often used in Mediterranean cooking. What am I?
17. I’m a green vegetable named after part of the eye. I’m long and cylindrical and grow above ground. What am I?
18. I’m a crunchy, watery vegetable that grows on vines. I can be green, yellow or white on the inside. What am I?
19. I’m a bulb-shaped vegetable that makes you cry when you cut me. I add tons of flavor to food. What am I?
20. I’m a green, cabbage-like vegetable with tightly wrapped leaves. I’m often fermented to make a healthy condiment. What am I?
21. I’m a sweet, yellow vegetable that grows underground. I’m a root vegetable packed with nutrients. What am I?
22. I’m a vegetable that grows in bunches on tall stalks. I have a powerful scent and strong flavor. What am I?
23. I’m long and green with seeds inside. I’m known for making people gassy and giving them oily poops! What am I?
24. I’m a vegetable that is actually a fruit. Clue’s in my name – I’m part of the berry family! What am I?
25. I’m a root vegetable known for its bright orange flesh. People often have me for Thanksgiving dinner. What am I?
Sweet Potato
26. I’m a vegetable that grows in sandy soils near beaches. My leaves are blue-green and waxy. What am I?
27. I’m long, thin and bright green. I’m loaded with vitamin C and potassium. What am I?
Green Beans
28. I’m a starchy tuber vegetable with brown, fibrous skin and white flesh. I’m a staple food in many cultures. What am I?
29. I’m a green cruciferous vegetable with flower florets. My name is also a popular boy’s name. What am I?
30. I’m a type of squash with green skin and orange flesh. People often eat me mashed or in pies for Thanksgiving. What am I?
31. I’m a green vegetable that’s long, thin and crunchy. Rabbits love eating me! What am I?
32. I grow in heads and have crinkly leaves. You can eat me raw but I’m tastier cooked. What am I?
33. I’m a root vegetable with creamy white flesh and purple skin. My name derives from the Italian word for turnip. What am I?
Daikon Radish
34. I’m a bright orange vegetable packed with vitamin A. I grow below ground and people carve me at Halloween. What am I?
35. I’m a cylindrical vegetable with a vivid green color. I’m a good source of lutein and zeaxanthin. What am I?
36. I’m a leafy green vegetable with a slightly bitter taste. My leaves are often curled and come in green or red varieties. What am I?
37. I’m a white root vegetable that grows deep underground. My leaves and stems are also edible when young. What am I?
38. I’m an edible plant bulb with a papery skin. I’m known for making people cry when they peel or chop me. What am I?
39. I’m an orange squash popular in autumn. People scoop out my insides and use me as a decorative bowl. What am I?
40. I’m a green leafy vegetable that is great for salads. People also cook me down into a nutritious side dish. What am I?
41. I’m a root vegetable that is brown, tan, black or purple on the outside and vivid yellow inside. People often fry slices of me. What am I?
Sweet potato
42. I’m an onion-like vegetable with a slightly sweeter flavor. My name starts with the letter L. What am I?
43. I’m a green watery vegetable with edible skin that grows on vines. My name is a synonym for sadness or bad luck. What am I?
44. I’m a crunchy green stalk-like vegetable. People often dip me in ranch dressing or hummus. What am I?
45. I’m a tall leafy green with a slightly peppery taste. I’m packed with nutrients including vitamins K and C. What am I?
46. I’m a green legume packed with protein. I grow in long fuzzy pods. What am I?
Green beans
47. I’m a sweet yellow root packed with beta carotene. My name sounds like an orange vegetable. What am I?
Sweet potato
48. I’m a hardy root vegetable known for my yellow flowers and slightly spicy flavor. What am I?
49. I’m a cruciferous vegetable with a bulbous base and long green stalks. I’m high in vitamins C and K. What am I?
50. I’m a starchy tuberous root vegetable with brown skin and white insides. I’m popular in South America. What am I?
51. I’m a green leafy vegetable with wavy or ruffly edges. My name sounds French. What am I?
52. I’m a root vegetable known for my bright purple color. I’m often used to give a colorful twist to salads or soups. What am I?
53. I’m a round red vegetable used as a base for sauces and soups. I grow on a vine and I’m actually a fruit. What am I?
54. I’m a green legume that’s related to peas. I have an oval shape and am packed with protein. What am I?
Lima beans
55. I’m a root vegetable with brown, scaly skin and crunchy white flesh. I’m often grated and served raw in slaw or salads. What am I?
56. I’m an edible hardy bulb with long green stalks. My name refers to part of the eye. What am I?
57. I’m a curly green vegetable high in calcium, vitamins A and C. People often cook me in stews or eat me raw in salads. What am I?
58. I’m a large, bulbous vegetable with purple skin and white flesh. I’m often pickled and served as a condiment. What am I?
59. I’m an orange winter squash with sweet flesh. I’m a Thanksgiving favorite, often served in pies. What am I?
60. I’m a crunchy watery vegetable that can be pickling or eaten fresh. My name rhymes with “hummus”. What am I?
61. I’m a green leafy vegetable with a tart lemon-like flavor. I’m often added to salads, sandwiches, and fish dishes. What am I?
62. I’m a root vegetable with brown skin and white flesh. My name sounds like “jeer”. People make fries and chips out of me. What am I?
63. I’m an oval winter squash with dark green skin and sweet orange flesh. People love adding me to fall soups and stews. What am I?
Butternut Squash
64. I’m a Mediterranean vegetable with a bitter, salty flavor. My leaves look like wood sorrel and flowers are yellow. What am I?
65. I’m a knobby, odd-shaped root vegetable known for having healing and magical powers. My flesh can be purple, yellow, or white. What am I?
66. I’m a green, bell-shaped gourd with edible seeds inside. People stuff and bake me or use me in soups. What am I?
67. I’m a root vegetable known for my large size. My skin can be different colors like purple, red or yellow. What am I?
68. I’m a green watery vegetable that is crisp and refreshing. My name is a synonym for happiness or good luck. What am I?
69. I’m a hearty green that grows in bunches. My curly leaves have a pungent, garlicky aroma and flavor. What am I?
70. I’m a green legume packed with protein. I grow in fuzzy pods and am related to beans. What am I?
71. I’m a knobby, brown-skinned root vegetable known for its pungent flavor. People grate me to make savory dishes. What am I?
72. I’m a cylindrical green fruit often pickled and used as a vegetable. My name sounds like a famous author. What am I?
73. I’m a leafy vegetable with thick stems that grows in sandy soils near beaches. My leaves are blueish-green. What am I?
74. I’m a bright orange tuber vegetable packed with vitamins A and C. I have beige flesh and people eat me with marshmallows at Thanksgiving. What am I?
Sweet potato
75. I’m a green, bell-shaped gourd that is popular in Italian cooking. I can be stuffed, baked, grilled or sautéed. What am I?
76. I’m a starchy tuber vegetable with brown, scaly skin and white flesh. I’m used to make tater tots and fries. What am I?
77. I’m a curly green vegetable with a slightly bitter taste. My name rhymes with “kale.” What am I?
78. I’m a root vegetable with bright purple skin and white insides. I’m often used in salads to add color. What am I?
79. I’m a crunchy, tapered root vegetable with bright orange skin and flesh. People say I help improve eyesight. What am I?
80. I’m a round red summer vegetable usually eaten cooked or raw in salads. I’m technically a fruit. What am I?
81. I’m a green vegetable with thick hollow stems. I’m often described as stringy and tasteless. What am I?
82. I’m a root vegetable with brown, hairy skin and yellow-orange flesh. I’m very sweet and high in nutrients. What am I?
Sweet Potato
83. I’m a spherical root vegetable with reddish-purple skin and white flesh. I taste nutty and earthy when cooked. What am I?
84. I’m a green watery vegetable that grows on vines. My skin is edible and I’m great for pickling. What am I?
85. I’m a starchy root vegetable with tan skin and yellow flesh. I inspired a funny internet meme about alternative uses. What am I?
How many vegetable riddles could you guess correctly? Vegetables make for fun and challenging riddles because of their diverse shapes, colors, sizes and characteristics. Riddles engage the mind, build vocabulary and spark creativity. In addition, vegetables provide great health benefits, so solving vegetable riddles offers both mental and physical nourishment. Whether you got stumped or found them easy to deduce, vegetable riddles are entertaining brain teasers for all.