Verbs are action words that describe what nouns (people, places, things) do. Riddles about verbs test your knowledge of verbs and their different forms and meanings. Let’s explore 79 fun riddles about verbs to challenge your verb vocabulary!
1. What verb means to officially accept responsibility for something?
Answer: To claim
2. If you stop doing something temporarily but plan to start again, what verb could you use?
Answer: To pause
3. What verb means to suddenly become worse in condition or quality?
Answer: To deteriorate
4. What verb means to look through something carefully in order to find something?
Answer: To rummage
5. If you assign a task or duty to someone, what verb are you doing?
Answer: To delegate
6. What verb means to officially praise someone for an achievement?
Answer: To commend
7. What verb means to travel on water, like a boat does?
Answer: To sail
8. What verb means to suddenly become conscious again after being unconscious?
Answer: To awaken
9. If you stop holding onto something and let it fall, what verb describes this action?
Answer: To drop
10. What verb means to make an official record of something in writing?
Answer: To document
11. What verb means to catch something that’s falling through the air?
Answer: To grab
12. What verb means to remove the cover or lid from something?
Answer: To uncover
13. What verb means to make something cleaner by removing dirt, stains, etc?
Answer: To clean
14. What verb means to temporarily prevent something from happening or someone from doing something?
Answer: To restrain
15. What verb means to move your body up and down in a rhythmic way, like when exercising?
Answer: To bounce
16. What verb means to move quickly while also changing direction suddenly?
Answer: To dart
17. What verb means to see something that is difficult to see or notice?
Answer: To discern
18. What verb means to move in a circle around something or someone?
Answer: To orbit
19. What verb means to allow light or air to enter by opening something?
Answer: To ventilate
20. What verb means to make something increase in size or quantity?
Answer: To expand
21. What verb means to move very quickly in an uncontrolled way?
Answer: To careen
22. What verb means to stare at someone in a bold, flirtatious way?
Answer: To ogle
23. What verb means to walk somewhere quietly so as not to be noticed?
Answer: To sneak
24. What verb means to look through something in search of something?
Answer: To rifle
25. What verb means to move in a smooth, effortless manner?
Answer: To glide
26. What verb means to wash yourself by rubbing your body with soap and water?
Answer: To bathe
27. What verb means to allow light to shine through?
Answer: To illuminate
28. What verb means to remove heat or excitement from something?
Answer: To defuse
29. What verb means to make something smaller in size, amount, or degree?
Answer: To shrink
30. What verb means to suddenly understand something that was confusing?
Answer: To grasp
31. What verb means to fall suddenly into a hole or opening in the ground?
Answer: To plummet
32. What verb means to flow out from something in large quantities?
Answer: To gush
33. What verb means to slip or slide accidentally, usually resulting in a fall?
Answer: To trip
34. What verb means to move about while repeatedly bending your knees?
Answer: To frolic
35. What verb means to make a high-pitched crying sound?
Answer: To shriek
36. What verb means to walk or conduct yourself with exaggerated dignity or grace?
Answer: To prance
37. What verb means to pick up and hold someone or something close to your body?
Answer: To embrace
38. What verb means to move slowly while making an exaggerated show of dignity?
Answer: To strut
39. What verb means to suddenly become awake or active again?
Answer: To rouse
40. What verb means to travel over steep or dangerous terrain?
Answer: To scramble
41. What verb means to squint your eyes when looking at something bright?
Answer: To cringe
42. What verb means to turn your body around to face a different direction?
Answer: To pivot
43. What verb means to walk in a happy and confident way?
Answer: To swagger
44. What verb means to make a long, high-pitched cry or screech?
Answer: To squeal
45. What verb means to move quickly and suddenly in a rough or violent way?
Answer: To lunge
46. What verb means to move smoothly at a constant speed?
Answer: To glide
47. What verb means to walk somewhere quietly and carefully?
Answer: To prowl
48. What verb means to move quickly and suddenly?
Answer: To dart
49. What verb means to jump or skip around playfully?
Answer: To cavort
50. What verb means to move lightly and delicately?
Answer: To flit
51. What verb means to move clumsily or unsteadily?
Answer: To lumber
52. What verb means to walk in a slow, relaxed manner?
Answer: To saunter
53. What verb means to walk with slow, heavy steps?
Answer: To trudge
54. What verb means to walk somewhere quietly or secretly?
Answer: To creep
55. What verb means to hop on one foot?
Answer: To hopscotch
56. What verb means to walk with long, eager steps?
Answer: To stride
57. What verb means to walk in a proud manner, throwing your head and shoulders back?
Answer: To swagger
58. What verb means to walk carefully in order to avoid making noise?
Answer: To tiptoe
59. What verb means to walk slowly because you are very tired?
Answer: To trudge
60. What verb means to walk unsteadily, as if you are about to fall?
Answer: To stagger
61. If something appeals to you or attracts you, what verb describes your feelings?
Answer: To entice
62. What verb means to legally allow or permit something?
Answer: To authorize
63. What verb means to make a substance thinner or less dense by adding a liquid to it?
Answer: To dilute
64. What verb means to overwhelm someone with too much information or stimulation?
Answer: To inundate
65. What verb means to make changes to something in order to improve it?
Answer: To amend
66. What verb means to cause someone to become very angry or impatient?
Answer: To provoke
67. What verb means to say that something is true without providing proof?
Answer: To allege
68. What verb means to guess the truth about something without having definite proof?
Answer: To surmise
69. What verb means to suggest that something illegal or wrong has happened without providing proof?
Answer: To insinuate
70. What verb means to avoid giving a direct answer to a question?
Answer: To evade
71. What verb means to criticize someone severely?
Answer: To lambaste
72. What verb means to complain about something constantly?
Answer: To grouse
73. What verb means to say or suggest something in an indirect way?
Answer: To imply
74. What verb means to criticize someone publicly?
Answer: To denounce
75. What verb means to explain the meaning of something?
Answer: To elucidate
76. What verb means to make a problem or situation more difficult?
Answer: To exacerbate
77. What verb means to make something valid or officially acceptable?
Answer: To ratify
78. What verb means to make a law or agreement no longer valid?
Answer: To repeal
79. What verb means to give someone legal authority or permission to do something?
Answer: To authorize
Verbs are a vital part of speech that bring sentences to life. These riddles challenged your knowledge of many different verbs and their meanings. Some described physical actions, while others focused on more abstract concepts. How many were you able to guess correctly? Learning new verbs expands your vocabulary and helps you communicate ideas more precisely. With practice, you’ll become a verb vocabulary virtuoso!