Yoga is an ancient practice that connects the mind, body and spirit through physical postures, breathing techniques and meditation. It has become increasingly popular in modern times as more people discover its many health benefits. Yoga riddles can be a fun way to engage both kids and adults while teaching them about yoga concepts and terminology. Here are 73 riddles about yoga with their answers:
General yoga riddles
Q: What starts with Y and ends with A?
A: Yoga
Q: I help improve flexibility and strength. Breathing is part of my practice. What am I?
A: Yoga
Q: I am an ancient practice that aims to unite the mind, body and spirit. What am I?
A: Yoga
Q: When you do me right, I keep you calm, strong and fit. What am I?
A: Yoga
Q: I relax the body and focus the mind. Breathing deeply is part of my routine. What practice am I describing?
A: Yoga
Q: This activity helps you improve balance and focus. It involves poses and meditation. What is it called?
A: Yoga
Q: I strengthen the body and soothe the mind. Controlled breathing is my key. Who am I?
A: Yoga
Q: An ancient practice with poses and breath. For health I’m the best. What am I?
A: Yoga
Q: This workout makes you sweat, breathing deeply without fret. Stretching and balance it does get. What is this activity you won’t regret?
A: Yoga
Q: Twisted poses and mindfulness I teach, rhythmic breathing you will reach. Reduce your stress and muscles stretch, this exercise you should not neglect.
A: Yoga
Yoga poses riddles
Q: Hands and feet firmly on the floor, hips up high forming a triangle. What pose could I be describing for?
A: Downward Facing Dog
Q: Lying on back with legs up the wall, a restful pose for one and all.
A: Legs Up the Wall Pose
Q: Sitting up tall I bow forward, stretching my back from this pose I cannot afford.
A: Seated Forward Bend
Q: One leg bound behind the head, stretching hips for this pose you’ll be led.
A: King Pigeon Pose
Q: Balancing on hands, in air is my bottom. An inversion imagined by some gymnast whimsical and rotten.
A: Forearm Stand
Q: With legs crossed and spine erect, for long sits I’m best defected.
A: Lotus Position
Q: My name implies I’m a cat, with an arched back is where I’m at.
A: Cat Pose
Q: Lying flat on your tummy, my name’s the same as a scrummy treat that’s yummy.
A: Cobra Pose
Q: In the shape of a V, hands and feet planted with torso high. I strengthen arms as you let out a sigh.
A: Downward Facing Dog
Q: Triangle formed with straight torso and legs apart. Stretching sides with care is where I start.
A: Extended Side Angle Pose
Q: Seated with one foot to thigh bound, for hip opening I’m quite profound.
A: Pigeon Pose
Q: My name reminds you of a supple tree, standing tall on one leg demonstrates balanced energy.
A: Tree Pose
Q: Chin resting to knee in forward fold, letting gravity release what my body may hold.
A: Seated Forward Bend
Q: Mountain pose I am called, standing steady, still, tall. A basic pose before more challenge I install.
A: Mountain Pose
Q: Lying flat on the back, legs up against a wall. Restorative posture opening all.
A: Legs Up The Wall Pose
Yoga breathing riddles
Q: Filling up the belly like a balloon, this breathing technique lessens gloom.
A: Diaphragmatic breathing
Q: Alternate the nostrils is what I specify, clearing passages so emotions clarify.
A: Alternate nostril breathing
Q: With hiss or ocean sound I hum, calming nerves so anxiety succumbs.
A: Ujjayi breath
Q: Lengthening exhale is my aim, to stimulate relaxation I was named.
A: Sama vritti
Q: Quick inhales and prolonged exhales, this technique nervous energy derails.
A: Nadi shodhana
Q: Inhaling deeply, exhale like a breeze. This breathing calms heart and mind with ease.
A: Diaphragmatic breathing
Q: With constriction I slow the breath, for precision and control until death.
A: Ujjayi breath
Q: Balancing inhales and exhales precisely, I create harmony breathingly.
A: Sama vritti
Q: Breathing to purify nadis within, alternate nostrils out and in.
A: Nadi shodhana
Q: Ocean sounding breath calms the nerves, try this when anxiety unsettles or disturbs.
A: Ujjayi breath
Yoga philosophy riddles
Q: I represent the true, eternal self, beyond ego and all worldly wealth. What am I?
A: Atman
Q: Not running from suffering is my decree, pain’s inevitability I clearly see. Who am I?
A: Buddha
Q: Destroying ignorance, the path to enlightenment I pave. Who am I, the ancient sage?
A: Patanjali
Q: Neither pleasure nor pain, my state is one of sustain. Detached from cravings of the mundane.
A: Ataraxia
Q: The cycle of death and rebirth I denote, until finally liberation you earn. What concept do I connote?
A: Samsara
Q: This highest state free of suffering is the ultimate goal to attain, nirvana is the name.
A: Nirvana
Q: I represent ultimate reality beyond all description or conceptualization.
A: Brahman
Q: The state of enlightenment Buddha attained, which ended his worldly suffering and pain.
A: Nirvana
Q: This school says that yoga’s goal is to still the fluctuations of the mind. What is it called?
A: Raja Yoga
Q: Inner peace and contentment free from external needs is my aim. What Hindu concept am I?
A: Ataraxia
Meditation riddles
Q: Clearing the mind of all distractions is my aim, focusing on one thing to perfect this game. What am I?
A: Concentration meditation
Q: Observing thoughts and emotions ebb and flow, not attaching to them I get to know. This meditation helps see your reactions undergo. What am I?
A: Mindfulness meditation
Q: Visualizing calming images in your head, peace and serenity is what I spread. Practice me before going to bed. What meditation am I?
A: Guided imagery
Q: Repeating a mantra I train attention, away from distraction is my intention. What meditation am I?
A: Mantra meditation
Q: Counting breaths from one until ten, again and again till thoughts diminish within. What meditation would this have been?
A: Breath counting
Q: Not reacting to thoughts that enter the brain, observing but not holding on to anything. This meditation helps ease emotional pain.
A: Mindfulness
Q: Following the breath moving in and out, I help calm the mind clouded with doubt.
A: Anapanasati
Q: Lord have mercy, a prayer I recite. Repeating words helps the mind unite.
A: Mantra meditation
Q: Imagine a place filled with joy and peace, where worries and stress finally cease. This meditation for relaxation is a piece of cake. What is it for goodness sake?
A: Guided imagery
Q: Single point of focus is my aim, clearing distracted thoughts is my game. Concentration of mind I hope to attain.
A: Trataka
Yoga terms riddles
Q: Where purifying fire resides in the body, nourishing vitality and mentality.
A: Manipura chakra
Q: Where energy is stored below the navel, for strength and stamina it’s quite essential. Balance here creates emotional stability.
A: Swadhisthana chakra
Q: At the crown I spin, connecting to spirit I begin. Inner wisdom and bliss I allow.
A: Sahasrara chakra
Q: I connect body to spirit up above, unconditional love I freely spread.
A: Anahata chakra
Q: In the gut I churn food and emotions, digestion of experience my main promotion.
A: Manipura chakra
Q: Expressing truths stored inside, manifesting outward creativity and voice.
A: Vishuddha chakra
Q: Found at the base of the spine holding it all, basic needs and security I install.
A: Muladhara chakra
Q: Flow of energy along pathways bright, cleansing inner aspects towards light.
A: Nadis
Q: Where matter and spirit collide, expression and growth coincide.
A: Ajna chakra
Q: Kundalini energy that lies coiled below, activating through practice to heavens I grow.
A: Shakti
Yoga benefits riddles
Q: Twisting and bending improves my range, yoga helps joints stay supple even as you age. What am I?
A: Flexibility
Q: Building strong muscles without weights or machines, yoga uses bodyweight for strengthening means. What physical attribute comes from yoga scenes?
A: Strength
Q: Moving and breathing with presence and grace, yoga helps this quality steadily embrace.
A: Balance
Q: Persistence and discipline are built within, mental tenacity increases as you begin. What character trait does a yoga practice gin?
A: Mental Fortitude
Q: Focusing inside helps you know yourself, finding calm and peace on your health journey. What does yoga improve more than wealth?
A: Self-awareness
Q: Synchronizing breath, movement and meditation, yoga weaves this into personal integration.
A: Mind-body connection
Q: Relief from chronic conditions and healing pain, yoga therapy helps the body vibrantly reign.
A: Pain management
Q: An overall sense of energy and vitality, zest for life increasing progressively.
A: Energy
Q: Helping you stay centered when stressed or tense, handling challenges with poise and confidence.
A: Stress management
Q: Improving how your cardiovascular system works, reducing blood pressure and heart disease perks.
A: Heart health
In summary, yoga riddles can be an engaging way to teach both kids and adults about the key concepts, poses, breathing techniques, philosophy, benefits and terminology of yoga practice. With 73 riddles and answers above spanning multiple facets of yoga, these can serve as a fun learning tool and way to put critical thinking skills to use. Yoga riddles highlight how yoga integrates various components like the mind, body and breath while illustrating its positive impacts on health and wellbeing. So get creative and make up some yoga riddles of your own to share with fellow yoga lovers and help spread awareness of this impactful ancient practice.